
Conor started to look worried. He looked arround and saw Harry. Conor looked at Harry like trying to say "HELP ME!!!" and Harry understood.

"STUPIFY" Harry used the stunning spell on Conor and he, Conor, froze.
She slap him in the face.
" you gryffindor are all a like Harry I was tell him I in love with him you fool," she said picking him up running to the hospitel wing,
she didn't like what Harry just did to her boyfriend.
" oh Conor wake up don't leave me," she said brushing his hair out of his face.
When they got to the hospital wing Madam Pomfray mended Conor and when Conor woke he said "Even though I was stuned I could still hear you."
She froze.
" what did he hear what I just said?," she ask herself in her mind,
"she walk over to him with a weak smile on her face.
" hear what I didn't saying any thing,?" she ask neveresly

OOC: hey I got to go soon well you be on tommrrw if so PM me okay?
She froze.
" what did he hear what I just said?," she ask herself in her mind,
"she walk over to him with a weak smile on her face.
" hear what I didn't saying any thing,?" she ask neveresly

OOC: hey I got to go soon well you be on tommrrw if so PM me okay?

"You said that you were about to tell me that you are in love with me and i could also see that you brushed my hair away from my eyes." Conor said.
The next morning Conor woke up and saw Hermione just about to leave the comonroom. "Hermione!" Conor yelled.

"What?" She said.

"Do you know if Emily is awake yet?" He asked

"I don't know, I'll go check."
Emily was up playing with her bolnd hair when she saw conor wave at him.
" Conor over here I save you a set," she said putting her wand between her ears.
She look at the list.
" it looks like Snaps class," she said with a sigh,
she trun to look at Conor kiss him on the sheek.
" you are so weird when because with me do you really think I don't like you Conor," she said massing up his hair.
She look at the list.
" it looks like Snaps class," she said with a sigh,
she trun to look at Conor kiss him on the sheek.
" you are so weird when because with me do you really think I don't like you Conor," she said massing up his hair.

"I told you that I heard you say that when I was stuned!" Conor said enthusiasticly. "I like you too" He said so she could barly hear him.

OOC: I have to get off my sister is forcing me. pm her as much as you want to make her get off and let me get on. (her user name is spirted wolf rember)
She smiled at him.
" you know lets go to class now early I have to get something from thing any way," she said with a smrik on her face.

OOC: ok I'll try.