Magician's Nephew - My future project!

As soon as I can get my microphone up and running I will send in a voice attachment of me for the voice of Polly and Jadas and some others so if you like me for any of them I can hopefully be of service.
Kate12whisper13 said:
That's a really good idea, so far Ali has given me the kinda OK to help with casting, so can I have the voice tape aswell?

It is important that the candidate could do the voice acting through 'Wav format', which can be found using Windows Sound Recorder.

If you could find a candidate suitable for the role:

*British Accent
*No Deep Voice.

If you cant find the candidate, no worries, there are alternative ways of finding someone.

NOTICE!!!!: any people interested in being the voice of Diggory please do a 'Wav Format' which can be found using Windows Sound Recorder of your voice saying something, then either send it to myself or Ali, for the part of Diggory.
As Ali has mentioned, the requirements are:
*Brittish Accent.
*No deep voice.

Kate12whisper13 said:
That's a really good idea, so far Ali has given me the kind of OK to help with casting, so can I have the voice tape as well?

My Microphone on wave is dead and so I have no way of sending you a sample of my voice for ether Polly or Jadas or any others so If you could PM me your physical address I could send you an actual tape. Thanks a bunch. Oh and if I could get a bit of the script for all the girls so I could know what exactly to say that would be terrific
There seems to be a confusion here....At the moment, there are two assigned characters:

*Andrew (very close)

At the moment, i have not put in an available auditions for any other characters as i have not reached the part yet. But to complete episode 1, I need to look for a voice for Digory.

Also, whatever the cost is, the sound format must be through 'wav', there seems to be a confusion about the 'tape' method. It wont really work that way, instead sending a script with description is simple and fast.

At the moment, there will be no release for the script yet, as episode one is almost sorted. It is best to send out script for episode 2 since more characters will arrive and will be a bigger project.

Anyway, I like to say that the candidate to play Poly's voice is quite matched up to the criteria. The person to play Andrew is still through at a discussion stage, and Digory is yet still to be found. Only one candidate has asked for it and will be auditioned for it soon. However, i would still want more candidates for Digory.

Finally, look out soon, episode 1 animation is completed, my estimation is that it would be released perhaps between the middle/end of March, however i will notify you all for the release.
Kate12whisper13 said:
NOTICE!!!!: any people interested in being the voice of Diggory please do a 'Wav Format' which can be found using Windows Sound Recorder of your voice saying something, then either send it to myself or Ali, for the part of Diggory.
As Ali has mentioned, the requirements are:
*Brittish Accent.
*No deep voice.


PLEASE PEOPLE! Ali needs a DIggory!
By the way Alli, can I have a listen of the Andrew and Polly?
Ok, i have found 'Digory's' voice from an external site. The script is completed and now i am waiting for 'Andrew's' voice to appear very shortly this week. This is good news as the release is quite near, once the guy sends me his attachments, i will start uploading it for a release.

However, i may consider to make two version, one with subtitles!

Lets just hope google video does not let us down from delays etc.

Thank you for all your support!

PS: If anyone here wants their name to be added in the fan credits, please start replying. Late entries may not get their name in the credits etc.

Take the oppurtunity. Also, if you find it uncomftable to put your name up online, i dont mind your nicknames as long as they are not offensive or explicit!
Kate12whisper13 said:
Hey Ali I would rather PM you my name instead of posting it online OK!

Thats fine, if thats what you want, its OK by me :)

Or you can send in a nickname as long as its not explicit or offensive.

However, must give it fast, i am deciding this week to upload it. Once its uploaded, i cant accept any more name until the next episode.
Episode 1 Complete

Yes, its true! All voice actors/actresses voices have been included. All of the animation is complete including credits etc. I will show it to my 'personal reviewer' ;) first and will post it online straight away!

Estimated release date through google video's archive:

13 March 2006.

So please don't ask me "where is it", because its all up to google video now to post it online!

I will post an anouncement once its on online! :)
Last edited:
1-4 Hours, Episode 1 will be posted online!!!

YEAH! Google Video has verified it and passed it as i can see this through my account. Stay tuned, within 1-4 hours, you will be able to see Chronicles Of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew - Episode 1.

As the release is very, very near. I would like to post a comment:

Please do not criticise the animation. It is the first time 'book one' has been animated, therefore be greatfull.

I would also like to request for reviews, want to see what you think about the animation.

They may be few bugs found in the animation, reason being is that i have converted the video straight from the software, so this means the picture quality lacks skipping a few frames.

Anyway, more info to come once the video is live between 1-4 hours.

Update coming VERY soon!
ali_f said:
YEAH! Google Video has verified it and passed it as i can see this through my account. Stay tuned, within 1-4 hours, you will be able to see Chronicles Of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew - Episode 1.

As the release is very, very near. I would like to post a comment:

Please do not criticise the animation. It is the first time 'book one' has been animated, therefore be greatfull.

I would also like to request for reviews, want to see what you think about the animation.

They may be few bugs found in the animation, reason being is that i have converted the video straight from the software, so this means the picture quality lacks skipping a few frames.

Anyway, more info to come once the video is live between 1-4 hours.

Update coming VERY soon!

oh ok I can wait that long :)
Episode 1 released. Please Enjoy

Ok guys, please enjoy my animation. Please remember to review it, heck be the first to review it.

The credits consists of fan lists. Sorry if your name is not there as there was a lot to submit, however, there is episode 2, and so forth.

I will also like to make an announcement that I am going to study for a while before moving onto episode 2, since i am getting good grades i have to keep it up.

Anyway enjoy my animation. Thanks for all those who have helped!
