Legend of Zelda RPG

Yes, indeed, we should.

This is the storyline, simply because I need a storyline or my brain will explode.

For those you have played Ocarina of Time this will use the same map and this will be when Zelda and Link are older, teen years I suppose (like the second half of OoT). The king of Hyrule has called a council because there's some evil lurking around the Lost Woods. Our characters will meet at the council and head out to find this evil. We'll figure out the evil as we go along.
Here's the map for anyone unfamiliar.

You can start RPing now:

Maddy woke in her small cottage near the edge of Kakariko Village. She would have slept longer except someone was hammering away furiously near by. Groaning and pulling on her clothes the Sheikah warrior pulled herself out of bed and opened the door.

One of the king's messengers was nailing a notice to her door. Upon seeing her he ripped it down and handed it to her. Without saying a word he left. Maddy looked at the notice and sighed. She walked back into her house and began packing for her trip to the castle.

* * * *

Racca had been called from her duty at the Desert Colossus. It seemed the king was calling all the peoples of Hyrule together for some council. That included the Gerudos, something relatively unheard of. Racca had been chosen to go and represent her people at the council in Castle Town.
Rutel had been called before King Zora. Rumor was the king needed someone to go on an errand to see the king of Hyrule. Rutel was shocked, this sort of assignment was left for the older guards. He hoped, for once, rumors were true.

"The king has requested representative from the various lands come to council at the castle," King Zora said, his fat body vibrating as he spoke. "Rutel I am sending you along with one of the guards from the Temple. You need to leave before sunset today."

"It is an honor to go," Rutel bowed. He then rushed from the throne room, trying to hide his grin.

(OOC: I left things open for your character *NarniaFreak*12 since we're both Zoras.)
Rutel had been called before King Zora. Rumor was the king needed someone to go on an errand to see the king of Hyrule. Rutel was shocked, this sort of assignment was left for the older guards. He hoped, for once, rumors were true.

"The king has requested representative from the various lands come to council at the castle," King Zora said, his fat body vibrating as he spoke. "Rutel I am sending you along with one of the guards from the Temple. You need to leave before sunset today."

"It is an honor to go," Rutel bowed. He then rushed from the throne room, trying to hide his grin.

(OOC: I left things open for your character *NarniaFreak*12 since we're both Zoras.)

Misty had already gotten the news from the king and was waiting for Rutel.
Rutel had grabbed his pack and was preparing to make the swim to Lake Hylia. He traveling with Misty, one of the guards at the Water Temple. Doing one last check, Rutel dove down and went through the tunnel that would lead him to the lake. Misty was waiting for him near the entrance of the Temple.
Rutel had grabbed his pack and was preparing to make the swim to Lake Hylia. He traveling with Misty, one of the guards at the Water Temple. Doing one last check, Rutel dove down and went through the tunnel that would lead him to the lake. Misty was waiting for him near the entrance of the Temple.

"Hello.Are you Rutel?"
"We should probably head out then. King Zora instructed me we should leave before sundown." Rutel swam for the shore and took to the land. "So, Misty, any idea what this council is all about?"
"Mmmm must be something big if people are being called from all over Hyrule."

Rutel and Misty headed up the shore and out toward Hyrule Field.
Racca rode on a roan colored mare out toward Hyrule Field. She was not pleased with having to go to the castle. The Gerudos were not allies to the rest of Hyruel, the female thieves of the desert held no alliance to anyone. What reason did they have to help the king now?

As Racca rode on, she caught sight of two Zoras coming up from Lake Hylia. More on their way to see the king, perhaps?

"You two!" She called, giving her horse a kick in the side, "Hey! Zoras!"
Rutel looked up at the person calling out to him and Misty. It was a red-headed, tan skinned woman, clearly one of the desert dwellers. She rode on a horse and was coming toward them. Rutel reached around behind himself and touched his spear.

"Can we help you, ma'am?" He had heard how ruthless the women thieves of the desert could be. He was weary.
Rutel looked up at the person calling out to him and Misty. It was a red-headed, tan skinned woman, clearly one of the desert dwellers. She rode on a horse and was coming toward them. Rutel reached around behind himself and touched his spear.

"Can we help you, ma'am?" He had heard how ruthless the women thieves of the desert could be. He was weary.

"Yes.Can we?"
"Are you two Zoras headed to the castle? Going to this council?" Racca asked, pulling her horse to a stop before them.
"I have been sent from the desert to attend this council." Racca dismounted and offered her hand, but neither took it. "I'm curious to see if who else is going. We were given little information save that it was of great importance to everyone in Hyrule."

* * * *

The journey from the Kakariko to the castle was a short one, but Maddy felt as though she would be gone some tiem so she brought her grey gelding along. He would provide a quick escape if she found herself in deeper than she planned. It was a Sheikah's duty to protect the royal family of Hyrule, but some days Maddy wished she could ignore the vow and see the world without constraints.

Her and her horse, Dagor, rode across the bridge into the market place. She left Dagor with a stable master and went about the market. She could manage some looking around before the council. No one else would be in the town for a few hours.
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"King Zora has given us as much information as your leader in Gerudo Valley." Rutel said, moving his hand off his spear. For the time being it seemed the thief did not mean them any harm. "I was hoping someone would know something."

OOC: Making a new character to meet along the way.

Name: Sanroh
Gender: Male
Race: Hylian
Age: 35
Occupation: Guardian of the Forest Temple/ Wizard
Weapons: Broadsword and Hookshot
Appearance: Tall and skinny, wears a green robe, brown hair, hazel eyes