My Front Porch Looking In (Star Wars Prequel Re-write)

What is Petra's opinion on all this prophecy stuff? :D

I haven't watched the second one in years so this is quite nice ;)
Mace and Yoda excused themselves, leaving Obi-Wan to his thoughts. He made his way to the infirmary. I saw him out of the corner of my eye. “Is there something I can do for you, Master Kenobi?”

“Yes…I need to speak with you about something.” He shut the door behind him, but didn’t come close to me since you could see through the windows.

“What is it?” I turned to face him.

“It’s not bad…per se. Promise me you’ll think about this before giving me an answer.”

I crossed my arms. “I’m not saying until you tell me what it is.”

He took a breath. “They’ve given Anakin the task of escorting Senator Amidala back to Naboo.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?” I asked.

“Depends on how you look at it; don’t get me wrong, I love Anakin like a son but I don’t think he’s ready for this. I don’t think he can handle all that’s involved.” He shook his head again.

“And you want me to tag along? Make sure they don’t get into trouble, right?”

“Well…yeah.” He looked up at me as if I had caught him with his hand in a cookie jar.

“No. Anakin will never learn if there’s always somebody telling him what to do or how to do it.” Although, I could see Obi-Wan’s point. I didn’t think Anakin was all that ready either but I didn’t want to get roped into tagging along on some security mission.

“Is that your final answer?” He asked.

“Yes. And don’t try to change my mind, Kenobi.” I uncrossed my arms and went back to work.

“Padme and Anakin are leaving in an hour. I assume you’ll want to see them off?”

“It will depend on how much I get done.” I said it without looking up from my work.

He brushed my cheek with the Force as he walked out. “Hopefully you’ll come.”

I sighed. Anakin would probably want me to come. I might as well.

The hour passed and Obi-Wan and I walked to where we were supposed to meet the others. We rode an air bus to the place where the transport ship was waiting.

“Be safe, M’lady” Captain Typho said as Padme and Anakin gathered up their suitcases.

“Thank you, Captain. Take good care of Dorme; the threat’s on you two now.” Padme said.

Dorme smiled. “He’ll be safe with me.” Tears rolled down her cheeks.

Padme patted her shoulder. “You’ll be fine.”

Dorme shook her head. “It’s not me, M’lady. It’s you; what if they realize you’ve left the capital?”

Padme smiled. “Then my Jedi protector will have to prove how good he is.”

Obi-Wan pulled Anakin aside. Anakin frowned. “Don’t do anything without first consulting either myself or the Council.”

He nodded reluctantly. “Yes master.”

Obi-Wan turned to Padme. “I will get to the bottom of this plot quickly, M’lady. You’ll be back here in no time.”

“I will be most grateful for your speed, Master Jedi.” Padme replied and Obi-Wan bowed. I hugged Anakin quickly.

“Please, do what you’re supposed to?” I said to him. He nodded and we hugged.

Anakin turned to Padme. “Time to go.”

“I know” Padme answered. Padme hugged Dorme and Anakin left the ship, waiting for her. They and R2 left and made their way to the transport ship. We stood watching them.

“I hope he doesn’t try anything foolish” Obi-Wan said.

Typho looked at him. “I’d be more worried about her doing something than him.”
May 6th (Dex's Diner)

I shrugged and sat back down. “We’re not going back.” Obi-Wan said.

I knew he’d do that just as I sat down. “Why?”

“We have business to do.” He said.

“Like what?” He had me puzzled.

“What we discussed last night; I know who to talk to about it.” A flash of excitement crossed Kenobi’s face. Inwardly I groaned; what was this, a detective spree?

“Fine; let’s go then.” I stood up and followed him off the bus. We walked to ‘downtown’ Coruscant to Dex’s Diner. I never much cared for the four-armed alien but Obi-Wan trusted him. The door chimes rang as we walked in and we were greeted by a waitress droid…sort of.

“Someone to see ya, honey! Jedi by the looks of ‘em.” She called and Dex appeared from behind the kitchen counter.

“Obi-Wan, Petra!” Dex said.

Obi-Wan smiled. “Hello Dex.”

“Take a seat, I’ll be right with you.” Dex replied as he shuffled out of the kitchen.

“Ya wanna couple cups of Jawa juice?” The waitress asked.

“Yes, thank you.” Obi-Wan said.

“Kenobi, you know I hate Jawa juice.” It was true; I couldn’t stand the stuff. It was too strong for me.

“Just drink it anyway; I have a feeling it’s courtesy of Dex.” We walked to a booth but just as we sat down Dex joined us. He hugged Obi-Wan, then me. You don’t know how odd it is to hug an alien with four arms but it certainly is strange.

“Hey, ol’ buddy. Petra you are looking lovely as ever.” Dex said as he sat down across from us in the booth.

I blushed; even compliments from an alien are nice. “Thanks.”

“So, my friends, what can I do for you?” Dex asked with a smile.

Obi-Wan held up the dart. “You can tell me what this is.” He then set it down on the table between himself and Dex.

Dex picked it up and held it in the palm of his hand. “Well, whaddya know. I ain’t seen one of these since I was prospecting on Subterrel beyond the Outer Rim.”

The waitress droid came back with the drinks. “Can you tell me where it came from? Thank you.” He handed a cup of juice to me and I drank it, suppressing the urge to have a sour look on my face.

“This baby belongs to one of them cloners…what you have here is a Kamino saberdart.”

“I wonder why it didn’t show up in our analysis archive” Obi-Wan said. He had that look on his face that said he was thinking.

Dex shook his head. “It’s these funny little cuts on the side that give it away. Those analysis droids only focus on symbols. I should think you Jedi would have more respect for the difference between knowledge and…wisdom.”

Obi-Wan grinned. “Well, if droids could think there’d be none of us here, would there? Kamino…I’m not familiar with it, is it in the Republic?”

“No, no, it’s beyond the outer Rim. I’d say about twelve parsecs…outside the Rishi Maze. Should be easy to find, even for those droids in your archives. These Kaminoans, they’re cloners; darn good ones too.”

Obi-Wan picks up the dart and examines it. “Cloners…are they friendly?’

“It depends.” Dex grinned.

“Depends on what Dex?” Obi-Wan asked.

“On how good your manners are…and how big your uh, pocketbook is.” He chuckled.
I rolled my eyes. We soon left to go back to the Jedi Temple, this time taking an air bus instead of walking. Obi-Wan and I made our way to the Archives as soon as we got there. Jocasta Nu, an elderly female Jedi, approached us.

“Did you call for assistance?” She asked Obi-Wan. He was lost in thought. Whenever I was with Obi-Wan in the presence of another Jedi, I rarely spoke. I felt it was my place to be seen and not heard…for now at least.

“Ye-yes I did.” He answered.

She smiled. “Are you having a problem, Master Kenobi?”

We walked towards some computers. “Yes, I’m looking…I mean we’re looking for a planetary system called Kamino” He said.

She thought a moment. “Kamino…”

“It doesn’t show up on the archive charts.” Obi-Wan said as we both sat down.

“Kamino…it’s not a system I’m familiar with; are you sure you have the right coordinates?” Jocasta asked again.

Obi-Wan nodded and pointed to the computer screen. “According to my information, it should appear in this quadrant here, just south of the Rishi Maze.”

She typed something into the computer. “I hate to say it but it looks like the system you’re searching for doesn’t exist.” Now that was strange, wasn’t it?

Obi-Wan now looked a bit puzzled. “Impossible…perhaps the archives are incomplete.”

She straightened up. “If an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist.”

She then walked off, turning to a young Jedi who had approached her. My heart leapt as I recognized Zett. I tried not to smile, but I know one escaped. He caught my eyes with his and smiled back; the same charming smile as his father. They turned and walked off, leaving us to figure out this puzzling puzzle.
Obi-Wan stood up. “Come on.”

“Where are we going now?” I sighed.

“Just come on, Skywalker.” He started to walk off and I followed, having to walk fast to keep up with his strides. We passed several Jedi on our way to the training area, mainly used by Yoda. He looked up and saw us approach.

He tapped his cane on the floor. “Younglings, younglings; two visitors we have.”

The children turned off their practice lightsabers. “Hello Master Obi-Wan, Jedi Petra.” They said in unison; had to say one thing for Jedi younglings, they were well-mannered. I scanned the room for Luke, our youngest, and saw him in the front row nearest me.

“I’m sorry to disturb you Master” Obi-Wan said, bowing slightly.

“What help can I be?” Yoda asked.

“I’m looking for a planet described to me by an old friend. I trust him but the system doesn’t show up on the archive maps.” Obi-Wan said.

Yoda chuckled. “Lost a planet, Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing; how embarrassing.” The children giggled and I couldn’t help but laugh softly with them. “Liam, the shades. Gather around the map reader; clear your minds, and find Obi-Wan’s wayward planet we will.”

A stick-like shaft came up out of the floor and Obi-Wan placed a small glass ball into the top. Two seconds later, we were surrounded in stars. “It ought to be…here, but it isn’t. Gravity is pulling all the stars in the area towards this spot.” Obi-Wan said, pointing to a part of the star field.

“Most interesting. Gravity’s silhouette remains, but the star and all its planets, disappeared they have; a thought? Anyone?” Yoda asked the class.

Luke, bless his heart, was the one to speak up. “Master? Because someone erased it from the archive memory.” I knew it; smart, just like his father. Obi-Wan looked at me and we both smiled. Yoda chuckled again.

“Truly wonderful the mind of a child is. The Padawan is right; go to the center of gravity’s pull, and find your planet you will.”
Don't fear! I haven't abandoned updating! Lossendil has been away for a while, and I wanted to let Lossendil catch up, so when she\he gets further on, I may update. This weekend is super busy though so I may forget! If I don't update by Monday or TUesday, leave a message on my profile yelling at me to update. ;)
Don't fear! I haven't abandoned updating! Lossendil has been away for a while, and I wanted to let Lossendil catch up, so when she\he gets further on, I may update. This weekend is super busy though so I may forget! If I don't update by Monday or TUesday, leave a message on my profile yelling at me to update. ;)

Don't worry, I was never this good about updating with my stories ;)
I've caught up!!!!!!! :D

It was good, though I thought there was a little too much romance between Obi Wan and Petra. But I've always been prejudice against romance, and this isn't my story. So this probably isn't a valid observation. :rolleyes:

I was also wondering, do Zett and Luke know who their parents are?

It's all been very good. Now I want to go back and watch the movie. I've found that I've forgotten quite a bit of detail.

*waiting for more* :)
You should have seen the very first version; there was hardly no romance at all between the two of them until about part 3. lol. And no, Zett and Luke don't know that Obi-WAn and Petra are their parents; for one thing, since they gave the boys up to the Order when they were only a few days old. In the original, I didn't have Petra and Obi giving them away until they were several years old. I thought giving them away when they were still infants would fit in with Star Wars canon of Jedi being raised in the temple from birth.

Yoda and Obi-Wan walked back towards the doorway, where I was standing. Obi-Wan called the glass ball to him and the star field disappeared.

“But Master Yoda, who could have erased information from the archives? That’s impossible, isn’t it?” Obi-wan asked.

“Dangerous and disturbing this puzzle is. Only a Jedi could have erased those files, but who and why, harder to answer. Meditate on this, I will; may the Force be with you both.”

Obi-Wan started to walk out then turned back to Yoda. “Master, I ask permission for Petra to help me on this mission. It will be good experience for her.”

I wanted to strangle the bearded Knight. Yoda thought a moment. “My permission, you have.”

Obi-wan nodded and walked out, smirking at me as he walked past. The little rascal…anyway, after a quick lunch and letting Malee know where I was going, we left in the two-seated red Jedi starfighter with an Artoo unit on the side.

“Want me to fly?” I asked as we lifted off the platform.

“No, I have it for now.” He maneuvered into the hyperspace ring and the stars flew by as we went into hyperspace. I had a bad feeling about this.

We came out of hyperspace near the planet of Kamino. “There it is, Arfour: our missing planet of Kamino.” Obi-Wan said, seemingly forgetting I was in the seat behind him.

“It doesn’t look like something that’d be deleted out of the archive files.” I observed.

Obi-Wan shook his head and headed towards the planet surface; the fighter was soon through the atmosphere and was lashed with heavy rains as we landed on the platform. We both pulled the hoods of our robes over our heads and walked towards the door we saw. Once inside, which was unusually bright and white, we pushed the hoods off, soaked almost to the bone. Whether it was from the cold, or fear, or whatever it was, I found Obi-Wan’s hand and held it. He looked at me, but didn’t remove his hand from mine; he gave me a smile that sent butterflies through my stomach. In some strange way, though, his smile reassured me. We were soon greeted by a tall, pasty-white alien with a very, very long neck and almond-like eyes. I had seen some weird creatures in my day, but this one was one of the weirdest. Oh, by the way: the city, in which we had landed, though the city itself hardly looked like one, was called Tipoca. I know, it sounds an awful lot like tapioca.

Obi-Wan pushed a few strands of wet hair out of his face and bowed slightly. “Master Jedi, so good to see you. The Prime Minister has been expecting you.” The alien said. Obi-Wan looked at me then turned his gaze back to the alien.

“We’re expected?” Obi-Wan asked skeptically.

The alien nodded. “Of course. He is anxious to meet you; after all these years, we were beginning to think you weren’t coming. Now please, this way.”
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