Knights of Narnia

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Lookintoforever said:
I now give LadyEm a title.
Personal advisor to the queen.
well done advisor may you bless us with your advice till the stars fall from the sky.

I am deeply honored my Queen! By Aslan, I will do my best to speak wise words for your council.
I had thought that we had Wiggle the Pirate. But somehow there was an escape to the pirate thread!
We shall have victory next time, My Queen. But now we must our fill with wine and cheer!
In Great Hall...WHO ELSE???

{in the great hall after the feast cleaning armour}

Anyone Else up for being a Knight???
come now don't be squeamish.
Just resting just resting so don't panic:

Tweetsie said:

Intimidating now, aren't we ARGH! :p *runs out of castle and onto ship, and into crow's nest*

**Right behind you and turns around** hurry jack!! *jack jumps into the ship and the pirates escaped without being noticed** :cool:
Lookintoforever said:
welcome my dear,
enter the castle, I command that the drawbridge be let down!

Hey Guys I need a king...
if you want to be the king P.M. me with 3 good reasons okay?
Thank you my Queen,I would be honored to fight for you.
To pirates*Die you snivviling worms* :D
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