Homeschoolers in Highschool, Part Three

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OOC: Yes and yes. :D

"Mom doesn't like to talk about it. That's why she didn't want me going outside after what happened. She's afraid something will happen to me like what happened to my dad." Summer said.
"Well, your Mom _will_ soon find out about all the local gang leaders getting arrested. Let's think about your Dad. Understand, what I'm about to say is NOT anything against your Mom.

"Do you remember the Terri Schiavo case in Florida? I only learned about it after the fact myself. There was a married woman who'd been injured and brain-damaged; and people in what we loosely call 'the culture of death' _wanted_ to believe that she was 'a vegetable,' so it was all right to get rid of her. But they were _purposely_ ignoring the fact that her rotten husband _refused_ to do anything to help her _not_ be a vegetable. He wouldn't even do easy things like take her out in a wheelchair to stimulate her.

"Maybe your Dad could get better if someone tried to help him. Again, I'm not criticizing your Mom at all, there's only so much she can do; but--would it be okay if you and I just went in and spoke with him?"
Summer sighed. "I understand what you're saying. Mom has been looking around to try find someone who can help him. But....." Summer paused and bit her lip. "We don't have the money to help him." She whispered.
"I said US talk to him, right now," said Alipang to Summer. "My Dad said once that a psychiatrist is just a guy that you pay to be your friend and listen to you for an hour. Sometimes _attention_ is enough to make a difference. Maybe we can start by talking clearly and slowly within your Dad's hearing. I can tell you jokes, and you pretend to enjoy them."
Summer nodded. "It's worth a try." She stood up and put her empty popcorn bowl in the sink then walked to her parents room. She knocked on the open door and walked into the brightly lit room. "Hi daddy." She said walking over to the chair next to the open window. She kissed the top of his head and hugged him. "This is my friend Alipang. You remember I told you about him." She said motioning Alipang to come over.
She sighed " No, but a little bit better though," she told him, pulling him closer to her " Dan I have something to tell you," she told him.
Assume Alipang knows the family's last name!

"Hello, Mr. __________ ," said Alipang. "It's a fine Friday evening, isn't it? Labor Day's almost here. Pardon the intrusion, but Summer and I were having a little argument. She doesn't think dog jokes are funny, but I do. Like this: if you ask different breeds of dogs to change a lightbulb, what will they say?

"A German Shepherd will say, 'I'd rather catch the criminals in the dark.'

"A Bloodhound will say, 'Maybe after I take my nap.'

"A Border Collie will say, 'I won't just change the bulb, I'll rewire your house.'

"A Poodle will say, 'I'll get the Border Collie to do it.' "
Summer looked at her father who had smiled when Alipang said the poodle joke. Summer grinned. "I didn't think they were very funny. What do you think daddy?" She asked kneeling in front of his chair. Her father thought for a second then said with much difficulty. "Fe foolle ras zazy." He grinned. Summer smiled. "Yes I think the poodle was lazy too."
Jen finally felt a vibration in her pocket. She took out her phone and smiled when she saw the number. "Hello?" she asked, finishing her geometry and closing her notebook,

"Hullo there. How are you doin?" Brendan smiled when he heard her voice.
Encouraged, Alipang went on:

"A lot of ethnic jokes, if you could take away the meanness, are funny. Instead of naming any ethnic group, I'll just tell this one I heard as being about two idiots.

"Two idiots meet on the street. One is carrying a large sack over his shoulder. The second one says, 'What do you have in that sack?' So the first idiot answers, 'Chickens.' The second idiot asks, 'How many chickens?'

"The first one says, 'Try to guess how many chickens.' The second one says, 'If I guess right, will you give me one of them?' The first one says, 'I'll do better than that: if you guess right, I'll give you BOTH of them!'

"So the second idiot says, 'FIVE!' "
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