If you could have a few fantasy creatures as friends what ould you have?

Dernhelm said:
(I've never seen whatever movie you're talking about...but it doesn't sound very...true to the story :))
It was a cartoon -- maybe Disney -- it was hilarious. I don't think it was true to the story AT ALL.
I don't like that movie either... I'd rather go read "pure" mythology than have Disney tell me... *blah* not that I hate Disney... I just don't like how they do the stories...
I no, I want the LWW movie to be good, but i'm worried that they basically took LWW, the book, and made a story with the same charater based on it. Or that is how it may seem.
Let's face it, turning a book/mythology into a movie is nearly ALWAYS going to be a bad idea, with a few minor exceptions, but they're mainly in the dark and twisted genre of movies/books. Otherwise, if it's already a book/mythology... DON'T turn it into a movie, please. :mad:
Well, this is generally true, but there are some books that have been made into movies that have been good. Tuck Everlasting anyone? That was SO much better in the movie than the book. You just can't expect the movies to measure up to the books. Look at LOTR. They were good movies and good books, but if you thought the movies were going to be just like the books, you'd be disappointed.
Again, with the opinion/belly button thing.
Hmmm, not my first choice, but an interesting one...

I think mine would have to be a dragon- unoriginal but can you get more amazing? (oh, and he would not be a Sam-eating kind of dragon, he would be a Sam-protecting and chilling with kind of dragon).

I think a centaur would be quite cool to have around to chill as well.

Oh, and I must be annoying for a minute. RE: Pegasus. He wasn't anybody's horse- too special and too quick and strong for anyone to catch. He sprang from the body of Medusa when Perseus cut off her head. A guy called Bellerophon tried to captue him, but Pegasus wasn't having any of it, so he flew off into the sky and became a constellation.
I gotta go with a dragon too...they are niffty!! But having a flying horse would be cool.
I would like to have a GIANT seaturtle, i know they arent fantasy creatures, but they are still awesome!
LOL, Gryphon, I can figure yours out, but what about that hippogrif from Harry Potter? That's pretty cool ... would you like that?
The Scot said:
No, Hippogriffs can be unpredictable, how about a marshwiggle?
and you think gryphons are predidctable? ummm, no. a hipppogriff would be cool too but gryphons are smarter. which can be either good or bad depending on how you usually handle animals.
Well, what about a giant BUNYY RABBIT!!!!!

I have a holland lop, and she isn't that big, but people think she is, because theyve never seen a rabbit in a house before, well thats what it seems when some people come over.
Anyways, i'd love to have a giant bunny, you could like ride on it.