Introduction Thread II

Liz, if you want an idea of what to AVOID in roleplaying, please go to the "Dawn Treader" section and read the first couple of pages of a thread called "Roleplay by Monologues." It was created to spoof the fumbles and abuses that occur in online roleplaying.

And if you want an unusual form of assistance in getting to know more members here, go to the Writing Club and read ALL the way through a thread called "Sonnets Here, In-House."
Hey all my name is James and I'm a new member on TDL. If you haven't noticed by my username, I am a big fan of fairy tales (especially those written by the Brothers Grimm) and I hope to someday publish my own collection of fairy tales (some of which I will be posting here ;)). I will also
be posting short stories on here that have Christian allegory in them (I will be posting one of these really soon!).
Welcome! I look forward to reading your fairy tales! Fairytales describe me in a way as well, and the brother grimm are definetely on top with mr anderson and lewis carroll for teh fairy tales!:D
Hey all my name is James and I'm a new member on TDL. If you haven't noticed by my username, I am a big fan of fairy tales (especially those written by the Brothers Grimm) and I hope to someday publish my own collection of fairy tales (some of which I will be posting here ;)). I will also
be posting short stories on here that have Christian allegory in them (I will be posting one of these really soon!).

well you're in luck there's a contest for re-telling of fairy tales in the Professor's writing club. Its called "Classics-a contest" lol
indeed. :cool: lol, welcome Liz. it seems to me that dayhawk found a victim...but that's a good don't be put off by "victim"....we won't do something like make you insane or...anything...>.>......heh....:p ^_^

No, Liz, but we might get silly :eek: and toss confetti or pies at you in the Thanksgiving thread!:D

I'm Michael

I first read the Narnia series in the 5th grade.
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe was required for my class - and I could not stop there.

I'm 35 so probably older than most people here, but those books are magic, every time I read them they make me a kid again.

My favorite is the Silver Chair.

My favorite Lewis book is "The Great Divorce" which was required reading for my college Intro to Literature course - not a children's book, but a very good book nonetheless.

So - that's me :)
Hey my name is Alex, I'm new here but I've been a fan of Narnia since I was a kid.

I'm Michael

I first read the Narnia series in the 5th grade.
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe was required for my class - and I could not stop there.

I'm 35 so probably older than most people here, but those books are magic, every time I read them they make me a kid again.

My favorite is the Silver Chair.

My favorite Lewis book is "The Great Divorce" which was required reading for my college Intro to Literature course - not a children's book, but a very good book nonetheless.

So - that's me :)

Hey Micheal
Nice to meet you, ha - you're not the oldest
our oldies incude Copper Fox, Evening Star, Inkspot and many others, so dotn't feel ashamed.
enjoy your stay :D

And hi Alex - we all love narnia here :D

enjoy your stay