Legend of Zelda RPG

*Hope it's not too late to join...^^;;

Not at all.

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Racca looked at Rutel and nodded. "It's true. One man is born every hundred years and he is destined to be our leader." She shrugged. "It has been an interesting life with no men around."
(OOC: Okay, then. Was worried for a second. ^^;; )

Two children were skipping across stones on the Zora's River. Their long, neon-purple hair flapped behind them as they made cautious, though playful movements. "Hurry up, Aryu!" one of the children, a boy, said. "Atru, I'm tired. I want to rest..." the girl replied. "Aryu, there's no time to rest." "I want to get to Hyrule Field by sundown. With your slowness, we'll not make it until tomorrow!" Aryu's face turned red with frustration. "Atru, we've been playing all day. Why don't we just call it a day?"

Atru grunted, but agreed. "Let's get across the river first, and then we'll split some of the Deku Nuts." His sister smiled and, with a newfound strength, managed to finish skipping over the rocks. Both found a small grassy area jutting into the river, where Aryu took out a small bag. Onto the ground she dropped the Deku Nuts, and just the sight made the twins's mouths water. Without a moment's hesitation, Atru and Aryu cracked open the Nuts against a river rock and plopped them into their mouths. "This is delicious!" Aryu exclaimed, gleaming. "Indeed!" her brother agreed.

After gobbling down the few Nuts they had, both of them washed their faces and hands in the river water; it chilled them to the bone, but it was quite refreshing on a humid day like this. Atru and his sister also drank some of the water, both having had great thirst. After their small "meal," the twins took to taking a nap.

**Sometime Later**

A few hours had passed, and Atru woke first, yawning loudly. Aryu awoke second, though only rubbing her eyes. Both knew they wanted to get to the Field before sundown, as sundown was when the demons and monsters of the night came out. Atru began to run ahead of his sister, she following close behind. "We're almost there!" Atru exclaimed, pointing to the fact that they had only a small ways to go before they got to the Field. "Hurray!" Aryu said.

Finally, both stepped onto the Field. "What do we do now, Atru?" the girl asked her twin brother, puzzled. "Let's do some exploring! I bet there's lots of places around the Field!" Atru replied. With that, both began to walk in no planned direction.
Maddy stood before the castle gate. The sun was setting and all visitors were forbidden to pass through to go toward the castle. She knew the guard well and he knew her and her job as a Sheikah warrior, but he still resisted allowing her to pass.

"You know the law, no one enters here as night approaches."

"But I'm expected by the king!" Maddy attempted to keep her voice down. "I have to be in there."

"Well you're not getting in through these gates."

Maddy growled and looked up the gate. "Fine, I'll go over the gate." The guard laughed as Maddy looked for some way to scale the front gate.

"You can keep trying, but you won't be getting over."

Angered by his ignorance toward Sheikah skill Maddy took a running started and vaulted herself on his shoulders. Much skill was needed as she stood on the unsuspecting and somewhat terrified guard. She jumped from his shoulders and caught the top of the gate, pulling herself up and over. She dropped down to the other side and took off running, before the guard could grasped what had just happened.

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Racca watched as the sun dipped lower in the sky. "We should probably stop for the night. Hyrule field is not a place I want to be moving through at night. We can make it to Castle Town early tomorrow."
"You're probably right," Rutel sighed. He had hoped they would make it to the castle before dark. He didn't like the idea of being out in Hyrule Field all night, but Castle Town's gates would be closed anyway.
He unshouldered his pack and laid it on the ground. "May as well have some dinner then." He rifled through his bag and produced some rations for himself, Misty, and Racca.
OOC: Ged, I'm going to incorporate your two characters into this, okay? So that we can really pick this RP up.
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Racca accepted the food from Rutel with a slight bow. She produced a flask from her own bag and offered it to the two Zoras before taking a drink from it herself. She also presented her horse with an apple as a treat for a pleasant ride that day.

After a modest meal, Racca planned to stretch out and watch the sun completely set and the moon rise, however the sound of children's voices floated into her ears. Racca turned toward the voices and saw two children walking gaily along the path.

"Children," She called, "It is getting late for childhood adventures. Shouldn't you be returning to your parents?"
Rutel looked over his shoulder to where Racca was looking. Sure enough two children were walking along through Hyrule Field.
the legand of zelda? i played that gam cube game the other day what exatly is it about?? i have a blue and gold maccaw named zelda but her previous owners called HER zuse and they knew she was a girl so we called her zelda insted

I'm new in this forum, and I was looking for some url to play The legend of Zelda in RPG, and I read that you are playing or going to play one... is it too late to join??

Not too late to join if you'd like to. Just read the first post and then look through what's been happening so far in the RPG.
Is anyone still interested in this? If so I say we give it another shot. I've been itching to play a Zelda RPG for awhile.