Introduction Thread II

So I just post here?


Hey everyone! Im another new one! Im mell!
It took me ages to even post anything because im totally clueless with forums... But i love narnia, so i joined! hehe. :D


You all needn't feel like we eat newbies for breakfast. Only the DLF (Dangerous Little Fiend) in the mod lounge does that and he is not normally awake at breakfast time.
Welcome to all newbies over here. Enjoy the fun but let me warn you...if you are joining the dufers or behave like one I will donate you to GG's kitchen ...

:rolleyes: Nessa, we'll donate you if you do that. Btw, Nessa, You ARE a duffer, so we CAN donate you! Mwuhahahaha!!!!!!!!!! (To all you new peoples, we not ALWAYS like this! :D:D)
Okay, being new here, I didn't know where to post this, but here it is. Aren't I supposed to get out of the Fresh Bread group after 10 posts? Because I've got more than 10, and I'm still there.
This post is being written to alert you to the soon appearance of a sharp-minded Christian man on the forum! His actual name is


And his chosen forum name is

Sculpted Thought!​

Once the single college-age ladies here get acquainted with Salem, they'll be disappointed that he's already engaged. He is a good-hearted, chivalrous man...and an artist besides! His username was not chosen at random; he is a wood-carvng scupltor, doing mostly abstract pieces. I've been to an art show in Illinois that was featuring his work. Salem has already looked at this forum, and says he looks forward to being a contributing participant.
We will be ready for him, CF, thanks for the alert. Back when I joined, there was not a "Fresh Bread" category, we just went straight to Junior Member so not all of us were there. However, I was a true Noob when I got on this forum, this was my first ever Internet Forum experience. I guess it is obvious that I like it, I have been here for two years now.