Introduction Thread II


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

One of my sisters had it for years, and it's no joke; it cruelly robbed her of her singing voice.

Just when she was beginning a promising career as an opera soprano.
I return to you what some of us call a GUG--a G-rated hug.

Randi, my sister, never got her spectacular singing voice back, but she did finally regain some of her physical strength. The two Chinese girls she and her husband Mark adopted have gained by what she lost; that is, the effort she would have put into an opera career, she put instead into being an AMAZING super-mom for her kids.
Thank you all for the warm welcomes, ;) Greatly appreciated.

Here is a link about cfs, if you would know about cfs/m.e.

Sorry to hear about that Copperfox, how is she now? *hugs*

Okay, I was not familiar with that abbreviation for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Generally, when I see CFS I think of Country Fried Steak, but then again I am a Cracker Barrel waitress and that is how we abbreviate Country Fried Steak.