Introduction Thread II

(holyboy, from the "Ah! I'm new and I cna't post!' thread): As a new member, you MUST post in the Introduction Thread, located in the link at the end of this paragraph. You will not be able to post on the forum until you post in this thread. This is to make sure you are a real person and not some crazy bot that will eat me.

It took my account 5 days to activate when I first joined. Is this why? Just curious. :rolleyes:
Hello I am new here. I basically joined for advice on which versions of the books to buy. I want it to be hardcover. There is one with all of them combined into but in chronological order rather than written. If I get them hardcover separately then it will cost more money. What to do OH NO! :(. Names Billy.

Welcome Billy to the forum!;)
Wolf of Ice...

Hello you may call me Icewolfer, I have loved Narnia since they were the first books besides pictures books that I read on my own. I have read the entire series over 8 times now. And am currently starting my 9th time. I love Narnia so much (and C.S. Lewis) I hope and pray that further film adaptions may be released (regardless of their 100% accuracy to the books although I do prefer closer accuracy.)
Forum Troubles...

Wow thank you all, however just wondering maybe others would know... This is still the only forum area where I can create a post is there a reason for this?

Actually it looks like I can without problem post replies but I am unable to create new threads...

And anyone know how I upload an avatar?

Thanks for your help fernshirehobbit

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hmmm that's weird... If you have already received your validation email and posted in the intro thread, you should be able to post everywhere else now as well...

I would suggest that you send a message to one of the mods with the purple names. They can fix you up quite nicely. If none of them are on, you can also try messaging the one's with the blue names.
Once you have 10 posts (posts in this section and the Land of Duffers don't count) you will be able to create new threads and have an avatar. To upload an avatar, you go to your User Control Panel, and on the left under Settings & Options will be a link for editing your avatar.

Welcome, everybody! Enjoy TDL!:)
I pmed the Badger Mod after you started having problems on the posting part. He fixed things right up nicely :D.

as far as threads and avvies go, Zella hit it right on the mark :)