Homeschoolers in Highschool, Part Three

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He got up too; but before they opened the door and left her bedroom, he stopped her, drew her tightly up against him, and kissed her one more time. "I love you, Chilena. You'll never lose that love, whatever else each of us enjoys or doesn't enjoy in this life. I love you."
He did not hurry to end this embrace, but added, "And let's promise always to think the best of each other--to put the most favorable possible interpretation on each other's actions, and defend the other to people who criticize." He kissed her again, as if to seal the pact.
"Forget about you? Hmm, I'd better get an engraving of you to help me remember;" and he squeezed Chilena extra extra close.
She didn't move from him "I know you won't I'm just saying," she told him.

Keeping her encircled in his arms, he did a sort of standing-up cradling of her, half swaying and half swerving in place. "And you won't forget your daydreaming hero, either? Or is it your heroic daydreamer? Anyway, you won't forget me either, will you?" On the last "will you?" he stopped the gentle movement and set his forehead against hers, his eyes looking into her eyes at a distance of barely two inches.
He rubbed noses with her, grinning and still holding her close. "And you won't forget our home address either, in case I'm daydreaming on our walk and lose my way?"
"Oh, AW-right, if you say so." Then he dropped the play-pout, kissed Chilena one more time, and headed out with her, letting Mom and Dad know they were getting some exercise.
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