Introduction Thread II

PuzzleGlum, NarniaQueen6 Welcome to the forums. Please make yourselves at home. See you around.

Near, WHO ARE YOU???
She's come out and admitted that she is Jersey Dagmar, alias Mello. And I am very pleased to say that she says she _welcomes_ being prayed for! She'll get plenty of that here. ;)
Welcome, Zorkmid! If you're a girl between the ages of 12 and 20, you'll find plenty of kindred spirits here. But we also have other demographics; your humble servant, for instance, is known to all informed members as a grandfather and a retired U.S. Navy veteran.
Good morning, Cassie. At the time I'm writing this, it is not yet possible for me to use the "friendship request" function with you, but I can introduce myself. I am a retired U.S. Navy veteran and a grandfather, adopted as a grandpa or uncle by some of the youngsters here. And I have a question: does the "CM" in your handle stand for country music?
Ello Cassie. :D I have a best friend named Cassie over here in real life. lol.

I'm glad that you met my Papa Joe. ^^ He's one of the best people on here.

If you have any questions you can ask me and I'll try to answer to my best of my ability. :o
^_^ Hello Narnia fans! Right now you can call me Jane, since I don't expect you'll be able to remember anything else just yet. >.> Maybe I'll give out a real name once I'm not a newbie anymore. XD

HELLO! *waves* I like Twilight! And a wide variety of other things, including Linkin Park, Narnia, Bob Dylan, Chess, Harry Potter, Megan Whalen Turner, and the Jonas Brothers. >.> I'm not a n00b, but neither am I a long poster. I like smileys, especially ones with whiskers. >^.^< I'm fluent in 12 different internet dialects, including chtspk, 1337, The Language of the Grammar Nazis, YouTube comments, IMing, RPing, and Forumiting.