Introduction Thread II

Hi! I've been considering joining this forum for some time, but never actually got to do it. I read the Chronicles of Narnia when I was about ten years old and loved them. Strangely enough, it was the movies that awakened my obsession for the story again, especially Prince Caspian, that in spite of the changes they made they conserved that spiritual touch and made it even more heroic than ever. I can't wait for The Horse and his Boy, and I seriously hope that they won't ruin one of the best books in the series.

I'm working on a fanfic that's sort of cheesy, but I love it anyway. It's fun to write. I have a few questions about some things in PC that weren't told (or at least I can't find anything), so I think that this forum will be perfect for that.

I have a question, though. How do I get an avatar? I wasn't able to find that information anywhere.

Thanks! :)

Hello to all! I am a big fan of Narnia thanks to my kids. They have helped me to develop an interest in this amazing mystical series. They think I'm crazy for joining a Narnia forum, but I told them I am allowed to have my fun too:D I hope to learn more, share stories and have fun here! Take care all!;)

Hi! I guess I need to post here first!

Hello Hello guys! :D

Welcome! It is a wonderful forum, with something for everyone. (and no, the mods did not pay me for saying that :rolleyes:)
Really, it's fun. I love it. :)
*points in the direction of the Land of the Duffers*
Hullo all! I'm Davey_McClarin (obviously), but my real name is Anna. I've been a Narniac for some time now and have finally gotten around to joining. :)

it took a long time

Hello! I'm new and excited about joining :D My name is Meaghann. I've been a Narnia fan for a while and decided to join. Hope its fun on here :)

Welcome to the three of you. Glad you joined, it is my sincere belief that on here the more the merrier.

Hi, hope to have fun here on the forum getting to know every one and reading all the interesting posts and topics. Haven't read through Narnia in a number of years so my memory on it is a little fuzzy. lol :cool: Nice to meet you all!
If any beautiful unattached Christian women over the age of 40 come on here in the next week or two, you may still have a chance to latch onto a 57-year-old Christian widower with high blood pressure and chronic bronchitis and arthritis and carpal tunnel....

Well, I can always preserve my precious bachelorhood by telling them truthfully that I gave away most of my liquid-asset savings after Janalee died to help friends and family members in need, so that now I have barely enough to live on. That should put them off.
Actually, in the end I do want to put off all of them except the one God has in mind for me--if He _does_ even plan to let me have one. The supposedly universal male fantasy of having women fighting over me (literally or figuratively) holds NO appeal for me. One more, if she's the right one, will be enough.

But there still is a hurdle. No third wife of mine will be permitted to command me to forget entirely those who came before. If she has past loves to remember, I'll accord her the same courtesy as I require for myself.
Hi, hope to have fun here on the forum getting to know every one and reading all the interesting posts and topics. Haven't read through Narnia in a number of years so my memory on it is a little fuzzy. lol :cool: Nice to meet you all!

Welcome. Your username is very interesting.