Introduction Thread II

Welcome aboard. I'm pretty sure I'm the oldest regularly-active member here, and in the regular world I'm a grandfather and a U.S. Navy veteran.

I may be a bit weird: I read the Space Trilogy _before_ I started on the Chronicles.
Welcome aboard, says this Navy veteran and grandfather!

Have you read Mister Lewis' autobiography "Surprised By Joy"? It's a highly valuable map of a spiritual journey.
I'm not aware of the forum collectively having proceeded through a book together. It's a very good idea in principle; but my own mundane life would probably sabotage it for me. When I don't have a health problem, Wood Nymph has one; and when she doesn't have a health problem, my ancient Town & Country van breaks down.
Hi everyone.

Has been a while. Can't believe how time flies, my 8 year old daughter has now discovered the world of Narnia and it also brought me back memories. Hope everyone is keeping well!
littlgriz , Lewis' autobiography reveals that a hardened cynic and scoffer CAN find Aslan's love.

Meanwhile, we now have an active Christmas topic; I just restarted the one from last year.