My Chemical Romance Fan Club

oh you are always so sweet :)

Did you get to pick up that DVD u mentioned? or do you already have it?


No, unfortunately. It costs too much and I'm always broke xD Haha. Maybe in a few months when the price comes down or something.

And thanks for the friend request thing btw! I came back from my music course to find TDL updated and was like 'Whoaaa.' xD
I haven't posted here in awhile.

Did I tell you about my new "The Black Parade is Dead!" t-shirt? It has MCR with their black parade outfits on and skeleton faces I LOOOOOOVVVEEEEEE it!!!
Nope, not yet. I'm waiting for Christmas or my birthday on Dec 8th to get it. Maybe if I have another b-day shopping trip this year I can get it. Next time mom offers to buy me a cd I'll ptobably get the Jonas Brothers cause that's probably cheaper than TBPID, depending on which JB cd I decide to get...
Cool. Their new CD's out on the 12th...that's like, one more day :) I'm incredibly excited. I'll probably ask for a Jonas shirt or something for mother won't object because she's glad I've finally got over obsessing over screamy bands like Linkin Park and My Chem xD I must say, it's nice to have finally found a band with genuinely nice, religious guys in it.

Not that MCR and LP aren't nice guys. I just wish they wouldn't swear or smoke or blaspheme so much :rolleyes:
Two so far. Their first one wasn't successful and it went out of sale or something, so to get one now would be difficult because there are only a limited number out and the prices have rocketed. The second one is what really made them famous.

And the one coming out tomorrow is obviously their third.
this is very random but some of you know how obsessed I was with 30STM once upon a time, and i know some of you listen to them. Well I wanted to inform you all if you haven't already heard, that 30 is being sued by virgin records for breach of contract. They failed to produce 5 records which was in their contract, where they only released 3. Virgin is sueing for "in excess of" $30 million.

My take on this, is that yes 30 breached their contract and do deserve to be dropped, but I hate how major labels become this greedy and ask for that ridiculous amount of money. This is something that really gets me angry about majors. I personally aspire to work for a label in the area of A&R (artists and repetoire), so this really gets me. This reaffirms my beliefs in the strong points of indie labels over majors.
OMG I just realized both bands that I obsess over are from New Jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Most of the members of My Chemical Romance are from New Jersey and the Jonas Brothers are from New Jersey too!!!!!! :eek:

I am SO moving to New Jersey when I'm an adult... LOL jk jk
i havent really heard the Jonas Brothers, but i definately want to see Camp Rock, it seems really good.

i didnt know that most MCR are from New Jersey!! :eek:
this is very random but some of you know how obsessed I was with 30STM once upon a time, and i know some of you listen to them. Well I wanted to inform you all if you haven't already heard, that 30 is being sued by virgin records for breach of contract. They failed to produce 5 records which was in their contract, where they only released 3. Virgin is sueing for "in excess of" $30 million.

My take on this, is that yes 30 breached their contract and do deserve to be dropped, but I hate how major labels become this greedy and ask for that ridiculous amount of money. This is something that really gets me angry about majors. I personally aspire to work for a label in the area of A&R (artists and repetoire), so this really gets me. This reaffirms my beliefs in the strong points of indie labels over majors.

Ugh! How horrible for them! :( I mean, I know it's breach of contract, but like you said, there's no need to be greedy and ask for that much money.

And I'd like the record company to dish out 5 CDs that are as amazing as the ones 30 have released so far. I bet they couldn't do it themselves.
OMG I just realized both bands that I obsess over are from New Jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Most of the members of My Chemical Romance are from New Jersey and the Jonas Brothers are from New Jersey too!!!!!! :eek:

I am SO moving to New Jersey when I'm an adult... LOL jk jk

Hehe. I realised that too :D
Something amazing happened to me last night.

At least I thought it was amazing. Maybe it was only amazing because I was feeling semi-emotional, upset and happy at the same time. I was up in my room, putting up my two new My Chemical Romance posters, wearing my new Beatles t-shirt and white sneakers, Gloria Vanderbelt skinny jeans and my new little black hoop earrings. I was pretty fed up because 1, Hot Topic, my number 1 place for MCR merchandise, had absolutely NO MORE MCR shirts. At all. I could always count on them for MCR shirts but I guess they weren't selling very well. 2, I found SEVERAL Jonas Brothers shirts in various places, except the so called "Extra Large" might have fit a sapling tree. 3, I couldn't find the Jonas Brothers cd I wanted. I was angry but still happy because there was a sale on posters at Fye so I was able to purchase two new MCR posters, rolling up my old beaten up one and putting it into storage to make space on my walls. We had also purchased "My Fair Lady" which I had been DYING to see.

Anyway as soon as I was done accidentally cutting the skin beneath my newly short nails with the tacks and succeeded to put up my posters, I flopped on my bed and popped in my MCR Black Parade cd. It had been ignored for a loooooooooong time so I decided to get some use out of it. I clicked ahead to "Dead!", the song that inspired the start of my story "The Lost Paraders" and the first few notes shot me with a sort of nostalgia, remembering how crazy my obsession with them became. The second few shot me with realization that I still liked their music as much as before, though not as obsessed like. Third I was shot with relief. I was scared I was growing out of them. I thought now that I liked the Jonas Brothers that I would end up leaving MCR in the dust after all their music has done for me.

MCR has opened my eyes as much as the Jonas Brothers have. The Jonas Brothers and Twilight were just the extra knocks on the head to finish the lesson. (the lesson was to never judge someone/something before you know/experience them for yourself because MCR, JB and Twilight are all things I despised before I knew anything much about them and then I decided I liked them)

I was really happy when I realized MCR still held their place in my heart. I'm not the scary obsessive fangirl I used to be. I still think some of the members of MCR are attractive, but I don't get upset that they're married. Now I'm actually really glad they're happy. I think I went crazy because I started laughing. It doesn't seem so amazing now, it actually seems crazy. But last night, it was magical. I don't know. Maybe I was just really tired. But it seemed great because MCR's music still made me feel happy.

I'd been scared for awhile that JB woukd replace MCR for me. It feels good to like on if the same groups alot of other girls my age like, but (I KNOW, this is really stupid) in a way I felt like I was abandoning MCR.
Now I know I never lost my interest in their music.

----------That was a really stupid thing to write about and I'll regret it later but I don't care. I'm sure you guys won't make fun of me, will you? :p-----
Aw, of course I won't make fun! I know exactly how you feel. Except I think I actually might have abandoned MCR slightly *winces* I've actually mostly gone off rock like MCR and Linkin Park now, and I'm getting more into...boyband-ish stuff o_o Like McFly (well, I've loved them for ages- since I was about 11) and Jonas Brothers. But these things happen, and even though I don't listen to MCR much anymore, they'll still hold a special place in my heart.
Awww I just found this newer picture of Gerard and Lyn-Z and it's ADORABLE!!!! They look so happy together, don't they?

I'm not even jealous. I'm happy about that. I was creepy when I "hated" Lyn-Z....
D'aww :3 I've never been jealous of Lyn-Z. At all. The only love I've ever had for Gerard was a hero worship kind of thing. And tbh, I wouldn't marry him, he's such a goofball xDD And not to mention twice my age.