Introduction Thread II

yep thanks. and one more thing, are people around here ok with random friends requests?
yep thanks. and one more thing, are people around here ok with random friends requests?
Yes, as far as I know they are. :) It may be strange to get one from someone you don't know on facebook or something, but on here it's fine. After all, very few people know other members in real life. And all friendships have to start somewhere! :)
Welcome RS!! I hope you don't get mad that I, not only shortened your name to RadiantSun but I'm further shortening it to RS!! How's that? uh? Cool right?

Anyway, I hope you like the forums here. The new movie premieres in the US in a few hours so be ready to jump in the various discussion threads that will be created!!!

I hope you like it here and make good friends.

Hello, everyone. My name is Jessica. I'm 28. I first read LW&W as a child and eventually read all 7 books in the Narnia series. I am also loving the new Disney Narnia movies. I am a lover of C.S. Lewis' works. He is one of my favorite authors. I look forward to posting with everyone here.
Hello I am new here. I basically joined for advice on which versions of the books to buy. I want it to be hardcover. There is one with all of them combined into but in chronological order rather than written. If I get them hardcover separately then it will cost more money. What to do OH NO! :(. Names Billy.
Hello I am new here. I basically joined for advice on which versions of the books to buy. I want it to be hardcover. There is one with all of them combined into but in chronological order rather than written. If I get them hardcover separately then it will cost more money. What to do OH NO! :(. Names Billy.

Welcome, Billy. I personally have the book that has all 7 in one volume. It's black hardback and has Aslan's face on the cover. It also includes an essay by C.S. Lewis on writing. This volume is in chronological order, rather than publication order. People do debate over which order is best, but I think you could read them either way and still get the full effect of Lewis' message. Lewis himself suggested to read them in chronological order, so that's good enough for me. :)
Welcome Billy and Jessica! I hope you'll like it here.

And Billy, I don't know what to tell you. I have three different sets and two of the big books with all seven in it. None are hard cover though. But if I ever find a good hardcover set, I'll buy it, or buy them separately if I have to.
Welcome to TDL Billy and Jessica.

Billy, I have never seen them hardcover. Only soft cover. I have copies of the books--and plan on getting the ones with the movie covers as the covers-all soft cover of course. My cousin has the one with all 7 in it.

I take that back I have seen the hardcover ones.
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