Introduction Thread II

Hello Narnians!

Hello to all! I am a big fan of Narnia thanks to my kids. They have helped me to develop an interest in this amazing mystical series. They think I'm crazy for joining a Narnia forum, but I told them I am allowed to have my fun too:D I hope to learn more, share stories and have fun here! Take care all!;)
Allow me to introduce myself....

Hello, my name is Sheree. Over the years I have enjoyed reading C. S. Lewis, especially the Narnia books. And they have had a big impact on my life.

Currently, I'm a graduate student at the Institute for Transpersonal Psychology and am doing research for my doctoral dissertation on the experience of reading fantasy literature in an absorbed state. For my research I define fantasy to include myths, legends, folktales, and fairy tales, as well as modern fantasy and science fiction. I am looking for participants. If you are interested in learning more about my research please visit my website at*

I look forward to participating in the discussions. And thank you for letting me join your online community!

Sheree, have you ever read Robert Lindner's book The Fifty-Minute Hour? The last of the case studies in that book, "The Jet-Propelled Couch," depicted a mental patient who really DID believe that his fantasy world actually existed. Which leads to the question: how absorbed is absorbed for your purposes? Do we have to have LITERALLY believed that the fictional world was real?

On a lighter note, if you know all the "canonical" Narnian stories, I invite you to look at two serious Narnian novels written by folks here. One is Swept Away, to be found in the Professor's Writing Club section; the other, Southward the Tigers, is reached by clicking on my tiger graphic.
Hi! I've been considering joining this forum for some time, but never actually got to do it. I read the Chronicles of Narnia when I was about ten years old and loved them. Strangely enough, it was the movies that awakened my obsession for the story again, especially Prince Caspian, that in spite of the changes they made they conserved that spiritual touch and made it even more heroic than ever. I can't wait for The Horse and his Boy, and I seriously hope that they won't ruin one of the best books in the series.

I'm working on a fanfic that's sort of cheesy, but I love it anyway. It's fun to write. I have a few questions about some things in PC that weren't told (or at least I can't find anything), so I think that this forum will be perfect for that.

I have a question, though. How do I get an avatar? I wasn't able to find that information anywhere.

Thanks! :)
Don't worry if your fanfic is cheesy; plenty of fanfics are. But let me recommend a serious Narnian novel on this forum: "Swept Away," by Evening Star, with a few contributions by me.
In case Jojobabe looks at this thread soon:

I tried to post a greeting message in your profile section a little while ago, but I got locked out of there before the message could "take." So here is what I wanted to say to you--something I often say to new members:

Greetings! I have a recommendation for you. In the major section known as Professor's Writing Club, find a topic thread called "Sonnets Here, In-House." The majority of the poems there are proper sonnets, describing the personalities of Dancing Lawn members.
Hey there, I'm new, obviously. I'm Izumi/Izzy/Iz/whatever else you happen to come up with. :)

Hello to all! I am a big fan of Narnia thanks to my kids. They have helped me to develop an interest in this amazing mystical series. They think I'm crazy for joining a Narnia forum, but I told them I am allowed to have my fun too:D I hope to learn more, share stories and have fun here! Take care all!;)

Hello, my name is Sheree. Over the years I have enjoyed reading C. S. Lewis, especially the Narnia books. And they have had a big impact on my life.

Currently, I'm a graduate student at the Institute for Transpersonal Psychology and am doing research for my doctoral dissertation on the experience of reading fantasy literature in an absorbed state. For my research I define fantasy to include myths, legends, folktales, and fairy tales, as well as modern fantasy and science fiction. I am looking for participants. If you are interested in learning more about my research please visit my website at*

I look forward to participating in the discussions. And thank you for letting me join your online community!


Hi! I've been considering joining this forum for some time, but never actually got to do it. I read the Chronicles of Narnia when I was about ten years old and loved them. Strangely enough, it was the movies that awakened my obsession for the story again, especially Prince Caspian, that in spite of the changes they made they conserved that spiritual touch and made it even more heroic than ever. I can't wait for The Horse and his Boy, and I seriously hope that they won't ruin one of the best books in the series.

I'm working on a fanfic that's sort of cheesy, but I love it anyway. It's fun to write. I have a few questions about some things in PC that weren't told (or at least I can't find anything), so I think that this forum will be perfect for that.

I have a question, though. How do I get an avatar? I wasn't able to find that information anywhere.

Thanks! :)

Hi! I guess I need to post here first!

Welcome all. Sorry I have not been able to greet you earlier, I have been rather busy.