Introduction Thread II

.....My head hurts... no Breaking Dawn spoilers, read it yourself... can we talk in english now? ^.^ What kind of an example are you guys setting for me? Isn't 1337 against the rules or something? =/

I'm completely Team Jacob, but I don't really think Bella deserves him. =/ Maybe I ship Leah/Jacob.
Hey I'm Cassie and I'm new here. I need friends.
I have one though. I need more!!!


^_^ Hello Narnia fans! Right now you can call me Jane, since I don't expect you'll be able to remember anything else just yet. >.> Maybe I'll give out a real name once I'm not a newbie anymore. XD

HELLO! *waves* I like Twilight! And a wide variety of other things, including Linkin Park, Narnia, Bob Dylan, Chess, Harry Potter, Megan Whalen Turner, and the Jonas Brothers. >.> I'm not a n00b, but neither am I a long poster. I like smileys, especially ones with whiskers. >^.^< I'm fluent in 12 different internet dialects, including chtspk, 1337, The Language of the Grammar Nazis, YouTube comments, IMing, RPing, and Forumiting.


:rolleyes: Your knowledge is far greater than mine o.o

And by the way the mods need to be able to understand your posts.
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And by the way the mods need to be able to understand your posts.

Lava is correct. Members that post in any manner that cannot be read and understood by the mods have a habbit of permanently disappearing from the forum since such people cannot be trusted. I'm not sure what all that stuff means in your posts or why they are the way they are....but I will say that this sort of thing is not permitted. I'm glad yall have found Narniafans and I encourage you to come in and be wonderful fans...but you must post in English. Thanks!

Welcome to all the newcomers!
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Hi, my name is Will. I joined up, because Near asked me too, to talk to all of you with her. :) I believe she has already told you about me, I'm the guy who hasn't stopped thinking about her this whole time, either. :D Nice to meet you all.
Will, all I know about you so far is that (1) you have lifted "Near" out of gloom and pessimism, and (2) you have not been put off by her having a child. So everything I know about you so far is in your favor. Hope to see you posting frequently.
haha, Well, I hope to post here frequently as well. As for Near having a child, I have no problems with that at all. I care for her too much be off put by that.[She may have also told you I'm a sap. xD]
Well, Will, although reading C.S. Lewis is by no means mandatory for members here, I wonder if you have read the Chronicles of Narnia? If you haven't, I urge you to read the book which comes chronologically first in the series, "The Magician's Nephew." I have a terribly self-serving reason for making this recommendation: because I wrote a Narnian novel myself, which can be reached by clicking the tiger image, but it only makes sense if you've read "The Magician's Nephew."
Why thank you, CopperFox. I have not read The Magician's Nephew, though of course I've heard of the books. =) I'll see about getting it from the library, if I get the chance. And I'll be sure to read your story when I'm done. :D

I certainly hope Near can show me around. lol I'm a little bit out of my element on this kind of forum set up. xD
Look at the upper right-hand corner of the opening page of this site. You should see a numeral 1, meaning you have one message--from me. Click the link, then select the option of a Profile Visitor message, and you'll see what I wrote to you about using the forum.
xD No, I don't believe I am a pirate...but that comparison has been drawn before, by Near herself. :P

Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone.
Welcome to the forums Cassie, Jane, and Will. I hope you guys stay and post a lot in these forums. If you have questions please ask.