I Wonder who could play the Green Witch??

oh, ick... she's the one that looks at herself in the mirror in the trailer, she's in the top right corner of the US theatrical poster/ DVD cover....
I'm going to have to dig that dvd out...
It has to be someone beautiful and young, but not teen young, more like someone that could pass for a small child's mother. Keira Knightley would really fit the part.
^^ That's an idea. Keira Knightly's a great actress.

Hmm... idk who, someone with dark hair and green eyes. She needs to have green eyes I think.
Keira Knightly is a good actress but is she too famous for Narnia? I don't know if Narnia is right for her. She's really good though:):confused:
^ Aravis, Best movie and book ever!!! :D:D Love your signature
^^ Thank you :D I didn't make it though.

Too famous for Narnia? What do you mean... I think Narnia deserves amazing actors. lol I don't know if she'd be right for it either though. I'm not a good judge at those kinds of things, and I don't really know much about Keira. But whoever they pick I'm sure they'll do a good job :) They've gotten really great actors so far.
I do not think that Kiera Knightly would quite fit the part.. Plus she is a tad to famous, and I would rather not have people come to see it for her, and not for the movie... I agree with the dark hair and green eyes idea... that would be perfect!!! I think there definatelly has to be green eyes or something that would be really good with green for her eyes and hair color, because of the whole green witch idea. I have always imagined her blonde, but I imagined Caspian as a blonde but Ben did amazing as Caspian and had dark hair, so I guess I can not complain about the hair color. I just hope that Rillian is a blonde.. :p
I really do not have a clue as to who could play the green witch, but they have gotten AMAZING actors for the rest of the cast, so I have utter confidence in them in that respect.

EDIT: I was looking at earlier posts, and I saw the suggestion of the person who played Galadriel, and i thought "she would be perfect!!!!" lol
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Oh, yeah that makes sense. I wouldn't want people coming just to see her either. I didn't really know how famous she is, but I definitely wouldnt like it if it became an Orlando Bloom sort of thing. haha :p

Yeah, Cate Blanchette might be pretty good :) lol
I just hope that whoever they choose to play the " Lady Green Kirtle" must be same as with The White Witch's portrayal. For somehow, they are the same a bit or maybe they are sister..:D
Cate Blanchett, great actress that she is, is too old for the part. And Keira? If they cast Keira as the Emerald Witch, I wouldn't be in favor of the movie because I can't take her seriously.
Cate Blanchett, great actress that she is, is too old for the part. And Keira? If they cast Keira as the Emerald Witch, I wouldn't be in favor of the movie because I can't take her seriously.

I agree, plus I have a very difficult time seeing her play evil, or seducing Rillian. She seems so... Mary Sue.
I think Cate Blanchette would be good because she reminds me of Tilda Swinton...I don't think she looks that old..and there's always makeup...but then again, maybe someone would be best if they weren't too famous..
Also, I wonder if they will use the same actress in SC as they did in VDT for Caspian's wife/Rilian's mother (remember Caspian married the star) or if they will use an older one..
Also, I wonder if they will use the same actress in SC as they did in VDT for Caspian's wife/Rilian's mother (remember Caspian married the star) or if they will use an older one..
I was thinking the same thing, she was wearing a lot of make-up in VDT, so in SC they may tone that down and they can always add prosthetics (which they will most likely use on Ben Barnes to make him old).
They can always "age" someone to make them look older - sometimes very much older. The trick is making an older actor look younger, but that's possible, too.
Well to tell the truth, I don't see why Lilliandil would need a heavy amount of "old" makeup. They need to show the two of them getting married (immediately following the events of VDT) before we see Rilian. And even then, Lilliandil isn't seen for very long.
I was thinking the same thing, she was wearing a lot of make-up in VDT, so in SC they may tone that down and they can always add prosthetics (which they will most likely use on Ben Barnes to make him old).

I saw an interview with Ben Barnes and they asked him if he would do other Narnia movies..he said that his character is much older in the next story so he might not be the actor...but he'd be open to flashbacks, etc.
Simply because Ben said that they'd get another actor doesn't mean they will. Jake Lloyd (young Anakin Skywalker) said in an interview back in the 90s, "I bet I'll be Anakin in the next movie" or something like that, but he wasn't. He was replaced by Hayden Christensen. If the makers want to go to the effort and the cost, they'll re-cast Ben. If not, then they'll cast another actor who can play him just as well.
Simply because Ben said that they'd get another actor doesn't mean they will. Jake Lloyd (young Anakin Skywalker) said in an interview back in the 90s, "I bet I'll be Anakin in the next movie" or something like that, but he wasn't. He was replaced by Hayden Christensen. If the makers want to go to the effort and the cost, they'll re-cast Ben. If not, then they'll cast another actor who can play him just as well.

Very true...I just hope whoever plays Rilian is as good as Ben as Caspian...and as cute ;)
I think Cate Blanchett would be great for the role. If they don't have her hair be the same as Galadreial I don't think she would be associated with LOTR.

I have to say that I'm a little surprised that so many people want the Green Lady to be young. I think she should be middle age looking because she is actually very very old! Remember in SC when Eustace and Jill tell the Knight (prince) that they followed the words "UNDER ME" to get to the underground kingdom he told them that they were the last part of an ancient verse that the Green Lady remembers well. Puuddleglum even says that the Green Lady must be a long liver to remember that verse and the Knight confirms it telling them that "She is of divine race, and knows neither death nor age." That makes me think of middle age since she wouldn't look very old, yet she would still look kind of old. 20's are way too young in my opinion.