
Conor looked disapointed in himself then smiled again.
"Sorry." Conor said. "I just sent a owl home telling mum and dad that I'm having a great first year."
She grabbed his hand.
" Oh come on Conor lets go," she said pulling him to the Gryffindor's dorm house,
she look at him with a weak smile on her face.
" ok now we alone you can say it," she told herself
She shook her head.
" no do you have any thing to say because I don't," she said looking back up at him her face with red now her eyes where poity as a elf dose.
She shook her head.
" no do you have any thing to say because I don't," she said looking back up at him her face with red now her eyes where poity as a elf dose.

"Ummmmm?" Conor said wundering why Emily seams so different "No" He said sort of confused "Except you still haven't told me what that "scarry thing" that you saw durring class."
She laugh.
" oh I have no clue it look like a shdadow some sort," she said still have her pointy ears up,
she look at the fire place for awhile.
" COnor do you like someone here I just want to know that's all,?" she ask with her deep blue eyes truning greay.
She laugh.
" oh I have no clue it look like a shdadow some sort," she said still have her pointy ears up,
she look at the fire place for awhile.
" COnor do you like someone here I just want to know that's all,?" she ask with her deep blue eyes truning greay.

"Ummmmmmmm................................................................................ sort of." Conor said shily thinking DID SHE KNOW?????!!!!!!!!!
She sat down by the frie place with her eyes still gray.
" oh I see well do I even know her or did you meet her this summer," she said with her arms cross she didn't like were this is going her pointy ears went down.
"You know her.................................................................................................... verrrry well." Conor said still thinking DOSE SHE KNOW?????!!!!!!?????? but even more worried. He started to blush
She got up glaring at him with a smirk on her face.
" oh do I now tell me her name maybe when I see her I let her know you like her," she said with a giggle.
She got up glaring at him with a smirk on her face.
" oh do I now tell me her name maybe when I see her I let her know you like her," she said with a giggle.

"UM????????????" HE SAID THINKING FAST "BEFOR I TELL YOU" he started to calm down "I need to know if you like someone and if I know them!" and then he realy calmed down and still thought SHE HAS TO KNOW OR SHE WOULDN'T BE ASKING ME ALL THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She laugh.
" maybe I do or may I don't," she said walking over to him with a look,
she wasn't tell him any thing she wanted him to say it frist.
She cicled him for awhile.
" of couse I do but I'm not telling you who tho," she said with a weak smile on her face,
she played with her wand for awhile her ears still with pointy they only do that when she really likes someone.
She rooled her eyes.
" yes you do please tell me who you like," she ask with puppy eys,
she put her wand between her ear.
' and grabbed his hand.