Least Favorite movie


Eragon ....EEEEEHHHH no quiero ni debo decir esas palabras. (Good thing I could hold on, I didn't say anything bad.

Epic Movie.

Now I'll have to make something really serious to recover the true hallowed name of EPIC to the very word, I mean... I'll have to work too much on my novel, so that I can at least return the respect and overwhelming power, glory and presence of the word and everything that it means.

But never that movie!:mad: X_X
Well,even being a huge fan of the books,I don't HATE the HP movies.They're ok.The only one I kind of dislike a tiny bit is GOF.Don't ask.It's just a feeling I have when I watch it :p
There are so many competitors! But one movie I hated was the _supposedly_ wholesome family drama, "Fly Away Home." I hated it because a woman who had left her husband just because she felt like it was PRAISED for doing so. In the writer's view, the _husband_ was the one who had to "repent of" NOT liking having been abandoned.
Eragon... and I have many reasons with many reasons to not explain here... at least, until I'm not too stressed everytime I remember that movie.:mad:
There are tons of competitors... I agree to what Copperfox said.

But, mmh... well, Eragon is crap but... well... I think Anaconda. BAH!! I've seen animals kill a real person in better ways!!:D
Well Spongebob may not have the themes in the shows or even in the film but I have heard that has issues with the actors.
There are lots of brain-dead movies, but one of the worst _Biblical_ movies ever made was "The Song of Ruth," about the Old Testament heroine by that name. The writer went out of his way to get everything all wrong.

One scene that should give the idea occurs after Naomi has returned to Israel accompanied by Ruth, and they take up residence in a hut. Local women get the idea from somewhere that Ruth has brought foreign idols with her, so several of them come to the hut demanding to be allowed to look for themselves. Ruth does NOT have any idols with her, having already become a believer in the true God by this time; therefore, all Naomi needs to do is say, "Sure, look for yourselves, we have nothing to hide." That would settle the matter. But instead, Naomi refuses to let them in, showing readiness to fight to the death first--which is the best way she could have hit upon TO APPEAR GUILTY.

Worse yet, however, they toss in a prophet who was not in the actual Scriptural account, just to make things "feel spiritual." The only spirituality the prophet offers, though, is relativism and subjectivism. The prophet says to Ruth, "You will have a descendant whom many will worship as the Messiah"--and Ruth is supposed to be happy about this way of predicting the birth of Jesus. But NO prophet of God would EVER EVER phrase the subject in this way. Either the predicted descendant will ACTUALLY BE the Messiah, or else Ruth is being given the BAD news that she will be the ancestor of a fraudulent fake. The script wording was trying to make everybody happy; but everybody would have been happy if the spoken prediction had been limited to the less-distant birth of King David. That much would have been perfectly true and agreed upon by all audience members. But instead, the writer devised a "compromise"--which, like other theological compromises, is no compromise at all, but rather an absolute rejection of the gospel, since Jesus has to be Lord in OBJECTIVE FACT or He isn't any kind of Lord.
An old, old movie I really hated was titled "Surrender." It was a sort of romance set in the 19th century, with the heroine being drawn by her lover into something or other of an illegal nature. On the one hand, I never like the glamorizing of selfish, immoral criminals. On the other hand, I like to see criminals given a chance to repent and change, if this can be done without undue danger to society at large. At the end of the movie, a posse had the two sweethearts surrounded and basically at its mercy. There was no real need to kill them; but the sheriff had his men pump more bullets into them than were fired at Bonnie and Clyde...and then, AFTER they were deader than dead, shouted at them to give themselves up! A really, really stupid movie.