Introduction Thread II

i'm so sorry--- just got soo excited that i finally could post anything---
i did it two times just to make sure--
by the way-- i didn't learn it from this little miss freckles to be annoying :p
IT IS A GIFT--. :)

Hi Everyone,
I'm Ebbie and I'm new to the group. My 9 year old son and I are delighted to find The Dancing Lawn! As part of a year long class, we're reading the Chronicles. We've just begun "The Horse and His Boy".
Hi Everyone,
I'm Ebbie and I'm new to the group. My 9 year old son and I are delighted to find The Dancing Lawn! As part of a year long class, we're reading the Chronicles. We've just begun "The Horse and His Boy".

Hello Ebbie! I'm glad to find another "older" member on this forum. Because all those mean teenies are taking over :p HHB is a very great book. I loved it. Not my favorite book out of the CoN but it comes close ;)
dont worry i can run faaaaster-- by the way-- why are you called mrs gil-galad took---?
its a little mixed up isnt it?_- gil-galad was an elven king...
and the tooks belong to the hobbits dont they?-- -..:)
*annoy* hehehe-- am i doing a good job?
Hello there.--
my name is lena:)

So you're the already infamous apprentice of Freckles. Welcome. I go by Lava. I will not run. I am already used to Freckles and Freckles isn't as bad as some of the others I have dealt with here (especially when you start dealing with Slippers 1 and 2).

Hi Everyone,
I'm Ebbie and I'm new to the group. My 9 year old son and I are delighted to find The Dancing Lawn! As part of a year long class, we're reading the Chronicles. We've just begun "The Horse and His Boy".

Welcome to you too, Ebbie. I think it is really cool that you are sharing your experience of TDL with your son. (Reminds self to be extra careful about posts).
dont worry i can run faaaaster-- by the way-- why are you called mrs gil-galad took---?
its a little mixed up isnt it?_- gil-galad was an elven king...
and the tooks belong to the hobbits dont they?-- -..:)
*annoy* hehehe-- am i doing a good job?

TEEHEEE!!!! You are very impressive here :D Yep, I love both Gil-Galad and Peregrin Took so I combined those names :D

Don't tell me you have learned this from MF as well? :eek: can call me Nessa, everybody calls me Nessa or MGGT
Hi Everyone,
I'm Ebbie and I'm new to the group. My 9 year old son and I are delighted to find The Dancing Lawn! As part of a year long class, we're reading the Chronicles. We've just begun "The Horse and His Boy".

Welcome! Glad to have another parent around on the forum. I wish we had more on here. I'm not one myself in reality, but I'm a surrogate mum to many otherwise...both in real life and on here. I hope you'll enjoy TDL and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Blessings to you and your son!
Jeff, does this mean you know Will in the actual material world? So you can bear witness that his love for Jersey is genuine? Not that I'm saying it isn't; but in my time, I've been told "I love you" and even "I can't live without you" by women who suddenly reversed course and left me in the dust.