Life in L A Rpg

He scratched his chin for awhile.
" ya I see well don't talk to long because we have to go soon," he said picking up their cat and petting it while he walk into the house.

Alex look at her with a funny smile on her face.
" well OK hmm that's my father he a god father of my group you see," she said
Chris then got out of the water and dryed himself off and he let his friends have some fun he always wanted to check out santa monica so he hoped on his skate bord and skated around thrid street promande
Ooc : I like it keep it up :) i aslo want to set up meeting with your chacthers mabye i crash into your cousin one my skate bord on accendint k :D
Mac trun around then bump into a guy.
" hey watch it," he said looking at him oddly.

Alex came up to him.
" what just happen?," she ask putting her hands in her pocet,
she looking back at the girl then back to the guy who just crash into her cousin.
"Oh okay" Amanda said a little freaked out by the word god father and watched as their father left. "Where are you going?" she asked before Chris bumped into Alexs cousin. She walked up to them alongside Alex and looked at Chris remembering him from class.
ooc: I'm gone from today till next week saturday so I wont be rping lol. DIC if you like you can play my character. See ya'll next week :)
Not much Janny, Chris, Amanda, Alex andher cousin are talking after Chris bumped into Alex's cousin.
Reb pulled out a cig and lit it. She put it to her lips as she slumped against the wall. She was casually watching these kids talk, one of 'em was Angel Face. She blew out some smoke and laughed softly to herself. She watched Alex play with the kinfe. Does that girl know the first thing about playing with a kinfe? Reb asked herself. From the way Alex was handling it, it looked like she was casually just rubbing it. She should be more alert with the knife, and not just flip need to keep it at an angle where you can stab any person around you in an instant... Reb commented in her head, but stayed silent. Her hood was up, but her deep eyes were visable. She watched Mac, he seemed like the kind who would pick a major fight, and who was a little too confident. Not good, he'll get that confidence beat out of him if he ever approached Grass with that attitude... she thought in her head. And then Angel Face, he just needed to screw his head on straight and know people would kill him at first glance...Reb just watched them, breathing in smoke and breathing out...was there ever a time she ever was like them, where they didn't worry about being killed every minute?
She pulled her sleeve up.
" name is Alex," she said putting her knife in her pocket grabbing a piece of gum.

Mac put his arm around her glaring at Chris for awhile.
Oooooooh, so he's protective...what does the dude thing Angel Face is gonna do? Reb thought, almost laughing out loud at the small scene she was watching. She took the cig out of her mouth and blew out some smoke, putting it back in.
Cho♥Harry;1196627 said:
Alex heard her and walk over to her.
"hey are like spying on us," she said with her Italian actioned.

She blew out some smoke. "Who said I was spyin..." she smirked at Alex. "If I were spyin, you wouldn't have caught me, but I ain't spyin, I'm just standin here..." she said calmly, putting the cig back in her mouth. "you smoke?"