Billy, looks like you are getting your post count up! you are fitting right in already! 

(holyboy, from the "Ah! I'm new and I cna't post!' thread): As a new member, you MUST post in the Introduction Thread, located in the link at the end of this paragraph. You will not be able to post on the forum until you post in this thread. This is to make sure you are a real person and not some crazy bot that will eat me.
Thanks for the welcome, guys!
Hello I am new here. I basically joined for advice on which versions of the books to buy. I want it to be hardcover. There is one with all of them combined into but in chronological order rather than written. If I get them hardcover separately then it will cost more money. What to do OH NO!. Names Billy.
Glad you r finally here 'mac'..or should I say, cuz..