Mutants(like X-Men) II

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ooc - o_o fine...use yer own imagination though cuz i'm talkin to about 38946239 ppl right now

ic - She showed them her powers.

ooc - =] there i showed u my powers MUHAHAHHA! now you can't bug me about it anymore X]
ooc: Wow. you're so descriptive about your powers. -_-

bic: Sebastian let out a light scoff at the mention of her putting a couple people in the hospital.
"So... illusions, eh? That could definately do some serious damage..."
ooc: Wow. you're so descriptive about your powers. -_-

bic: Sebastian let out a light scoff at the mention of her putting a couple people in the hospital.
"So... illusions, eh? That could definately do some serious damage..."

ooc: she's got a major talent for it. *giggles*

ic: "Correction, imagination," Fantasi, raising her eyebrows at his scoff. "And yes, Gina, it was funny. Take my word for it."
Cho♥Harry;1251417 said:
She nodded.
" yea I don't know what to do he got Hello," she said still having teass rolling down her cheek.

"Where can I find him" she started for the door.
He became slightly uncomfortable even though he knew the question was going to come up eventually.
"Well... I..."
He slowly said it.
"I kinda... touch things."
She look at her sister.
" He was around the game room for awhile," she told her.

Shiloh clenched her fists, white knuckles appearing. "I suppose Ill just have to arrange a meeting with him wont I?" she said sarcastically, her jaw tightening. A vein could be seen on the left side of her neck. "Go to my room", she pushed passed Carmen, "Ill be back in a moment. And I dont want you following me". She glanced back with stern look.

ooc. Do you mind playing his character?
She nodded.
" OK I be right here if you need me," she told her

OOC: Yea sure.

Calming herself from the anger that seemed to overtake her, Shiloh walked down the long corrider of dorm rooms. She passed by the silver plaques on the door, waiting until she approached the exact one. 623...She paused. So this is where the beast lives... Taking a step closer, she waited for a moment before walking on. She didnt expect to feel the presence of another student, but she wanted to make sure. Taking Carmens advice, she walked down two flights of stairs before reaching the game room. Before turning the doorknob, she heard a laugh. The door squeaked open, reveal Shiloh's shadowed figure. Her eyes flickered. The boy who had been laughing a moment before, ducked his head quickly and returned to his game with the other, half staring student. With a quick glance she spotted her brother, or so he was called. A group of friends were gathered around him. A bolstrous laugh came forth from the boy. His friends laughed with uneasiness. Shiloh walked across the room and pushed aside one of his friends. Her brother gave her a wry grin, then tightened his jaw. His friends seemed relieve by her appearance and departed, as if sensing this was just between brother and sister. She could see why they were so tense. Her brother was one of the most powerful mutants here, but his temper was ever changing, and his newfound addiction to alchohal made it worse.

The boy frowned, then asked, "What do you want?" his gruff voiced was tipped with a hint of mockery, as if the mere sight of her disgusted him. "We need to talk. But-" she cut him off before his throat could follow his lips, "I want to show you something." Shiloh had hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should make things easier for him. But only for a moment. She was supposed to weaken him then defeat him. He had bought tickets for his own torture, and he deserved it. "Follow me."
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Carman was in her room waiting her sister to come back.

Ok...I dont know this guys Ill have to keep calling him boy.

The boy frowned but reluctantly followed her out of the game room. Shiloh didnt have time to study his face but, was that fear in his eyes? He was too strong for her to sense what he was thinking.

Shiloh pushed open the back door to the school, a blast of snow almost slamming the door back against her. She felt a hand support her shoulder, and glanced back to see the boy quickly remove his hand. At least he had some feeling...or was it just because he didnt want her to hit him from the winds of the storm. Once they were able to actually stand among the high winds, Shiloh made her way to a field next to the school. The boy followed. "Stay here." she ordered. From the look in her eye, her brother gave a nod, though barely noticable. He crouched in the know, feeling the warmth leaving him, even though he had a weatherproof jacket on. Once Shiloh was out of sight, he thought more than twice about leaving. Why was he doing what she told him to do? He tried to ignore the wind and cold, even though it bit though to his bones. Then, suddenly, he glanced around him in awe.....everything had more snow and wind, but green and sunshine....what was the meaning of this?

Sorry but Ill have to finish later.
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