Magician's Nephew - My future project!

Animation Update. Voice acts are coming closer!

I am happy to anounce that today i have reached 'uncle Andrew's' magic rings. So far so good, i have no intentions of showing any video clips of this as it is the best to see it as a whole.

Casting voices will soon be the moment the character 'Polly' has been reserved to someone in this forum! However, to make it fair and square, as soon as the casting is posted online, showing which voice acts are available, it will be organised as 'first come first serve'. However, please remember that you must sound proffessional and near to the character. If anybody's voice does not match to the character they chosen......i will come back to that later.

I will be using the same introduction as 'BBC Narnia's series', and probably some tracks from the disney version.

Chapter 1 is not very difficult to animate. But i estimate that later chapters....especially in Narnia will be hard to create, however i will try my best!

Anyway, start thinking now of who your voices match up to in the book. I dont want to be very harsh, but strong accent may cause a problem. It is best to have a 'British' accent as the script seems....well....olden British type.

Thanks. I might consider to post up pictures....but i must be careful, i dont want to go overboard and show spoilers!

The Forgiven Traitor said:
So it looks great but I was wondering how will you decid who is going to play who, becouse I would love to be Jadas.

What would you recommend? I had in mind that as soon as i put up the cast list, showing characters availabilites, it would run as first come first serve. If you have any better ideas, please mention it. It will really help :)
ali_f said:
What would you recommend? I had in mind that as soon as i put up the cast list, showing characters availabilites, it would run as first come first serve. If you have any better ideas, please mention it. It will really help :)
Have you concidered having people send you voice atatchments via e-mail so that you could chose based on ability instead of speed?
The Forgiven Traitor said:
Have you concidered having people send you voice atatchments via e-mail so that you could chose based on ability instead of speed?

Sounds like a good idea. I could post a small scripts of each character for people for auditioning!

Yes very nice idea, that is how it will work. I will post up scripts soon. Anyway, time to start Uncle Andrew's conversation about the rings.

PS. If you get the part for a voice act, please try not to back out! It is the first time Magician's Nephew is going to be animated!
Advice, Kind of Long


First off, please please do the sound first, then the animation. It kills acting ability to emote to already done drawings. You sound like a foreign actor dubbing dialog over a movie. I assume you already know that.

Second, track ambient sound or shush in the background, just enough that when you cut in all these separately recorded actors on varying equipment they won't sound like they're breaking in on walkie talkies.

Third, and most importantly, have everyone read important lines MORE THAN ONCE. Different takes are important. If you don't think so, look at this dialog and put the stress on the all-caps word:

I didn't say you stole the money!

I DIDN'T say you stole the money!

I didn't SAY you stole the money!

I didn't say YOU stole the money!

I didn't say you STOLE the money!

I didn't say you stole the MONEY!

Last thoughts: You can never read a line too slowly, but most people read it too quickly. Don't allow your embarrasment or dignity to affect in any way how you express THEIR feelings in dialog. And ask for 120 percent so you'll get at least 80.

My favorite bit of animated dialog in terms of sheer beauty of expression is in Bambi. There were a few moments there that could help you all to see what you must be willing to give. First and greatest of all is when the Great Prince of the Forest walks by and he pauses a moment by Bambi, then continues on.

Bambi: He stopped and looked at me.
Falline: I know.
Bambi: Why was everyone still when he came out on the meadow?
Falline: Everyone respects him. He's very brave and very wise. That's why he's known as the Great Prince of the Forest.

My blood froze when after panic of the first shooting incident, Falline calmly indicted the human race in the most matter of fact tone:

Bambi (panicked): What...was that?
Falline (calmly): Man...was in the forest.

If you have the DVD, watch it. Some of the best voiceovers in the world happened there. Like Peter Behn's (Thumper's) assessment of Bambi falling on the ice. "You have to move both ends at the same time..."

My two cents.

John B.
Chakal said:

First off, please please do the sound first, then the animation. It kills acting ability to emote to already done drawings. You sound like a foreign actor dubbing dialog over a movie. I assume you already know that.

Second, track ambient sound or shush in the background, just enough that when you cut in all these separately recorded actors on varying equipment they won't sound like they're breaking in on walkie talkies.

Third, and most importantly, have everyone read important lines MORE THAN ONCE. Different takes are important. If you don't think so, look at this dialog and put the stress on the all-caps word:

I didn't say you stole the money!

I DIDN'T say you stole the money!

I didn't SAY you stole the money!

I didn't say YOU stole the money!

I didn't say you STOLE the money!

I didn't say you stole the MONEY!

Last thoughts: You can never read a line too slowly, but most people read it too quickly. Don't allow your embarrasment or dignity to affect in any way how you express THEIR feelings in dialog. And ask for 120 percent so you'll get at least 80.

My favorite bit of animated dialog in terms of sheer beauty of expression is in Bambi. There were a few moments there that could help you all to see what you must be willing to give. First and greatest of all is when the Great Prince of the Forest walks by and he pauses a moment by Bambi, then continues on.

Bambi: He stopped and looked at me.
Falline: I know.
Bambi: Why was everyone still when he came out on the meadow?
Falline: Everyone respects him. He's very brave and very wise. That's why he's known as the Great Prince of the Forest.

My blood froze when after panic of the first shooting incident, Falline calmly indicted the human race in the most matter of fact tone:

Bambi (panicked): What...was that?
Falline (calmly): Man...was in the forest.

If you have the DVD, watch it. Some of the best voiceovers in the world happened there. Like Peter Behn's (Thumper's) assessment of Bambi falling on the ice. "You have to move both ends at the same time..."

My two cents.

John B.

Sure, however, i might as well start on the script. As finding voice actors on the web is a new challange for me! You might as well help me :D you seem to know quite a lot about this. Do you have any reccomendations on how i can audition characters? Some say that all voice attachments should be e-mailed to me. But if you know a lot about this, i would not mind if you want to pick the characters voices. I will send the script soon! :)
Wow! I think that is a great idea, However, since we're a little stuck on what we should do, the film or the episodes, why don't we put in a vote? Lets say 1 week. What do you think Ali_f?


Well, Polly is finally dissapeared in mid air! I have finally reached the part without any voice acts. This does not mean that i have been animating the voice sequence, that has been left out for the voices to come first, as advised.


But anyway, the whole animation is going good so far! I am for the first time going to show a sneek preview of the opening script of Magician's Nephew.

If you think you can play the part....please PM me. It is recommended to have a British accent (sorry to be harsh....but thats how its going to be)!

Opening script:

Polly: <politely> Hullo

Digory: <sad> Hullo.......Who are you?

Polly: <answering> Polly.....Whats yours?

Digory: <reply> ........Digory.

Polly: I say, what a funny name!

Digory: It isn't half so funny as Polly!

Polly: I'm sorry, its just that i never knew a boy lived
here before.

Digory: I wish I live in the countryside. Its better
than a hole like this!

Polly: London isn't a hole!

Digory: <continues> If your father was away in India,
leaving you with a mad aunty and uncle... And if
your mother was ill....and
<sad gulp> die!

Polly: <sympathetic> I'm.....Sorry

Polly: <change topic tone> Is Mr. Ketterley really mad?

Digory: <slightly brightened voice> He's either mad....
or there some other....mystery.

Digory: <continues> He has a study room in the basement.
Aunt Letty says I must never go there....
Although.... I must say i can hear strange noise's
from there.

Digory: <continues> Every time he speaks to me at the
dinner table....he's always hushed up.

Polly: <curiously> What does he try to say?

Digory: <reply> I don’t know, he never gets far enough...
But one night.... I'm sure i heard a yell from
the basement

Polly: Perhaps he has a <chuckle> mad wife locked up in

Digory: Yes....I thought of that....Or perhaps he's a

Polly: <excited> How exciting...I never knew your house
Is very interesting!

Polly: <Continues> My basement has a large dark hole. I
Don't know how far it goes though....

Digory: <excited> Cor! Perhaps it leads us to hidden

Polly: <thinking> Perhaps it does.....


Polly <fast talk> I got to go....we will speak later...

I would like to suggest a bit of monkeying around with the front end, please. Since people are SEEING AND HEARING this not READING it, we need to do something to set the tone for the very creepy things soon to come.

My suggestion is this. Uncle Andrew...from the back...but his wild hair gives a sign something is wicked. He reaches into a cabinet. Close up of him getting some sort of icky sounding ingredient like Vitriolic Oil or Gum Arabic. Hears footsteps, cabinet door closes quickly. Establishing shot has him...again from the back...going to the door. Closeup of hand turning a key in the lock. Knock at the door. "Andrew! Lunch!"

Medium shot, the back of his head again, he's facing the door. "Not now! You're disturbing my work! I'm on the verge of an important breakthrough!"

"You spend more time on the verge of a breakthrough than I spend at the stove. At least some good comes of me."

"Laugh now. When I make my fortune--which should be ANY TIME now--you won't get a brass farthing!"

"Ohhh, I'm quaking in my boots, you fond fool! Tell it to the white mice!"

Footsteps walk away. Closeup of hand. Hand releases key, makes a fist, withdraws from shot. Darken to black. He mutters menacingly, "Fond fool indeed. Getting cut out of my fortune will be the LEAST of your problems!"

Then we cut to the outside....the kids....
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Chakal said:
I would like to suggest a bit of monkeying around with the front end, please. Since people are SEEING AND HEARING this not READING it, we need to do something to set the tone for the very creepy things soon to come.

My suggestion is this. Uncle Andrew...from the back...but his wild hair gives a sign something is wicked. He reaches into a cabinet. Close up of him getting some sort of icky sounding ingredient like Vitriolic Oil or Gum Arabic. Hears footsteps, door closes quickly. Closeup of hand turning a key in the lock. Knock at the door. "Andrew! Lunch!"

"Not now! You're disturbing my work! I'm on the verge of an important breakthrough! When I make my fortune--which should be ANY TIME now--you won't get a brass farthing!"

"Ohhh, I'm quaking in my boots, you fond fool!"

Footsteps walk away. Hand releases key, makes a fist, withdraws.

Then we cut to the outside....the kids....

Very nice idea, i had in mind to create a different opening scene from the book.....If you dont mind, that idea will be taken :D Quite cool! Thanks man!
Possible estimated release date!

Well, after calculating the legnth of the animation, i was quite suprised that the opening scene lasted for 15 minutes, which in my own eyes is impressive!

I have to verify the script again to be sure that it is worthy enough to be added into the animation.

However, i showed my project to a relative of mine, and recieved good feedback from it. I really dont want to mess it up from awful voice acting!

Uncle Andrew's script has been done, as we dont see him for a while in the book (until the end), I think i would ask for his audition first!

More updates coming soon!
Episode 1 animation is completed!

After showing my first episode to my family. We discussed and agree to finish the episode at a certain point (no spoilers). I am delighted to say that they liked it! :D

However, i have a problem. I cant seem to find anyone suitable for Digory's voice! I really need a good voice over for Digory.

Anyone up for it? Please PM me, however these are the requirements:

*Must have a British accent.
*Prefebly someone who has not yet broken their voice.

If there is no entry, i can find it from external sites.

PS: Very close to the release......Suprisingly, the main character is tough to find!
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