Life in L A Rpg

She laugh when she heard him say Godfather.
" oh my mm how about the Godfather that be funny to see don't ask I think you all ready know why," she said with a giggle.
he smiled and took her hand "come on lets go " they went to the booth and he said " two for the godfather please " "all righite here ya go enjoy the moive " thanks'' they went and bought some popcorn and two sodas and sat down for the 5:00 o clock show and chris just realized that he had bought tickets for the entire saga uncut and unrated he was going to be here for a while but it was worth it to Alex happy after the opening credits came up the moive showed up in sicily in 1904 "you like the moive "
he chuckeld silentiy "thats so cool " he smiled they then wacthed the part where they meet young vito corleone in 1919 " man look how denrio was back then ''
they kept wacthing this up until the part where they meet vito after he killed don fancuii and see vito holding micheal in his arms and saying some stuff in italian
chris then held alex close and he thought who could do that you refering to the black eye shes so sweet and innacent he coundnt imagine anyone hurting her
Reb wandered aimlessly through the streets. She dreaded going home, but she knew she had to. She stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and closed her eyes. Lord, I know I don't pray much, but please let her be asleep...or sober... She knew it was worthless to pray anymore, that her mother would be awake, but she just had to try.
ooc: hey cho mabye at some point you father can hit ya and i find out a kick the living day lights outta of him lol
icc:eek:kay lets go "
ooc: brb in 5 min dont go away
OOC: you well see soon just watch.

ic: she smiled.
" what you thinking,?" she ask holding his hand.

OOC: I have to go now finsh up tomorrow all right?
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Reb finally made it home after much procrastinating. She stopped. Should she go in the front door or the window? Reb decided she'd go in the door, she couldn't risk dropping. She slowly made her way up the stairs to the apartment and slowly opened the door. She cautionsly poked her head in. All was silent. She tip-toed in, but the door shut behind her abruptly. "Where were you?" an angry voice asked her. Reb turned around.
"Um...I was at a friend's..." Reb fibbed.
"You could have left a note!" Her mother awnsered angrily.
"Mom-I'm sorry..." Reb started.
"Sorrys don't do it Reb...look at me." Reb turned her head toward her mother.
"I don't take these lies, you lie to me one more time and I swear I'll send you straight to [enter name of big firey furnace underneath the ground]" she said harshly. "And don't think I won't. I got a call from your school..." her mother leaned in closer to Reb's face. Reb could smell tequila on her mother's breath. "You weren't there..." she growled.
'I-um-slept in..." Reb lied. Her mother landed a smack across her face. Blood seeped from above Reb's eyebrows.
"Of all the stupid things! Don't you lie to me you little demon!" Her mother snatched the hood from covering Reb's face. "You see why you're face looks like this? You see why you're like this? Because you're a little demon and you'll never be anything else!" her mother shouted. Reb winced at her words. "Get out of my sight! I don't ever want to see you again!" her mother shouted landing a punch in Reb's ribs-hard. Reb dodged another blow aimed at her nose and broke away from her mothers grasp and dashed off to her room. Tears spilled out of her eyes as she clamped the lock on her door. "...Sometimes death is the only way..." she glanced toward the drawer that held the gun. She opened the drawer and saw the gun, but right beside it was her bible, the one she'd stolen from a church. She remembered what her friend had said back in LA when she'd done drugs. "Its either drugs or Jesus..." her friend had said. Reb shut the drawer. Not today. She bit her lip and looked out at the grey sky. "Reb, you can get through this..." she remembered her friend had said. "God will help you though..." but then Reb remembered three days later her friend had been shot in the school hallways. Reb rolled up her jacket sleves and looked at the scars, ones from drugs, others from the knife. She remembered why each scar was there. "Stop running away..." her friend had said...her last words. Reb pulled the knife out and threw it at the wall. Anger and hurt gripped her. She ripped the knife out of the wall. She wanted to stab herself. She looked in the mirror and all she saw was the demon her mother saw. Blood dripping from her eyebrow, her eye turning purple, the scar running across her face. Reb opened her window, taking the gun and the knife with her. She made it out the window and down the side of the building. She made it to the dark streets and collapsed in the grass behind the bench sobbing. Once again she took out the gun and stared at it in her hands as she broke down into sobs...alone.
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