
Professor Flitwick approached Shannon at lunch that day.
He had good news, apparently.
Shannon was top in her class in Charms! That made her so happy. He said he'd never seen a better-preformed Levitation Charm (Wingardium Leviosa) since Hermione Granger two years ago.
That, Padma told her, was a gift in itself.
ooc: Prepare for a long post :p
ic: Maerad got out and looked at her diary. Tomorrow was 31st October. She seemed to remember something but she couldn't strain her mind enough to make it remember. What was it? Maerad went to her Herbology lesson and for once managed to understand sprout. She went to the common room and did her homework. She was too sleepy...and infact she slept right there in the Armchair. Someone woke her up. "Wake up." the voice said. Maerad fluttered her eyes a bit and saw Harry along with the red haired boy and another girl. She yawned and looked around. It was dark outside. "What...How...??" "It seems that you slept while doing homework." the girl said. Maerad looked in a weird way. "Who are you?" "Hermione Granger and this is Ron and that is..." "Yeah. Harry." Maerad yawned once again. She was so sleepy. "Wait...What have you been doing here?" Maerad asked. "Well we where..." said Ron. "We were in the library doing research." Hermione said. Maerad was suspicious but she couldn't continue because of the sudden pain in her arm. She fell on the floor and the others pulled her up and put her on the armchair. "What's wrong?" Harry asked. "It's...it's no..nothing...nothing...just some scar...Her...Herbology." Maerad's arm was still aching with pain. She hurried out of the common room and sat down on the stairs. She was sobbing. The others came running out behind her. "What's wrong?" Maerad turned around, her cheeks red. "No...Nothing...Maybe...Maybe I'll tell you another time. It...It's not that important. I...I...I'm going to bed." and she went into the common room, straight up to her room. She lay there all night staring at the ceiling trying to find a way to her problem. How could she ever escape from it? Sleep suddenly came over Maerad and she slept soundly.
ooc: Why did this thread die??
ic: Maerad woke up with a headache. She yawned and put on her robes. She put her books in a bag and went downstairs. In the common room their was a huge sign saying "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!" Oh,yeah. Halloween. She ate breakfast in the great hall, which was also decorated for the event. She went to her lessons. As usual charms went well,potions went horrible and Transfiguration went a bit better. Maerad put her books in the dormitory and went downstairs for the Halloween feast. She sat at the far end of the table where no one could talk to her but it was no use. Harry came up to her. "Come on. Don't eat there alone." he said. "Oh,no don't worry. I'm good here." "I know you're not. Come on." and Maerad went and sat by Hermione. "Hi." she said akwardly. Maerad gazed at the ceiling and ate nothing for a while. "Aren't you going to eat anything?" Ron said. "It's just that, I can't understand the meaning of Halloween. Who and why did they invent it?" "It doesn't matter much when you have all this food infront of you." he replied. Maerad ate some pumpkin pasties but nothing else. She still was wondering about yesterday. Why did it hurt so much? Why yesterday? "Something wrong?" asked Harry. "Oh,no,nothing. Just thinking about yesterday."she said. Harry stopped eating for a minute. "You said yourself it was just a scar from Herbology." Maerad suddenly realised her mistake. "Oh,yes of course. Just a scar from Herbology. How silly of me to wonder..." She knew that Harry didn't believe her but she was lucky enough that he didn't ask her anything. Suddenly she felt a little pain in her arm. "I'm going upstairs. I'm not feeling well. Bye." and she went to bed still wondering why it had hurt so much. Was it going to do that all year long?
Timothy walked slowly down by the lake. He had skipped lunch to come see Aqua. He thought he should not be too long because he was starving and wanted to get something to eat. So he strode down by the lake and sat down on the rock. "Aqua" he said. "Aqua where are you. The patch of water by him bubbled. A shape came up out of the water. "Hi Timothy" said Aqua smiling. The mermaid slapped her tail back in the water and laughed like a dolphin.

guys oopz i gotta go..goin to a movie..cya later:D
The mermaid looked at him."Tim id love to stay and talk but I have to go to this stupid cermony thing..good luck with your classes, ill be back in a couple of days." she slid back into the water and dissapeared. Tim walked slowly up to the castle. Malfoy walked by him, crab and goyle on each side. "Hey newbie" he said taking out his wand. Malfoy laughed. "Lets show you a lesson to respect us. "Aqua evulotion" Malfoy chanted. At the tip of his wand a wave formed and splashed all over Timothy. Malfoy laughed and turned around and off they went. Timothy was really upset now. He didnt think before he did it. He hawled out his wand. He had had enough of Malfoy. "Expileramas" he splurted out. A yellow bolt shot out of his wand and Malfoy was knocked across the campus. "Oh no" Tim said running away into the castle.
Ana went into the the great hall for the ceremony and sat by Tim.
"Hey Tim"Ana said sitting down.
"Wingardium Leviosa"Ana said doing the spell again just to make sure she could do the spell.
Name:Katie Granger


Biography:Hermione's younger sister(I can do that right?)
Smart,energetic,loves Hogwarts,smart,plays Quidditch (Prefferably Seeker)
Brownish-red hair,green eyes.
Slightley interested in Boys,has a slight crush on Harry.
SweetieGirl said:
Ana went into the the great hall for the ceremony and sat by Tim.
"Hey Tim"Ana said sitting down.
"Wingardium Leviosa"Ana said doing the spell again just to make sure she could do the spell.

"Hello" said Tim smiling. "What spells have you learned?" "So far I have learned Wingardium Leviosa, Alohomora, Expelliramis, Lumos, Lumos Helem, and a couple silly spells from my fellow ravenclaws." My favorite is the levitating charm." Tim whipped out his black wand with its white handle. "Wingardium Leviosa" Tim said pointing at the apple on his plate. The apple slowly risen. Tim then let it back down. All of a sudden Malfoy burst through the doors and whipped out his wand and pointed it at Tim's throat.
"You little worm" said Malfoy. "Petrificus Totalus" but at the same time Tim shouted "Expelliamus" and the wands collided. They broke free and Tim went flying over the table. Malfoy was about to set another curse on him but the teachers came in so he went over and sat down at he slytherin table.Tim quickly sat back down like nothing happened. 'Good afternoon" roared Proffeser Dumbledoer
hi sorry to interrupt your RP but I made a new forum...
its got rp on it but it mostly an Emma Watson fan forum but there is room for the others as well I need members...
check it out please
The E.W.
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