Welcome Silke! As for SingingDryad I was going to go to Poland on a missions trip last year but we went to Jamaica instead because of the Flights were cheaper!! I love Poland though.ohemgee I have finally been validated.
hi i am newish. i regged a while ago, but never got around to saying hi!
Hi, I'm new on this forum, though I've been lurking for awhile, reading the posts. It's good to meet fellow Narnia fans to talk to!
ohemgee I have finally been validated.
WeLcOmE!!!!!Hi, I'm new on this forum, though I've been lurking for awhile, reading the posts. It's good to meet fellow Narnia fans to talk to!
Hi everyone, my name is Silver Moon and after looking at this wonderful forum for some time I thought it would be a great place to be.