Mod Q&A Thread II

Really, guys... :rolleyes:

The forum is green because the colour has certain soothing properties, which allow the members to behave in a slightly... calmer manner than is their wont.

Note that all the skins use cool colours; blue, dark blue, green...This verifies my theory. ;)
Really, guys... :rolleyes:

The forum is green because the colour has certain soothing properties, which allow the members to behave in a slightly... calmer manner than is their wont.

Note that all the skins use cool colours; blue, dark blue, green...This verifies my theory. ;)

Well it doesn't work very well for me...:rolleyes:
Banned? Who would do such a thing? We honestly just try banning each other, and doing other minor pranks on fellow members. Monkeh is the most known mod for that...though others have done the same as well.

-_- Oh reallly? I seem to recall one post by HB after Slp and I were having a little... conversation in this thread, and it had gotten just a teeny bit offtopic... and HB came and got after us. :D

Anyway - Q: What happened to the list of members who are logged on? It used to be in alphabetical order, but now it doesn't seem to be anymore...
I've got a question: does Olorin have anything else to do besides post questions for the mods? Hmmmm?

Maybe we should take this one up in the Mod Lounge.
Hmmmmmm......two bannings for the price of one. Such a deal!!!;) I'm the new guy here. Can I do it? Huh? Huh? Huh? Can I???? Please?????:D:p
Here:s a question for the mods:
How come everyone else gets pretty colors like lblue and orange? Why can't the brand-new people be navy, and us Seniour and Juniour Members and Friends of Narnia be orange/ Or the blue mods be navy and we be blue! It's not fair! *pouts*:mad: :p
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