Magician's Nephew - My future project!

It's very intreesting but good.
The voices, I think were a bit slow, when Polly and Diggory were talking about their names!
They werent clear as much, and that should be a goal for the cast next time!
Im quite glad that i got positive feedback. In matter of fact, the report by video google is telling me that some have downloaded it!

Episode 2 will be in talks around two weeks, as i have to study. But no worries, i will not abandon it, it is my desire to complete the first book.

For the time being, i may make an animation about the voices behind the characters. Including wrong parts.....hehehehe, I got some recordings with big mistakes.

Anyway, thanks for all the replies. I will post updates and screenshots in the future for episode 2!

Those who read the book will know which characters are coming......Ouch, it will be hard to create but i will try my best. :D
Hmmm, I liked it but I think the 3d designs let it down a bit. Your're obviously very experinced in this so I suggest Flash, it's easier to use and you could draw the characters. (Of course I'm suggesting this for the next book you do, as you can't suddenly get new character models.) And the music at the nostalgia bath...

I'm looking forward to seeing Aslan.
Kate12whisper13 said:
Aslan might be hard to make! I'm looking forward to the White Witch!

Right on! Absolutely true, Aslan will be hard to make! But i have my method. This is simply from spawning a cat model, making it larger in scale and using colour renderings and lions features on to it. It is possible but you can probably tell that it has been overmasked through various shapes etc.

For the white witch, i'm not going to create a fancy dress for her. It will be simple. However she will wear a crown.

My worst nightmare is creating the: 'half horse, half man' or anything similar. Thats when it is really going to take ages to render.

Episode 2 will be in works soon! (examinations taking place at college)
:eek: WOW! :eek: That was wwwwwwwwwickeddddddddddddddddd! I loved it and I can't wait for the second episode to come out, I showed some of my friends and they were all like :eek: they loved it sooooo much! they themselves can't wait for the second episode either...!!!
Episode 2 update!

Well, due to my studies, i have slowed down a bit! However, i will continue making the episodes in my free time.

What i have done lately with episode 2 is to choose the 3d characters. Jadas has been spawned! I will post pics of her soon.

Aslan however is quite difficult to create. To be honest, Aslan will be created with basic shapes (spheres, squared, cylinders). However it wont be noticeable during animation, as he will hopefully blend in. If i show the pic of aslan on its will look slightly odd!

More updates coming soon!
Episode 2 - The project starts!

I have not posted for some time now since I am working hard towards my studies. However, in my free time, I can start creating the animation.

So where am I lately? Well those who read the book know that i have a lot to do with the scenery:

<SPOILERS> Diggory and Polly would enter different places when entering the pools with their rings, as one of the locations turns out to be ruins

I am also having problems from deciding whether the white witch should have the characteristics of the BBC version....or the Disney version. Reading the book, I can tell you she acts more like the BBC version, however this could change through feedback from others. (Including you guys ;) )

I am also getting mails from people what the white witch looks like. Well, I will probably keep that as a suprise. However, I can give you details that I prefer it if her appearance will be different from the Disney and BBC version. Something that people would remember from this animation (mostly within the clothing section).

Anyway I will keep you updated. I have not created any script, therefore voice auditons are not up yet.....however.....I can tell you that I have found a voice for Aslan ;) .

PS: If you can, please post up what type of witch would you want.....The BBC version....Or the Disney version. It will really help.

Long live Narnia :D

ali_f said:
I have not posted for some time now since I am working hard towards my studies. However, in my free time, I can start creating the animation.

So where am I lately? Well those who read the book know that i have a lot to do with the scenery:

<SPOILERS> Diggory and Polly would enter different places when entering the pools with their rings, as one of the locations turns out to be ruins

I am also having problems from deciding whether the white witch should have the characteristics of the BBC version....or the Disney version. Reading the book, I can tell you she acts more like the BBC version, however this could change through feedback from others. (Including you guys ;) )

I am also getting mails from people what the white witch looks like. Well, I will probably keep that as a suprise. However, I can give you details that I prefer it if her appearance will be different from the Disney and BBC version. Something that people would remember from this animation (mostly within the clothing section).

Anyway I will keep you updated. I have not created any script, therefore voice auditons are not up yet.....however.....I can tell you that I have found a voice for Aslan ;) .

PS: If you can, please post up what type of witch would you want.....The BBC version....Or the Disney version. It will really help.

Long live Narnia :D

I pefer the white witch be the one from the disney version cause she lookes more like how I imagien her when I read TMN and LWW books
Episode 2 Update!

Well, I am near to the scene where

<Spoilers> Polly & Digory are near to encounter the queen. </spoilers>

To be honest, animation is becoming difficult here as there is a lot of movements in this episode. However, its looking good and am coming close to look for further voice actors/actress.

Stay tuned for further updates.
I cant believe they havent bothed to have done it years ago its a great book.They just skipped the rest and it helped me understand the rest of the storys better so it is a really good idea.