
ic: Maerad now had more homework. She had to study Paraverto for Transfiguration. She arrived infront of the Fat Lady. "Password?" "Um...wait it was..Watter Spout." The portrait flung open and Maerad got in. The Weasley twins were in a corner playing with something that looked like a box. Maerad sat down on the nearest armchair and got out a piece of parchment. She concentrated as hard as she can "Paraverto!" but nothing happened. She tried once again but couldn't concentrate because of all the laughing coming from the twins. Maerad was angry. "WOULD YOU JUST STOP IT!" They looked at her. "No." "I'm trying to concentrate!" "And it's us who's the problem?" they asked. "YES.YOU AND YOUR GIGGLING." The twins looked at her for a moment and went upstairs with their box. "Finally." she said. Maerad gazed once again at the piece of parchment. She thought as hard as she could in turning it into a goblet. goblet,goblet... she thought. "Paraverto!" The parchment flinched a bit but it didn't turn into a goblet. goblet,goblet...must turn it into a goblet "Paraverto!" and once again it moved but it stayed a piece of parchment. "Why am I even bothering! Who would want to turn a piece of parchment into a Goblet! Stupid spell, stupid everything! I'm not good at anything! ANYTHING!!" she threw the parchment into the fire. Everything was silenced. The only sound that there was, was Maerad, sobbing desperatly. Why wasn't she good at anything? She had to turn the parchment into a goblet even if it was the last thing she'll do. She concentrated but this time she concentrated on her anger. "PARAVERTO!" In a moment instead of an old piece of parchment lay a golden, shining goblet infront of her. She smiled and went to bed.
Tabitha was trying to do the spell for transfiguration. she really was. it just wouldn't work for her like it would for the other people.
Tabitha still hadn't seen Virago yet today. she hoped she might eventually have a class with her, though that would mean having a class with the rest of the Slytherins..
young wolf said:
Conor started chowing down a piece of chicken.

Conor: "Ron how did you like the howler?"

Ron: "Verry funny Conor!"
Conor laughed alittle

Conor: "Here Emily, have alittle Butter Beer. Conor said passing a golet full of butter beer, that he made with Paraverto earlier.

emily just look at him " what is this is stef to dirnk?" she said with a laugh
SweetieGirl said:
Its your first year at Hogwarts! Problems may come your way but you will sometimes see Harry and his friends pass by. But first you are in Diagon Alley buying your items to be a wizard. When you get to Hogwarts you will be called to go to the sorting hat.

Mine is....
Name: Ana Chang(Cho's cousin)
Bio: Is Cho's little cousin and loves learing spells! She has little interest in boys...
Appearance: long black hair,brown eyes,asian,hair is usally in two long pigtails

well mine is....
name:Clare Granger(Hermione's cousin)
bio: Is hermione's cousin and is totally the oppisite from hermione. She likes boys and mostly plays with them.
Appearence:Has dark brone hair that goes down to her waist, hazle eyes, english, and mostly has her down.
They where walking down to Herbolagy Green House 1 when Conor found something on the ground...

Conor: "Hey guys come quick, I think I found some Felix Potion"
QueenSusanofNarnia said:
OMG! Yes! I shall join!

Name: Shannon-Alice (pronounced "Ah-lee-suh") Brown
Age: 11
Bio: is Lavender Brown's little sister. Shannon-Alice's parents want her to get into Gryffindor just like Lavender, but Shannon-Alice isn't so sure.
She has red hair and green eyes, and is very pretty.
Shannon-Alice is very embarassed by her sister's constant talking about boys, clothes, and any thing else "girly" (Shannon-Alice is a lot like Ginny - a tomboy).
-Very athletic
-Loves Quidditch (Prefferably Seeker)
-Is very good at magic (DADA, Charms, Transfiguration are her stengths)
-Wants to take every class Hogwarts offers
-Has an Pygmy Puff she bought at WWW named Dreme (Dreme is light red)
-Has an owl named Arebesque, a snowy owl
-Her wand is 12 inches, Ash, with a core of Phoenix feather (not from Fawkes, but Fawkes' father, Ahen)
-Very smart
-Birthday is February 25th, 1982 (my birthday date, not year!)Her birthday is in association with her wand.

Everybodys doing this, its the most popular thing so far that ive been joined!
Conor started here ing a owl, he looked up and ther was Pit Finger.

Conor: "What is that you have there Pit Finger?"
Conor toke the letter from Pit Finger.
Conor: "Oh, it's from mum."
Conor opened the letter, and it said...

Dear Connor,

How many times have I told you spell your name Connor not Conor? Ron wrought to us and told us you wher alone with a girl. Have a good year at Hogwarts. Wright back soon.

. Love,
. Mum
Shannon rolled over in bed, sighing. She had Potions, next. She didn't want to go.
She was just getting out when Padma banged into the dorm, Cho following close behind. Both girls were crying.
"What the - ?" said Shannon, looking at Padma's tear-stained face. "What's going on?"
"Read!" cried Padma, throwing herself on the end of Shannon's bed. Shannon twitched her feet out from under Padma.
Cho gingerly sat next to her as Padma shoved a parchment scroll at Shannon.
She pulled it open and read:

Dear Padma -
Are you doing well? How is everything - is Cho doing well?
Your mother and I are writing to you because we feel that you aren't safe at Hogwarts anymore. These are dangerous times, and anything can happen.
We are arranging for you to be collected at the Hogwarts grounds in a month's time by Aunt Elle along with Parvati.
We have already informed Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall of our decision to take you out of school.

Love always,
Mum and Dad.

It was, as Shannon read the letter, apparent that Cho and Padma were best friends.
"Write to them!" she whispered, squeezing her friend's arm. "I don't want to have to lose a friend my last year."
"I don't want to go..."
A few minutes later, they had convinced Padma to write to her parents.
They entered the Ravenclaw Common room after a quick visit to Padma's dormitory to fetch a quill, ink, and parchment (Cho was a year older than Padma and had a different dormitory).
The three girls made an odd trio - a first year, a sixth year, and a seventh year.
They didn't mind though. They sat in a corner by the window and Padma began to write.

Mum & Dad -
I got your letter. I'm well, so is Cho.
The real reason I'm writing is that I don't want to leave Hogwarts, and I'm sure Parvati can say the same.
We love Hogwarts and it is safer than home. We have Dumbledore, don't we?
