Introduction Thread II

Hey, all! I'm WargPuppy, more commonly known on the internet as Evelyn or Evka (neither is my real name, for any who might be worried).

Why the new name? Well, I saw this silly drawing someone made of an orc with a basket full of baby wargs - and they were just so cute! So there it is.

Anyhow, y'all look like a nice crowd. I'll be seeing y'all around, yeah? :cool:

Welcome (too tired to write more, sorry)
Truman, the movie bearing your name was the way I became an admirer of the actress Natasha McElhone.

And now, in case the newly-announced member called "Squid" sees this: I may be your brother under the skin. I am a retired U.S. Navy veteran, and Navy servicemembers are nicknamed "squids"--mostly by members of "those other" branches of service, who wish they were as cool as we are. Does your handle denote Navy service?
Well, after much prodding and such from a certain member here who shall remain nameless *COUGHInkycoughCOUGH*, I've finally joined up over here. I go by Petraverd - or Pet, Petra, 'Verd, and any one of a multitude of nicknames I've picked up. Might not be around all that much, but I'll probably poke my head in every now and again. :)
*rejoicifies* Welcome to my fellow unicorn and wielder of the UEPONQD (Unicorn Editing Pen of Not Quite Doom). *sniffs* I never thought this day would come...
Oh yeah, nearly forgot about that, Ink...*brandishes the UEPONQD*

And for future reference, don't let the association with unicorns confuse you... I'm a guy. As Jewel was. ;)
Hello! I'm new! Inkling kept poking me to join, so I joined (because when the person poking you is a unicorn, it's a good idea to do what they tell you, lest more poking ensue). ;)

Anyhoo... I'm generally known as LO, Otter, Doomy Otter, the Otter-who-is-not-Petraverd, or Mikka (if you know me on MUCK). Pick one (or several) - I'm not particularly grumpy about what I go by. ;)
*snerks and has a happy, as you would say*

LO, it's great to have you here! You'll no doubt find yourself right at home in Dufferland :D.
Well, after much prodding and such from a certain member here who shall remain nameless *COUGHInkycoughCOUGH*, I've finally joined up over here. I go by Petraverd - or Pet, Petra, 'Verd, and any one of a multitude of nicknames I've picked up. Might not be around all that much, but I'll probably poke my head in every now and again.

We actually don't call Inkling inky here, Inkspot is Inky. Welcome Petra, nice to have you on the boards.

Heyy my name's Liecy

Welcome, also.

Hello! I'm new! Inkling kept poking me to join, so I joined (because when the person poking you is a unicorn, it's a good idea to do what they tell you, lest more poking ensue).

Anyhoo... I'm generally known as LO, Otter, Doomy Otter, the Otter-who-is-not-Petraverd, or Mikka (if you know me on MUCK). Pick one (or several) - I'm not particularly grumpy about what I go by.

Inkling does seem to have been doing quite a bit of prodding hasn't she.

To All the New people: I am Lava and I am Duffer (glad I got that off my chest). I live in my office in the Insane Asylum in Dufferland and sleep in my comfy desk chair. However, I often venture out of Dufferland to argue points in the various threads or greet new people (like I am doing now). I tend to verbally fence with people when I get locked out my office for long periods of time, sorry if you are one of my victims.
We actually don't call Inkling inky here, Inkspot is Inky.

Inkling does seem to have been doing quite a bit of prodding hasn't she.

Actually, you should see the Mod Lounge (not that i'd admit officially to the existence of such a place *shifty eyes*). If there /were/ such a location, it would be very confusing, since "Ink" or "Inky" could refer to either of us. Come to think of it, I'm called "Inky" elsewhere on the forum too...And need I mention that Into the Wardrobe and I both go by "Jules"? Inkspot and I can tell each other apart and have come to an understanding, and that's what counts ;).

If prodding results in such phenomenal new members as Petra and the otter, I shall remain thoroughly unapologetic.

*activates her lightsaberhorn and engages in yet another epic battle with Darth Petra*
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