If you could have a few fantasy creatures as friends what ould you have?

Green Knight said:
Minotaurs have a nasty habit of liking the taste of human flesh. Centaurs, unless they are descended from Chiron, are nastly, unlettered brutes. The Serpent of Eden was supposed to be a dragon. Pixies, Elves, and other Fae have a nasty habit of stealing human babies, and playing nasty tricks on people. All in all, they are just like us.

I'd like to have a naga as a frined, as long as its one of the non-demonic types.
The Serpent of Eden was supposed to be a dragon? I had no idea....I didn't know Pixies and elves were bad too... there are some good ones though...if I can just remember the names of the books!
Blame the Victorians for our ideas of the Fae, and fairy tales. the Fae where not cute little creatures with wings, in the least they were capricous, and at worst they were nasty cruel. Even help from the "Good Guys" could be a double edged sword. Originally, fairy tales where like Stephen King or Dean R. Koontz novels. Movies have gotten the "Bad" fairies right, but the closest to a why "Good" fairies acted was the character of Lucinda in Ella Enchanted.

i dont think all elves are bad, but when i think of elves i think of the lotr elves. Or if i could have a SATYR for a friend, like this one- the picture i attacthed, thats would be wicked, i think this paticular satyr is cute,for a weird creature, i havent seen any other pictures of satyrs b4 so..


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Satyrs rock! Elves in the original mythologies were evil. I personally hate even good-guy elves... They get on my nerves :mad: A dwarf would be cool, even if they are rather greedy mercenaries who in the myths turn to stone in sunlight.

Yeah, I guess the coolest thing would be a dragon though. :)
ya im not as fond of dragons, but they are neat, i thought that trolls were the things that got turned into stone when they were in sunlight? Ohwell, thats ok, it probabl;y was dwarves. I have a drawing of a satyr i drew, kinda simliar to the one in the pic i attachted though lol :D, i hope it isnt to big, i reeally want to attatch it so you guys can see it though, ohwell, here goes...
Hey, aren't all of you getting off the original subject? Anyway, considering my name, I would like to see a pegasus. It would be intresting to ride it! :)
she-elfwarrior19 said:
i thought that trolls were the things that got turned into stone when they were in sunlight?

Nowadays, you're right, trolls are... But the original viking mythology of dwarves said it was them that got turned to stone at dawn.
I know...but A pegasus? That was the name of a particular winged horse... sorry, I didn't mean to be picky! :eek:
Good point there, I'd forgotten :eek: ... I think in wider fantasy it's been accepted as a species though, but you're right... My bad.

Okay, PEGASUS would be cool. :D
Complete misrepresentation of Greek mythology in that movie... Tsk tsk... ;)
Pegasus was Perseus' horse (I think... may be wrong there... :confused: )
And Hades was NOT evil... honestly... so much stigma attached to ruling the disembodied souls of the dead... :D
You really have to read the mythology books. (I've never seen whatever movie you're talking about...but it doesn't sound very...true to the story :))