Introduction Thread II

A younger version of Copperfox?!

Well how very intriguing, Copperfox. And thank you for the introduction.

Lord of Light -- any idea why you remind Copperfox of himself?!

And hello Alice. Blessings to you this day!
Not all too much of an idea...I was amazed when God showed me how much CopperFox and I were alike. Many times I see a topic, and he's said exactly what I was going to! Except many times he does it in a more educated fashion.:D
YIPE! I missed a horn-lightsaber struggle with Inky... oh well. Darth Petra doesn't win very often in those... :p

Anyway, welcome Alice and SongsofLife! Fairly new myself, but doesn't mean I can't welcome y'all. ;)
Hello Alice, Liecy, and SongsofLife! Welcome! I'm glad you're here! Hopefully you'll have fun and get used to the insanity that is a Narnia forum soon! I can't wait to get to know ya better! As for Petra and Little Otter! *Massiveflyinghugtackles* I know you two and am tickled to have you here! Yea! *Does the happy dance of joy*

Have fun on the forum! If you have questions, holler! You know where to find me and Inkling.

EDIT: Woah Nelly! Hold the phones! Petra I just saw your siggy...the unicorn's horn isn't indego (sp?). *Takes Petra's temperature* Are you feeling ok there bro? Sorry, I couldn't resist. HeeHee
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I know, I know, NJ. :P Considering it has a rather dream-like feel to it, though, I can let it slide this once. ;) (Besides, Siber made it, and she knows how adamant I am about such things. She did what she could but couldn't get it to look right with an indigo horn. :P)

EDIT: Whoop, I suppose I have to call you 'ITW' 'round here...
LOL, yeah. If you want most people here to know who I am ITW works well. I'll always be NJ though.

I had to bug you on that one a bit after you had the picket line last year agains unicorns without indigo horns. It's a cute siggy!
hey ya'll i'm nat. I am still a little new here. i am finding my way around pretty well though. how is everyone?

Welcome. When I saw you first I thought that my little sis, music girl, had changed her name. But then I realized that you did not have enough posts to be music girl.
Hello SongsofLife and Fiddle Girl! Welcome. I hope you all like this forum. It really is a great place. See you around!