How old are you?

Yes, Bruiser and I have been able to discuss all sorts of things, and enjoy a friendship that promises to last for a lifetime, without my ever asking or finding out her last name or what state she lives in.
Happy early birthday Angela! :D

Only a few people on TDL actually know where I live. But I have seen proof that they are who they say they are. ;) I've talked to a few TDL members on the phone too. :D
I didn't think that you were 14. Wow.

I'm still 15. I say that like I've been 15 for two years now but it hasn't even been two _months_ yet. :rolleyes: Sometimes I feel as if I'm a lot older though. 0.o

Did you think I was younger, or older? =D

Amanda, you definitely are much more mature than the average 15-year-old. :cool: If I wasn't always checking people's profiles to see how old the are, I would've thought that you were at least a few years older than fifteen.