Legend of Zelda RPG


New member
I have tried to start RPG's before and I really hope this one works. :rolleyes:

This is a Hyrule based RPG. I'm not sure how many people have played Ocarina of Time or even Twilight Princess, but it has that same concept. The players start out in a peace way, but bad things happen and then the heroes are forced to save the day.
You can be any race you like (Zora, Goron, Gerudo, Hylian, Kokiri, Sheikah even a Deku if you want).
I'm hoping for at least five before starting. So please sign up.

Name: Maddy
Gender: Female
Race: Sheikah Warrior
Age: 21
Occupation: Protector of the King of Hyrule
Weapons: Bow and arrow/ Broadsword
Appearance: Tall with strawberry blond hair and green eyes, rather pale.

Name: Racca
Gender: Female
Race: Gerudo
Age: 19
Occupation: Guardian of the Desert Colossus/ Thief
Weapons: Dagger/ Bow and arrow
Appearance: Medium height, red hair, brown eyes, and tanned.
I have tried to start RPG's before and I really hope this one works. :rolleyes:

This is a Hyrule based RPG. I'm not sure how many people have played Ocarina of Time or even Twilight Princess, but it has that same concept. The players start out in a peace way, but bad things happen and then the heroes are forced to save the day.
You can be any race you like (Zora, Goron, Gerudo, Hylian, Kokiri, Sheikah even a Deku if you want).
I'm hoping for at least five before starting. So please sign up.

Name: Maddy
Gender: Female
Race: Sheikah Warrior
Age: 21
Occupation: Protector of the King of Hyrule
Weapons: Bow and arrow/ Broadsword
Appearance: Tall with strawberry blond hair and green eyes, rather pale.

Name: Racca
Gender: Female
Race: Gerudo
Age: 19
Occupation: Guardian of the Desert Colossus/ Thief
Weapons: Dagger/ Bow and arrow
Appearance: Medium height, red hair, brown eyes, and tanned.

Occupation:Guardian of the Water temple
Appearance:Tall,Blue skin,Blue eyes.

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Gender: Female
Race: Hylian
Age: 17
Occupation: professional thief
Weapons: Dagger
Appearance: 5'6, long brown hair, tanned skin and bright blue eyes.
This seems rather female dominated. Sooo I'll take up some slack and play a male role. And quite possibly take on two roles, two roles only if I can be Link.

Name: Rutel
Gender: Male
Race: Zora
Age: 17
Occupation: Captain of the King's Guard (if Zora's even bothered protecting their fat king)
Weapons: Spear and shield
Appearance: Light blue skinned, with those flipper like arms, blue-grey eyes
We have six players if tottyfruitty and Pollywannabe still wish to play. I'll wait for them to respond and see if a few more players would like to join.

Kit, if no one else claims Link by the time we start, he's all yours.
This seems rather female dominated. Sooo I'll take up some slack and play a male role. And quite possibly take on two roles, two roles only if I can be Link.

Name: Rutel
Gender: Male
Race: Zora
Age: 17
Occupation: Captain of the King's Guard (if Zora's even bothered protecting their fat king)
Weapons: Spear and shield
Appearance: Light blue skinned, with those flipper like arms, blue-grey eyes

LoL.He is pretty fat.
Mmm well, we can start in the next few days if everyone wants too. I've been thinking of some ideas I want to run by everyone.

Because the peoples and areas of Hyrule aren't all that close I was thinking some sort of conference could be held at the castle by Zelda's father, thus giving the different people a reason to meet up. After that, who knows where it'll go. Just bouncing some ideas around right now.
I'll join!

Name: Draken Valentine

Age: 18

Race: Human

Occupation: Fighter

Weapons: A double-edged sword

Appearance: Black hair, tall, brown eyes.