~Grateful * Surrender~
New member
As soon as I can get my microphone up and running I will send in a voice attachment of me for the voice of Polly and Jadas and some others so if you like me for any of them I can hopefully be of service.
Kate12whisper13 said:That's a really good idea, so far Ali has given me the kinda OK to help with casting, so can I have the voice tape aswell?
Kate12whisper13 said:That's a really good idea, so far Ali has given me the kind of OK to help with casting, so can I have the voice tape as well?
Kate12whisper13 said:NOTICE!!!!: any people interested in being the voice of Diggory please do a 'Wav Format' which can be found using Windows Sound Recorder of your voice saying something, then either send it to myself or Ali, for the part of Diggory.
As Ali has mentioned, the requirements are:
*Brittish Accent.
*No deep voice.
Kate12whisper13 said:Hey Ali I would rather PM you my name instead of posting it online OK!
ali_f said:YEAH! Google Video has verified it and passed it as i can see this through my account. Stay tuned, within 1-4 hours, you will be able to see Chronicles Of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew - Episode 1.
As the release is very, very near. I would like to post a comment:
Please do not criticise the animation. It is the first time 'book one' has been animated, therefore be greatfull.
I would also like to request for reviews, want to see what you think about the animation.
They may be few bugs found in the animation, reason being is that i have converted the video straight from the software, so this means the picture quality lacks skipping a few frames.
Anyway, more info to come once the video is live between 1-4 hours.
Update coming VERY soon!