My Front Porch Looking In (Star Wars Prequel Re-write)

Posting now because I'll be away from the weekend to a family wedding.:rolleyes:

Obi-Wan stepped into the cockpit but I stayed out by Arfour. “Maybe we can contact Anakin on Naboo; it’s much closer. Anakin, Anakin do you copy? This is Obi-Wan Kenobi; Anakin? He’s not on Naboo; I’m going to try and widen the search…I do hope nothing’s happened to him.”

He tapped some buttons on the display. “That’s Anakin’s tracking signal but it’s coming from Tattoine. What in the blazes is he doing there? I told him to stay on Naboo.” Obi-Wan got out of the fighter.

“You didn’t tell him that; you told him not to do anything without the council’s approval.” I said crossing my arms.

“Don’t start with me right now, Skywalker.” He walked to Arfour. “We don’t have much time; Anakin? Anakin you do you copy? This is Obi-Wan Kenobi. My long range transmitter has been knocked out, retransmit this message to Coruscant.”

As Obi-Wan recorded the message, Artoo on Tattoine listened and made some adjustments to make the transmission clear. Anakin and Padme, after attending Shmi’s funeral *I’ll explain all this later* came back on the ship and listened to Obi-Wan’s transmission. Padme pressed a button and transmitted the message to Coruscant as asked. “We have tracked the bounty hunter Jango Fett to the droid foundries on Geonosis. The Trade Federation is to take delivery of a droid army here and it is clear that Viceroy Gunray and Count Dooku are behind the assassination attempts on Senator Amidala. The Commerce Guilds and Corporate Alliance have both pledged their armies to Count Dooku and are forming an…wait, wait!”

As both Anakin and Padme and the Jedi Council listened, we were attacked by a destroyer droid. The hologram was cut off before we could finish and we were knocked unconscious and taken prisoner. When Obi-Wan came to, he found himself in a force field, restrained by blue electric bolts. I found myself in a cell with my hands tied to the wall and my cheek smarting. I wet my lips and tasted blood. This wasn’t good at all. Count Dooku approached Obi-wan. “Traitor!” obi-Wan said accusingly.

“This is a mistake, a terrible mistake. They have gone too far, this is madness.” Dooku said unconvincingly.

“I thought you were the leader here, Dooku” Obi-wan said.

“This had nothing to do with me, I assure you. I promise you I will petition immediately to have you and your wife set free.” Dooku responded.

“Well I hope it doesn’t take too long; we both have work to do…and what makes you think she’s my wife?” Obi-Wan asked.

“Just observation. May I ask why a Jedi Knight and Padawan are all the way out here on Geonosis?” Dooku asked.

“We’ve been tracking a bounty hunter named Jango Fett. Do you know him?” Obi-Wan said coolly.

“There are no bounty hunters here that I’m aware of. The Geonosians don’t trust them.” Dooku replied.

“Well who can blame them, but he is here I can assure you.” Obi-Wan said, undaunted and unconvinced of Dooku.

“It’s a great pity that our paths have never crossed before, Obi-Wan. Qui-gon always spoke very highly of you. I wish he were still alive…I could use his help right now.” Dooku said sadly.

“Qui-Gon Jinn would never join you.” Obi-Wan said staunchly.

“Don’t be so sure my young Jedi. You forget that he was once my apprentice, just as you were once his. He knew all about the corruption in the Senate but he would never have gone along with it if he had known the truth as I have.” Dooku said matter-of-factly.

“The truth?” obi-Wan asked.

“The truth. What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of the dark lord of the Sith?” Dooku said.

“No, that’s not possible; the Jedi would be aware of it.” Obi-Wan said, not wanting to believe it.

Dooku shook his head. “The dark side of the Force has clouded their vision my friend. Hundreds of Senators are now under the influence of a Sith Lord called Darth Sidious.”

Now it was Kenobi’s turn to shake his head. “I don’t believe you.”

“The Viceroy of the Trade Federation was once in league with this Darth Sidious. He was betrayed ten years ago by the Dark Lord. He came to me for help; he told me everything. You must join me, Obi-Wan, and together we will destroy the Sith.” Dooku came closer to Obi-Wan.

“I will never join you, Dooku” Obi-Wan said strongly.

Dooku turned to leave. “It may be difficult to secure your release….and her’s.”
I always liked Dooku, wonder why?

Anyway, nice update. Was this in the movie? I don't remember it, but then I can never remember much of the second movie anyway. :p
I always liked Dooku, wonder why?

Anyway, nice update. Was this in the movie? I don't remember it, but then I can never remember much of the second movie anyway. :p

Yes, the part where Dooku confronts Obi-Wan in his cell was in the movie. 2 of the best actors from SW in that scene. :D ;) I liked Dooku too; but I didn't when he injured Obi in 2 and 3.
“Let her go, Dooku; she’s innocent in this.” Obi-Wan pleaded.

“I wouldn’t be so sure. However, I’m not entirely heartless; I will let you two say your goodbyes.” Dooku left and walked into my cell. He motioned to two of the guards and they picked me up, rather roughly, and carried me into Obi-Wan’s holding cell. They threw me down on the ground and left.

“What have they done to you?” Obi-Wan asked, worry and love etched across his features.

“Nothing, I’m fine. I’ve been hit a lot harder.” I responded with a smile.

“This is my fault; I asked you to come.” He hung his head.

“I was the one who agreed, Kenobi; don’t apologize or think it’s your fault.” More than anything I wanted to go to him and hug him but the forcefield would keep me from doing so.

Silence hung between us for a few minutes. “Petra, I love you.”

“I Love you too, Kenobi.”

About an hour later we found ourselves chained to a cart in a dark tunnel. It didn’t seem like there was anything to say to each other; I didn’t know if Anakin and Padme had even gotten our message and if they’d try to help us or not…I felt a tear slide down my cheek; I didn’t want to die like this.

“We’ll be okay.” Obi-Wan said, looking over at me.

“Yeah sure…” I said in reply, sniffling back tears.

He leaned toward me and I met him in the middle; our lips met and we kissed one last time…as far as we knew.

The cart lurched forward and we were bathed in harsh sunlight. As we were led off the cart, I used the force to pull one of my hairpins out and I held it in my hand. I wasn’t sure if I could pick the lock of the chains that bound me but I was going to try; and die trying if I must.

A few minutes later, after our hands were chained and secured above our heads, we saw another cart come out of the same tunnel. For one instant, my heart leapt with hope but then plummeted to the bottom of my stomach. Anakin and Padme were in this next cart, chained just like we were, not here to rescue us.

“I was beginning to wonder if you had gotten my message.” Obi-Wan said as they were led to the pillars beside us.

“We re-transmitted it just as you had requested, Master. Then we decided to come and rescue you.” Anakin said sheepishly as he was chained to the pillar beside me.

Obi-Wan looked up at his own hands then looked back at Anakin. “Good job” he said sarcastically.

There was a deafening roar as Poggle the Lesser, Count Dooku, Nute Gunray and the two Fetts arrived in the archducal box. Poggle said something but whatever it was seemed to have an effect as the crowd cheered even more. There were sounds like doors opening, and indeed four doors were opening around the arena. Four monsters emerged from the tunnels: a Reek, two Nexu, and an Acklay. They were being driven towards us but they didn’t need much help. Once they saw us they headed straight for us. I started fiddling with the lock and struggled to get the hair pin in correctly to unlock it. “I have a bad feeling about this” Anakin said.
That part with Obi and Petra was absolutely adorable! :D

This part in the movie was really cool
Okay, so I'm on a mission to get graphics for the story, and I've gotten 3 banners made so far...(because of the 3 parts) so here they are: (they'll also be permanently posted on page 1, post 1)

Made by nightcrawler_fan:

These made by Gondorgirl:

I briefly looked over at Padme and saw that she was trying to get herself free. Finally the lock clicked and my hand was free. I didn’t know what else to do but climb the pillar so that’s what I did…although it was tougher than it looked. “Just relax, concentrate” I heard Obi-Wan say as I started the hard climb up the pillar.

“What about them?” Anakin asked, looking up at me.

Obi-Wan turned and saw me climbing. “They seem to be on top of things.”

The reek charged at Anakin; Anakin jumped and leapt onto the back of the Reek then wrapping part of his chain around the animal’s horn, tearing it free from the post. The Acklay had Obi-Wan in its sights as it charged towards him. Obi-Wan ducked and narrowly missed the creature’s stabbing claw as it sliced the chain and freed him.

The largest nexu started towards my pillar, snarling and growling. I got to the top but already he was halfway up the pillar. Thoughts raced through my head but only one seemed to have any reality. I gripped my chain in both hands and waited; when I assumed he was close enough, I jumped and kicked him in the side of the face, making him lose his balance and sliding down the pillar. It didn’t deter him long and I felt him below me as I tried to climb the pillar again. I reached the top but I felt him grab my foot *thank goodness for Jedi boots* and pull me down, drawing his claws across my back. I screamed in pain as I felt the claws dig into my skin. I could feel the blood already dripping and realized my shirt had been torn. I kicked him in the jaw with the heel of my boot, angry from being in this situation and angry from being forced to fight for my life and it was enough to force him completely off the pillar. I made it to the top but as I looked down at the nexu, roaring and pacing back and forth, I knew it was futile. But I was going to go down fighting.

I pulled another hairpin out of my hair and picked the other lock, both of my hands now free. The Acklay that obi-wan had been fighting was chasing him around the pillars, crashing into his and causing the two pillars, Obi-Wan’s and mine to topple over. I had just enough sense left in me to jump before it was too late, but the nexu was a little less than smart. As my pillar came crashing down into the sand, it crushed…more like squashed the creature under its weight. Obi-Wan threw a spear into the Acklay as it came bearing down on me but it only slowed it down. “Nice of you to join me, Skywalker.” Obi-Wan said, helping me up.

“Very funny, Kenobi.” I said in response.

“Go.” Obi-Wan shouted. I looked and saw Anakin and Padme on the reek. I picked myself up and ran to the reek; Padme extended her hand as I jumped up, with Obi-Wan not far behind me. I gave him a hand and he swung up behind me. We were all safe for the time-being but we all knew that was short-lived.

Destroyer droids rolled into the arena and surrounded us. “This would be a really good time for some intervention” I said muttering under my breath. I noticed Padme also had a torn shirt and marks across her back; my back now was stinging and throbbing from the encounter but I realized I may have gotten sand into the cuts. Out of nowhere, hundreds of Jedi ignited their lightsabers around the arena. Thousands of droids started to pour into the arena and Mace Windu jumped down out of the archducal box. Blaster fire started suddenly as the Jedi rushed into battle. Two Jedi near us tossed Obi-Wan, Anakin, and me three lightsabers; Anakin freed himself from his chains, and I freed Obi-Wan from his.

The reek spooked and we were thrown off. I ignited my lightsaber and deflected the bolts of blaster fire. I had never been involved in any sort of battle and was thankful Obi-Wan spent some extra time with me on lightsaber instruction. Obi-Wan and I were at one point fighting back to back but that didn’t last long; soon he and Mace were fighting back to back with me beside them. The reek charged at us and Obi-Wan shoved me down, protecting me with his body. The reek ran past and chased Mace, but Jango Fett killed the reek with one shot. Obi-Wan helped me stand up. “Thanks” I said.

“No problem” He replied, never failing to deflect the fire from the droids.

Mace had by this time finished Jango off by lobbing off his head. “Obi-Wan, behind you!” I yelled. He turned and saw the Acklay rearing up behind him. He cut off two of the acklay’s claws and then stabbed it in the head, killing it. Five minutes later, the droids stopped firing and all was still.

A\N: The only downside of doing a story from in this form, was not getting to include 3PO's lines, "Die Jedi dogs!" and the like. :p
The only downside of doing a story from in this form, was not getting to include 3PO's lines, "Die Jedi dogs!" and the like.

haha I forgot about that! :D

Lovely entry as usual ;)
I'd heard about this story for so long that I decided to sit down and actually read it. It's amazing. I really love it. You did a great job. Though I haven't actually seen the movies this is based on but it's still good. :D Please update.
I'd heard about this story for so long that I decided to sit down and actually read it. It's amazing. I really love it. You did a great job. Though I haven't actually seen the movies this is based on but it's still good. :D Please update.

Thank you! :) And, it's time for me to update again, so I shall do so per this post. ;)

“Master Windu, you have fought gallantly. Worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi Order…now it is finished. Surrender and your lives will be spared.” Count Dooku shouted from the archducal box.

“We will not be hostages to be bartered with, Dooku!” Mace yelled in response.

“Then, I am sorry, old friend.” The droids leveled their blasters at us. Padme looked up.

“Look!” She shouted and the Jedi looked up into the sky. Several Jedi gunships filled with clone troopers were descending into the arena. Yoda was standing in one of the gunships. “Around the survivors a perimeter create!”

I started towards one of the gunships but I felt my arms lifted up and my feet leaving the ground. Two Geonosians had grabbed my arms and were now carrying me up to the archducal box. Somehow I had lost my lightsaber; I was now looking down on the group of Jedi and I saw Obi-Wan looking around for me. I yelled his name and his head jerked upwards. I saw fear and anger cross into his eyes but also helplessness. I joined Dooku and the others in the archducal box, although unwillingly. The Jedi gunships left the arena with the surviving Jedi and troopers.

“How pleasant of you to join us, my dear” Dooku said in his charming tone of voice.

“Let me go.” It was all I could do not to reach out and slap the man, however old he was.

He shook his head and walked into the tunnel, followed by Poggle, Nute and the others; the Geonosians held me by the arms as we walked further into the tunnel. We walked into a huge command center filled with viewscreens. “All our communications have been jammed; we are under attack.” Poggle said. Well, it was pretty obvious they were being attacked.

“The Jedi have amassed a huge army” Nute said. “We must send all available droids into battle.”

“There are too many” Dooku said grimly. “They will soon have us surrounded.”

“Serves you right” I said.

“Do not think, my dear, that the troopers will pick and choose their targets.” Dooku turned and looked at me with a grim smile on his face.

“This is not going well at all” Nute said. The Neimodian was quite annoying.

“Order a retreat. I am sending all my warriors deep into the catacombs to hide.” Poggle said.

“We must get the cores of our ships back into space.” Rune Haako stated.

“I’m going to Coruscant after I take this woman to a friend of mine. My master will not let the Republic get away with this treachery.” Dooku said. Poggle crossed to Dooku and handed him something.

“The Jedi must not find our designs for the ultimate weapon. If they have any idea of what we’re planning to create we are doomed.” He said in his strange language.

“I will take the designs with me. They will be much safer with my master.” Dooku replied. He motioned to the Geonosians to take me away; they led me to a small ship. One of the creatures sat down and the ship lifted out of the tunnel and away over the sand to a hangar. We got there and they set me inside a ship and made sure I was bound to the chair.

I fell into unconsciousness so I don’t really remember anything of the duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan, Count Dooku and Yoda. What I do remember is leaving the hangar with Dooku and a droid in the cockpit and landing at some unknown planet.

Obi-Wan and Anakin had been injured in their duel with Dooku; Obi-Wan with a wound to his arm and leg, Anakin with a severed right arm. Padme and Yoda took the two of them back to Coruscant to be treated for their wounds. I was listed as missing in action. All the Jedi knew about my whereabouts was that I was last seen with Count Dooku. Anakin and Padme returned to Naboo, marrying upon their arrival.

“Do you believe what count Dooku said about Sidious controlling the Senate? It doesn’t feel right” Obi-Wan said to Mace and Yoda as they discussed the reason for the war.

“Joined the dark side, Dooku has. Lies, deceit, creating mistrust are his ways now.” Yoda said in reply.

“Nevertheless, I feel we should keep a closer eye on the Senate” Mace observed.

Yoda nodded his head. “I agree.”

“Where is your apprentice?” Mace asked.

“On his way to Naboo, escorting Senator Amidala home. I have to admit, without the clones it would not have been a victory.” Obi-Wan said.

“Victory? Victory you say? Master Obi-Wan, not victory. The shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun the Clone War has.” Yoda said sadly.

There was a moment of silence. “Master Yoda we must find Petra Skywalker.”

“A citizen of the Republic and a Jedi she is, Obi-Wan. Find her we will.” Yoda answered.

“I fear she is in grave danger.” Obi-Wan said.

“Obi-Wan, your feelings for this woman appear to be strong. Are you in love with her?” Mace asked.

“I care for her, Master; Qui-gon entrusted her and Anakin to my care…and I’ve let her be captured.” Obi-Wan said, hanging his head.

“She will be found, Obi-Wan. The Jedi council will make that one of their highest priorities, I assure you.” Mace said and looked out the window at the skyline of Coruscant.

My own thoughts were dwelling on Obi-Wan, Anakin and the Jedi as I laid in captivity at the hands of Asajj Ventress. I knew only that she had hatred of the Jedi now and especially of Obi-Wan.

As I faded back into unconsciousness, I wondered how long it would be before I’d be found, if ever…


A/N: And in case you're wondering, I have already finished writing the 5 parts, but I'm still working on the sequel. It's coming very slowly, but I"m glad i have the 5 parts finished, haha.
I will pretty soon, I just have to find pics for it. (Part 4 for now). I have to find pics of Obi-Wan and Anakin from around the Clone Wars period, and there are no actual pics of Padme (they're all cartoon images) and Petra is just an actress (Naomi Watts) that I select certain pics of her....and I also use Scarlett Johansson for Siri. So, I will have to get the pics I need in the next day or so.
I was kind of looking forward to the duel... which was my favorite part of the movie. But too much action slows things down, so it was probably a good idea not to include it.

And things don't seem to be going well for Petra... This is going to be interesting. :) And is Siri going to play a part in the coming updates? (She's going to be in your banner...) I look forward to reading it!

And as usual, good update. :)

“Obi-Wan, your feelings for this woman appear to be strong. Are you in love with her?” Mace asked.
Pretty straight forward guy, isn't he? But Obi-Wan handled it very well.
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I was kind of looking forward to the duel... which was my favorite part of the movie. But too much action slows things down, so it was probably a good idea not to include it.

And things don't seem to be going well for Petra... This is going to be interesting. :) And is Siri going to play a part in the coming updates? (She's going to be in your banner...) I look forward to reading it!

And as usual, good update. :)

Pretty straight forward guy, isn't he? But Obi-Wan handled it very well.

Thanks. Yes, Siri will be involved in part 4, and if you've read the Expanded Universe novels, you know what awaits her. In my original version, the thing that happens to her happened nearly immediately after the Clone Wars began; in this version, it happens as the book(s) place(s) it, and I changed it in order to coincide with the book's timeline. I had a hard time describing it, so I just didn't. However, I'm considering revealing how in the sequel, but I'm not sure.
I have an idea of what happens in the expanded universe, though I mainly read the ones with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon ;)