Mod Q&A Thread II

...Ok, what would the mods do if the peoples of TDL tired of their rule and banded together to form a mass uprising? Would they be overwhelmed and swept down from their lofty posts by the unstoppable tide of rebelling members? Would the members cast them down and assume their places themselves? Or would Specter just use the fabled 'Ban All' button?
I'd love to try that! :D
*puts on serious face* Well, that is the question... But still, the mods might like a little change from the usual attitude of meek submissiveness... and maybe they're bored with their powers, and would be happy to surrender them to us...
*puts on serious face* Well, that is the question... But still, the mods might like a little change from the usual attitude of meek submissiveness... and maybe they're bored with their powers, and would be happy to surrender them to us...

Except maybe HB, Monkeh, and TGraveline, they enjoy their powers much to much to give them up.....*imagines the uprising*imagines the three aforementioned mads standing in a group saying "BACK! BACK! OR I'LL BAN YOU! Back!"* Heehee, maybe we should try it that'd force those three to actually work together for once. :D
*nods to what Slippers says*

Derny, we all know that you really want to shed this outer layer of...Madlyness...and reveal your inner Duffer!!!