(Lovebugs and Video Girls)

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"Oh, it's okay," Patrick said, standing. He'd dropped his tray, breaking the few glasses that had been on it. He knelt to pick the tray up, with the glasses.

"Yeah," Evie said, seeing Kendra. "Uh, why do you ask? Do you have any plans?"

She wanted to just walk away but her conscience was getting the best of her, telling her to help the guy.
Kendra sighed, giving in. "Um, do you need a broom or something." She offered
"Oh, it's okay," Patrick said, standing. He'd dropped his tray, breaking the few glasses that had been on it. He knelt to pick the tray up, with the glasses.

"Yeah," Evie said, seeing Kendra. "Uh, why do you ask? Do you have any plans?"

"No.......just going to head home and chill. My lilttle brother has got this new wii sport game and he;s dieing to compete against someone" he replied. He noticed May walking off and wanted to go and find her but he wasn't prepared to let a moment like this slip by.
"Oh, uhh... no thanks," Patrick said, smiling up at her. "I think I got it all." He stood. "I'm Patrick, by the way."

Evie smiled. "Sounds like tons of fun," she smothered a laugh. "Maybe we should hang out some time."
Jordan stopped when she saw Nate. She hadn't expected to see him again to at least monday. She followed Kylie after a minute, she didn't want to get lost.
"Sure." Nate replied. "Any good at the Wii?" he asked before notcing Kylie walking towards him from the corner of his eye.
"Hey...what are you doing here?" he asked her as she approached. He then looked past Kylie only to see Jordan. She looked simple but beautiful in her plain white dress. "And I wasn't expecting to see you again, not this soon anyway" he said to her with a smile.
"Oh Evie invited me but i thought i was busy and it turned out i wasnt so i came, oh and Jordan i hope you dont mind?" she asked Evie.

"Oh heyya May, howz things," she asked.
Jordan smiled. "Yeah, I wasn't expecting to see you again this soon either." She stood beside Kylie feeling awkward. "I thought you didn't like partys like this."
"Oh, uhh... no thanks," Patrick said, smiling up at her. "I think I got it all." He stood. "I'm Patrick, by the way."

Evie smiled. "Sounds like tons of fun," she smothered a laugh. "Maybe we should hang out some time."

"Kendra." She said with a smile. She thought he was cute, and familiar...maybe he went to her school, too bad he wasn't her type, yet something about Patrick kinda stuck to Kendra.
"No, that's fine," Evie said, smiling.

"I'd shake your hand," Patrick laughed, "But I'd hate to cut your hands." he held up his hand, holding the pieces of glass.
"Oh, I don't" he replied "but May asked me to bring her because she didnt know where it was and then we saw these guys" he replied referring to David and Evie "so we decided to stay and chat." He hadn't even had the chance to ask Evie if she wanted to hang after this party. He would have to wait until everyone else had gone.
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Jordan laughed slightly. "that's cool, friends always make a party more fun," there were a ton of people there and she didn't know any of them.
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