If you could have a few fantasy creatures as friends what ould you have?

she-elfwarrior19 said:
japenese unicorn wow thats interesting, i will go to yer anga thing........................................

back from yer xanga, uhhh where???
it's the top entry at the very beginning. keep reading.

and thanks inky ;)
I, for one, would like to have a faun for a friend.

Johan 72109 said:
Elves in the original mythologies were evil. I personally hate even good-guy elves... They get on my nerves :mad: A dwarf would be cool, even if they are rather greedy mercenaries who in the myths turn to stone in sunlight.
Neither of these are true statements and I will argue the point if you like.

perpetualpoetry said:
I didn't know Pixies and elves were bad too... there are some good ones though...if I can just remember the names of the books!
Pixies are only mischeivious and not bad or evil. Elves, on the other hand, are not bad, but respected.
In Norse mythology I think elves were bad -- I know I have friends from Iceland who despise Santa Claus because there are 12 of him in Iceland and they come down out of the hills and steal from you! Merry Christmas!
you know what? that's creepy. and elves can be very bad. elves arent always tall, i mean look at the keebler elves, or Santa's little elves. the short kind of elves could give you some trouble. and they arent creatures, they're beings and beings can be corrupted. at least, in most stories i've heard it's that way.
Checkmate said:
Neither of these are true statements and I will argue the point if you like.

Pixies are only mischeivious and not bad or evil. Elves, on the other hand, are not bad, but respected.

I was talking about in Norse Mythology, where the stories of elves and dwarves originate... But in other mythologies, you're right, they're not like this. :)
You wouldn't want to be friends with a satyr, they are wild and unpredictiable, and if you a female, well, they can't take no for an answer.

Bellaraphon got Pegasus with the help of a magic bridle given to him by Pallas Athene. He rode Pegasus when he went to kill the Chimera. Years later, he tried to fly to Mt. Olympus, and Zeus blew him off Pegasus' back.

In Norse mythology, there where two types of elves, the Lios Alfar (Light Elves) and the Svart Alfar (Dark Elves). There are mane different versions of dwarves, in most legends, its the trolls who turn to stone when sunlight hits them.

Still, even the good guy fairies, the Seelie Court, are not the type of creatures that you would want to have a friends.
funny thing is, i know excactly what your talking about. but i guess i should expect that from a person named Green Knight. heh heh, where's Sir Gawain? ok im done. you right about the seelie court, but you dont want to encounter the unseelie court either. and you should never accept food from from the unseelie in the unseelie court. that would be BAD.
Green Knight said:
In Norse mythology, there where two types of elves, the Lios Alfar (Light Elves) and the Svart Alfar (Dark Elves).
Yah, and in Iceland the thieiving Santa Clauses are those Svart ones! Yikes!
After reading Sara Douglass's 'Troy Game' the thought of a minotaur makes my toes curl... lol... that's one scary beastie she made. Asterion.

I think I'd like a talking, walking tree. It'd be great to walk down the street with a tree and have a conversation with him :p Or perhaps a dragon familiar that no one can see but me-- like Mu-Shu from Mulan.
well, yes there were good satyrs. there are also bad ones even if they arent in the Narnia series. There might have beeen bad ones too but i just dont remember. i think that as ther was many good beings in Narnia, there were perhaps a special few who werent. i mean look at Mr.Tumnus, he was corrupted before little Miss Lucy came along.