Introduction Thread II

Wow, Wownarnia, are you an Aussie, then? If you go to the "Dawn Treader" section, and find a thread bearing the names Emmett and Queenie, it will explain itself well enough, and you will eventually see that the title characters are NOW on a QANTAS flight to Sidney.
Hello, Mike! Does your use of the phrase "Narnian at heart" hint that you were a member of the gone-but-not-forgotten forum named for that phrase?

If you are a well-instructed Narnian, thus acquainted with Narnian origins, I invite you to click my tiger image--to read my own full-length Narnian novel.
Did you ever read Rudyard Kipling's poem "Tommy," thus named for the nickname given to British soldiers? It's a poem highly relevant for OUR time, since it looks at the often-undeserved contempt shown to soldiers by civilians who know nothing about them ("makin' mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep").
Did you ever read Rudyard Kipling's poem "Tommy," thus named for the nickname given to British soldiers? It's a poem highly relevant for OUR time, since it looks at the often-undeserved contempt shown to soldiers by civilians who know nothing about them ("makin' mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep").
Nope I have not, but I'll check it out.
Hokiegyrl, the answer to your question depends on what you like! But note the shameless plug I made for my own fiction when greeting Tommy24.
Never mind. Anyhow, I'll bet I'm the only person on this fourm who has not seen Prince Caspin yet. Is it as good as the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe?
Hello, Lucy? Ignore this question if it seems too weird, but--

Are you fond of text-based roleplaying in which you insist that the weakest woman is stronger than the strongest man, the meekest woman is bolder than the bravest man, the clumsiest woman is more skillful than the most skillful man, the stupidest woman is wiser than the wisest man, and the most corrupted woman is morally better than the most virtuous man? If you DO have this attitude, you are guaranteed to make some friends on this forum.
Tommy, on my view, here is THE biggest flaw in the movie:

One of the major themes of the BOOK "Prince Caspian" is the passing of the torch from the experienced mentor to the new hero--like Obi-Wan Kenobi with Luke Skywalker. Peter Pevensie, AS WRITTEN BY LEWIS, was a capable and worthy mentor for Caspian; Caspian looked up to Peter from their first meeting, and Peter proved worthy of his respect. But the writers at Walden Media decided that a teenybopper audience MUST be given teenybopper characters to watch; so they made Caspian at least five years older in the movie than in the book. Even then, they still COULD have salvaged the mentoring theme--but NO-O-O-O!! They had to turn the story into a highschool-rivalry story with swords, making Caspian COMPETE with Peter!