Introduction Thread II

Tommy, since you haven't been here to see me say this before, let me repeat to you my Puddleglum-style gloomy prediction for the Dawn Treader movie:

The closing scene comes. Lucy and Edmund have been told they can't come back to the Narnian world. Aslan tells them they can find Him on Earth also. Edmund asks, "Are You there too, Sir?" Everything up to this point, just like the book. But then comes the politically correct "improvement":

They make Aslan say, "Yes, I am there; but there, I am known by MANY NAMES: Amon-Ra, Zeus, Odin, Brahma, Krishna, Buddha, Amaterasu, Zoroaster, Quetzalcoatl...."
Oh no. why can't they just give them lines from the book? BTW I know I may get heck for this but I loved the His Dark Materiels books, and I was saying the same thing when I saw The Golden Compass.
Do you share the opinion which "Dark Materials" author Phillip Pullman put in writing (I've seen it), that C.S. Lewis was a vicious racist?
You have every right to like any book you like to like. Only, it is a fact that Pullman has intentionally LIED about Mr. Lewis, whose popularity he childishly envies.
Hi,Gandalfs Beard here. I am a huge Narnia fan, but my world view is Non-theistic Pagan Agnostic. Is there a forum that discusses CSLewis Narnia and Spirituality in an inclusive fashion.i.e. can we share our views as to the diversity of spiritual view points found in the Chronicles? Also Is it possible to upload from Word?

Gandalfs Beard
Hello, Mike! Does your use of the phrase "Narnian at heart" hint that you were a member of the gone-but-not-forgotten forum named for that phrase?

If you are a well-instructed Narnian, thus acquainted with Narnian origins, I invite you to click my tiger image--to read my own full-length Narnian novel.

Hi Copperfox and all.

No, I can't say that I was a member of the Narnia at Heart forum though the name does ring a bell. I'm sure I've come across that website in the past.

I've loved the Narnia chronicles since I was little. At the time, I didn't know C.S. Lewis' background and it wasn't until the end of Dawn Treader did I realize just Who Aslan was. It's no wonder I loved these stories. And despite some of the liberties taken in the latest movie I really like them as well and can't wait for Dawn Treader. I'm crossing my fingers for The Silver Chair movie.
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Wow, I've been away for...well forever but now I'm back! Many thanks to inkspot for unbanning me even though I requested it. :) It's really great to be back and I hope I can start where I left off.

First though, I want to apologize for any fights I may have started in any thread over something that was petty. It was immature of me to start fights over something that's pretty ridiculous.

anyway, I am very happy to be back and I love the new format. See ya around TDL!