My Front Porch Looking In (Star Wars Prequel Re-write)

First Night Together (Feb. 23rd)

“No, not at all. It’s in the bedroom to the right. Oh, and I got you this. You don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to.” He handed me a package that was wrapped.

“Thank you.” He took the plate into the kitchen as I took a shower. I wrapped a towel around me and opened the package. I didn’t’ know what it was at first, so I pulled it out and what it turned out to be was a silk blue nightgown with a v-neck and a zipper down the back. I’d never owned anything nearly as beautiful or as expensive, and tears welled up in my eyes. Not necessarily because of the gift but because of the love which with it was presented. Obi-Wan didn’t have to do it. My hair was still dripping from the shower so I toweled it off and put the nightgown on with the matching robe. I threw away the wrapping and laid my clothes on a chair in the bedroom. I opened the door and stood in the doorway. When he heard the door open, Obi-Wan turned to me, and his mouth dropped open.

“What?” I said, a smile forming at the corners of my mouth.

“Nothing…you, you look beautiful.” He closed his mouth but his eyes were still wide. “Uh, well, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to bed. Do you need anything?”

I shook my head, but remained in the doorway. I moved aside just enough for him to enter but then I shut the door behind me.

“Petra, what are you doing?” He asked, looking at me.

“Am I right in assuming that this is my room too?” I said, standing against the door. Even though he had offered me an alternative, I just wanted to be with him.

“Uh, well yeah.” He answered, not entirely sure where I was going with this.

“So, then, may I join you?” I nearly giggled when his face turned red. “If you don’t want me too, I can sleep on the couch.” I turned back to the door.

Obi-Wan was silent as he removed his robe and sat down on the bed. “No, I want you to stay in here. But I…”

“I wasn’t suggesting THAT.” I laughed as I sat beside him. I removed my robe and kissed him on the cheek. I whispered, “I love you” in his ear, then placed my robe over his and crawled into bed, ready to finally lie down after an exhausting few days. Obi-Wan didn’t move for a few minutes, realizing it was the first time I’d told him that I loved him. I was asleep within minutes and I didn’t hear or feel Obi-Wan lay beside me, wrap his arms around my waist, and say, “I know you do.”

A\N: sorry about the error in continuinity here. I'll have to go back and edit.
The Truth is Revealed (Feb. 27th)

Four months later, Obi-wan and Anakin and four other Jedi were sent on a mission to another planet. I wasn’t told where or how long they’d be away, but worry gnawed at me constantly. On top of that, I was having morning sickness, then evening sickness, along with near-constant headaches and backaches. Obi-Wan had me set up with an older Jedi at the Temple, Malee, who was an experienced healer. The Council needed more Jedi healers, so they allowed me to be trained by her. She was a sweet woman, somebody I could talk to when there was no one else. Thankfully, Siri had been sent on the mission too so I didn’t have to worry about her, though our jealousy of each other kept growing with each passing day.

“Petra, dear, you don’t look well.” Malee said as I walked up to her.

“I don’t feel well either.” I said, my face pale and my headache returning.

A look of genuine concern passed over her face. “Here, sit down.” She helped me sit down in a chair. “Now, what’s wrong?”

“I’ve been sick lately and I’ve had headaches and backaches really badly. I don’t know what’s going on.” She laid her hand on my forehead, then felt my stomach. A smile spread across her face. I wasn’t amused. “What’s so funny?”

“My dear, nothing’s wrong. In fact, you’re going to be a mother.”

For a moment, I didn’t feel anything, not even my headache. “But, how?”

She laughed. “Petra, how many ways can pregnancy happen? Have you and Obi-Wan been up to something?” Her eyes narrowed and I shrunk beneath her gaze. I couldn’t tell her, at least I wasn’t supposed to tell her, but how COULD I explain me being pregnant? I had to tell her; maybe if I asked her to keep it a secret, she’d comply.

“Malee, Obi-Wan is my husband.”
A Wounded Jedi (March 3rd)

“I know, Petra. I’ve known ever since he brought you here.” She placed her hand on my shoulder.

“You won’t tell anybody?” I said hopefully.

“Of course not. Your secrets are safe with me.” She hugged me then turned back to her work. I started to help her but she waved me off. “Go home and rest. Your husband and Anakin are scheduled to be back in a couple of weeks. If something happens that we need your help, I’ll call you.”

“I have responsibilities here.” My stubborn pride started to kick in again.

“Petra, do I have to make you go home?” She said, crossing her arms. I hated it when she did that. She was just as bad as when Obi-Wan did that.

“No. I’ll go home.”

She nodded. “Good.”

I walked back to our quarters and took my robe off, my headache starting to grow again. I sat down on the couch and cradled my stomach as fear started to creep into my mind. How would we hide this baby from the Order? How could we raise him or her? Would this force Obi-Wan to leave the Order? I couldn’t bear to do that to him, or Anakin. I reluctantly got up and went into the bedroom and changed into the nightgown he had bought me months earlier. I felt a slight bump on my stomach that I hadn’t felt before. I remembered when my mom was pregnant with Anakin. Feeling him as he was growing within her was amazing and nothing short of a miracle. I knew my baby wouldn’t be kicking or moving for several months, but the tiny bump, barely noticeable, was enough.

The next week, I went back to work in the healers’ ward because I not only felt better; I was bored out of my mind. I was concentrated on my work when I sensed a panic amongst the healers, chiefly Malee. I looked out the window of my little office and saw several Jedi rushing back into the ward. Two Jedi were carrying a man in-between them but I couldn’t see who it was. Siri was limping and Malee helped her onto a bed and told two healers to help her. She then went back over to the man and helped him down onto a bed.

“Petra!” She shouted, nearly at a scream. I sighed and got up. I walked over to the bed and nearly didn’t recognize the Jedi lying there. One thing gave his identity away though; his hand. It had a scar on it that I remembered. Though his hand was bloodied and dirty, I saw the scar. “Petra” I heard Malee say but it didn’t register. All I could do was stand there, frozen, as my eyes slowly scanned up the body. It was Obi-Wan. But his face was so dirty and covered in blood that I nearly didn’t recognize the man I loved so much. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and shake me back to reality. “Petra Skywalker, listen to me. I need you to help me heal him.”
Healing Obi-Wan (march 8th)

“I can’t. I’m not powerful enough.” I couldn’t save him. I didn’t have it in me.

“You can do this if you let the Force guide you” Barriss Offee, one of the most powerful Jedi healers in Jedi history, said as she walked up.

“No, Master, I cannot. I don’t have the strength.” I didn’t want him to die but what else could I do?

Barriss took my hand. “Malee and I will help you. Come.”

My hands were shaking terribly, out of nervousness mostly, but out of the fear that Obi-Wan was dying. Barriss placed my hand on Obi-Wan’s, and she and Malee stood on either side of me. I focused on Obi-Wan, though it was hard to with him being in his condition. I shut my eyes and concentrated. I heard Malee’s voice say, “Let your love for him be the healer” though I’m pretty sure I was the only one who heard it. With their help, I was able to see his wounds, find the cause of his bleeding, and heal it. Once we had finished the inside wounds, I opened my eyes and they left, leaving me to clean him up and repair the skin. I went and grabbed a bowl of water and some cloths; I walked back to his side and found him trying to open his eyes.

“Petra?” He asked weakly.

“Shh, don’t talk. You’re safe.” I said reassuringly, nearly knocked over with relief that he was alive.

“I feel terrible.”

“You don’t look much better.” I said laughing softly, trying to cheer him up. He smiled at me and laughed, but then winced.

“My sides…they’re sore.” He said, grabbing my hand.

“You had a few broken ribs, but we healed them. The tissue may be sore for a few days though.”

“I missed you. Where’s Anakin?” He asked, trying to sit up. I pushed him back down gently.

“Anakin is fine. He’s sitting down out of trouble.”

“That’s unusual” he said with a smile. It was true; it was getting harder to keep Anakin out of trouble.

I moved a stray piece of hair out of his face and kissed his forehead. I noticed some facial hair trying to grow. “Trying to grow a beard?”

“Been thinking about it. I haven’t had any way of shaving the last few days.”

I shrugged. “I like you better with a clean face anyway.”

“I guess I’m disappointing you then.” He said, a twinkle in his blue-gray eyes.
Finding Out (March 16th)

“What do you mean?” I asked, wondering what he really did mean by it.

“I don’t have a clean face right now.” He smiled, no, make that smirked.

I must have had a blank look on my face for a few seconds because he started chuckling. Then the joke registered. “Obi-Wan Kenobi, that wasn’t funny.”

“Then why am I laughing? It’s not my fault you have no sense of humor.”

“I have a sense of humor; the joke was just downright lame.” I said in an annoyed tone of voice. But deep down, and it showed on the surface, I was very relieved he was awake and able to joke with me. I took the cloth that was in the water and wiped his face off with it.

“That feels so much better.” He said gratefully. He took my hand and kissed it. “Thank you, m’lady.”

I blushed, though why I don’t know. I looked around to see if anyone had noticed. Nobody was looking at us so maybe that was a good sign. “I have something to tell you, Kenobi.”

“What? Am I dying?” He said with a feigned look of shock on his face.

“Of course not.” I looked around again and placed his hand on my stomach.

“So…you’re telling me you’re hungry?” He asked with a puzzled look on his face.

“No, silly. I’m pregnant.” My nervousness about telling him melted into a smile when I saw him smile.

“You, you’re pregnant?” I saw uncertainty in his eyes. I squeezed his hand.

“Yes. I know what you’re thinking but I think everything will turn out all right.” I said, trying to reassure him.

He sighed and laid back, his eyes closed. I stroked his face. “Just rest. We have 8 and a half months to think this over.”
March 25th, 2009

He nodded and I knew that the medication we’d given him for the pain was starting to take effect. He drifted off to sleep with me holding his hand. I squeezed it again and kissed him on the cheek. “I love you, Kenobi.” I pulled the blanket over him and took the bowl of water and the dirty rags and disposed of them. I felt arms wrap around my waist and looked down at Anakin. “Is he going to be okay” he asked me. I looked back over at Obi-Wan’s sleeping form.

“Yeah, I think he’ll be fine, Ani.” I answered, giving him a hug. “Come on, let’s go home and eat. And maybe you can tell me how he happened to get injured.”

“Well, it was this big creature…”

Two days later, Obi-Wan was allowed to get up and walk around. Malee assigned me to look after him until he was released from the healers’ ward. We walked around, arm in arm, talking. “How are you feeling?” I asked.

“My leg stopped hurting. As for my back…”

“What about your back?” I said, worried.

“Those beds are too hard. I feel like I’m sleeping on a bed of rocks.” He rubbed his neck with his free hand.

I laughed and massaged his sore neck. “Maybe tomorrow or the next day you can come home. Malee and Barriss have to approve it.”

“I hope it’s soon. I miss my own bed.” We stopped and faced each other. “Did Anakin tell you what happened?”

I nodded. “You’re lucky you’re alive. Especially since Anakin told me it was his fault.”

“It wasn’t. He just was messing around when he shouldn’t have been.” He smiled, but it was a very tired smile.

“Maybe we should go back. You look like you need…”

“I need a comfortable bed. And you.” He pulled me to him and kissed me.

“Kenobi, if you do that again, the whole Temple will surely know our relationship status.” Maybe it was his medicine that was causing him to do that. I don’t know.

“Then they know. Besides, I doubt they’d do anything to me.” He shrugged.

“Only expel you…especially if they find out about him.” I patted my stomach.

“That’s true. But they won’t.”
An Unhappy Anakin (March 28th)

I raised my eyebrows. “How? We live and work in the Temple; how will they not know about it?”

“We can enroll him in the Order and claim he was brought here to be enrolled. It’s been done before.” He said, seemingly sure of his idea.

“I don’t know.” I really DID know; I didn’t want him or her to be enrolled. “We should get back. Otherwise Malee will come looking for us.”

I separated from him and offered him my arm. He took it and we walked back to the main ward. I made sure he got back to bed.

“And stay there. I don’t’ want Malee having to sedate you again.”

“You’re not staying?” He asked, uncertainty in his voice. I could tell from the look in his eyes that he wanted me to stay.

“My shift is over. Besides, if I don’t get home and start dinner, Anakin will not be happy.” I squeezed his hand.

He rolled his eyes and laid back. “They feed us only that replicator junk. It isn’t half as good as yours.”

“I promise, when you’re released I’ll have your favorite dinner waiting.” I kissed him on the cheek and walked over to Malee. “When can he be released?”

Malee didn’t turn to me but continued with her filing. “I don’t see any reason why he can’t be released tomorrow afternoon, provided you keep him off that leg for a while. I don’t want him overexerting himself. A couple of day’s bed rest should help, but I don’t want him going on missions until that leg is completely better.”

I nodded. “I’ll try my best to keep him off it.”

“It’ll be a test, I know.” She smiled. Obi-Wan was pretty stubborn when it came to things like that. I smiled back at her and walked back to our quarters. I fixed dinner for myself and Anakin then straightened up our quarters. It really didn’t need to be straightened, but it helped to keep my mind off things. I sat down with a book on the history of Jedi healers, one I had been working on for the past month, but I hadn’t gotten much farther than chapter 2. It had at least 100 chapters and I was well behind in it. But with Obi-Wan not home, I couldn’t concentrate on it. I set the book down on the coffee table and started towards the bedroom.

“Anakin, thirty more minutes, then bedtime.”

“Aw, Petra, why? I’m not a child anymore.” He whined, sticking out his chin in defiance.

“You’re still only ten; that qualifies as a child. Jedi Padawan or not, it’s bedtime. Now get ready.”

“But you said thirty minutes.” He stuck his chin out even more. I knew he was mad because he only stuck his chin out when he was angry.

“Anakin Skywalker, don’t make me take you over my knee. I’ll do it too.” I crossed my arms, equally defiant. I knew that being his sister it really wasn’t my right to discipline him, but since I was technically his mother now as well, I had the authority. Besides, he was trying my last nerve.

“Fine.” He stormed off into his room, slamming the door behind him. I sighed and went into the bedroom Obi-Wan and I shared. I sat down on the bed next to the nightstand and pulled out a pouch. I opened it and pulled out Obi-Wan’s Padawan braid. He’d given me the braid before he left for the mission. I fingered the soft brown hair then placed it back in the pouch and set it in the nightstand drawer. I took a quick shower then changed into the nightgown. I didn’t think I’d be able to sleep but my head barely hit the pillow before I was asleep.