(Lovebugs and Video Girls)

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"Some one coming to get your mom?" Jordan asked from behind him. She had been standing behind on of the pillars looking at the garden.
"Are you ease dropping on my conversation?" he asked getting up. "Actually no, I have the job of bringing her home" he added. "Now the only problem is is getting her to leave...what are you looking at?" he asked walking towards her.
"Are you ease dropping on my conversation?" he asked getting up. "Actually no, I have the job of bringing her home" he added. "Now the only problem is is getting her to leave...what are you looking at?" he asked walking towards her.

Jordan smiled, "no, I wasn't actually ease dropping." She looked back over the gardens. "The garden, its beautiful, nothing like the gardens in Greece." She looked back at him, smiling slightly. "I really wasn't ease droping."
He laughed "I know. I was just teasing. I bet." he said looking at the huge garden. "I want to travel the world one day, kinda like that movie Around the World in 80 days but ofcourse it'll take me just a bit longer than that" he added putting his hands in his pockets.
He laughed "I know. I was just teasing. I bet." he said looking at the huge garden. "I want to travel the world one day, kinda like that movie Around the World in 80 days but ofcourse it'll take me just a bit longer than that" he added putting his hands in his pockets.

Jordan smiled, "yeah, but you'd get tired of traveling. I know I did." She looked up at him, "you should come over some time and I can show you pictures of the places I've been."
Nate hadn't even noticed May was standing behind them.
"Sure, that'll be cool" he replied with a smile. "You'll find our number in the directory" he added.
"Right I better get her home before she starts telling some of our secrets" he joked turning around.
"Oh hey May. I'm going now. Do you want a ride home?" he asked her.
Evie drained the last bit of champagne from the glass and set it on the table. She saw Nate talking to Jordan and then to May. She was probably telling Nate all the reasons why she didn't like Evie. Which basically meant Nate wouldn't want to hang out with her, ever. She sighed and took a seat, idly playing with the hem of her dress.
She nodded " Yes, please that be wonderfully thank you Nate," she told him, walking closer to him " If you where my big brother I'll be glad to be your sister any time Nate," she whispper to him.
He smiled at May then walked past her back into the main room. He saw Evie sitting near by playing with her dress.
"Hey, sorry about May. She just has some trust issues" he said standing infront of her.
"Anyway great party but I have to take my drunk mother home now before she embarrasses me anymore." he wandered if he should ask her to come aswell and take her up on hanging out or was it too soon.
May followed him so she won't get herself lost " Nate I'll be right over here," she told him " Oh, please don't mind me just ask her out all ready I know you like her," she told him that only him could hear.
"Sssh" he whisphered back hoping Evie hadn't heard. Even though May was not his sister she sure behanved like one, but it was kinda nice that she was encouraging him.
"Have fun with that," Evie laughed. "When you're done with that, maybe you should call me. I'll probably leave in a while and I'll be dead bored."
Kylie had wondered off to talk to other people she knew but she came back just in time to hear Evie's last comment.

She was walking toward them from behind Evie so she couldnt see and she flashed Nate a quick wink and a smile. She knew he liked Evie and she thought that they would be a perfect match but that didnt stop her teasing him just a little.
"Sure" he replied all cool and calm trying to ignore Kylies teasing. "See you soon then" he added walking past her with May and towards Kylie.
"Have you got something in your eye? Cos you're winking a lot today" he joked. "We're going now, moms getting a little too drunk." he told her.
He laughed slightly.
He walked toward this mother.
"Mom...I think we should go now"
"But the party hasn't finished"
"Yes but I'm ready to leave and you can't drive home in the state you're in."
"I'll call Jeffrey"
"He's got the day off"
"A Taxi"
"Dad would go mad. Lets just go, please"
His mother rolled her eyes but agreed.
"Fine, but don't I deserve to have some fun sometimes? After all I did give biirth to you, fed you, washed you"
"Okay.........now we really should leave" he said grabbing his mothers arms gently and leading her away from the other women.
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