My Front Porch Looking In (Star Wars Prequel Re-write)

Just a random thought I had while reading, which I should probably post before I forget them, even though I'm not yet all the way through all the new posts...

So, I was surprised that Siri and Anakin did not just charge in and rescue Petra and Obi. :rolleyes: I suppose they're finally learning caution. Probably just me, but I thought it a little strange.
Just a random thought I had while reading, which I should probably post before I forget them, even though I'm not yet all the way through all the new posts...

So, I was surprised that Siri and Anakin did not just charge in and rescue Petra and Obi. :rolleyes: I suppose they're finally learning caution. Probably just me, but I thought it a little strange.

The reason I had them go along, yet wait was this: Obi-Wan was captured and tortured by Asajj, either in a book or in a comic book (whichever it is, I can't remember, and I havent' read either). I'm going completely off whatever I read at the STar Wars Wikipedia (; and since I"ve never read the books, I don't know exactly how these things are set up. Now, there are times when Anakin is patient; not all that often, but he can be patient, and since he and Siri both trusted Obi-Wan inexplicably, they wanted to give him a chance to do what he said. When they were about to go in, Petra was brought out and they left. Now, I believe that Obi-Wan was held captive for several days; so I had to find a way to postpone his rescue. Not to mention, if the Jedi postponed a rescue, it would cause Asajj to lower her guard and not expect the Jedi, so she might not want as many battle droids with her.

In the original version, Siri was killed immediately following Obi-Wan's rescue, in a scene that was poorly written by me. I didn't know how she died, and the scene came across as being kind of corny. So I cut it, and just left it that Siri had been shot by the bounty hunter and had basically died in Obi-WAn's arms. The complication of not ever reading the book that that actually happened is fairly evident, since the SW Wikipedia doesn't give a whole lot of description on the event. I never could figure out why Padme went along as well; it seemed a little odd even to me, but I wanted to put it in. I think I could have written the last half of part 4 better had I read the books covering that time period, but I haven't so I will just have to be happy with what I've written.
The reason I had them go along, yet wait was this: Obi-Wan was captured and tortured by Asajj, either in a book or in a comic book (whichever it is, I can't remember, and I havent' read either). I'm going completely off whatever I read at the STar Wars Wikipedia (; and since I"ve never read the books, I don't know exactly how these things are set up. Now, there are times when Anakin is patient; not all that often, but he can be patient, and since he and Siri both trusted Obi-Wan inexplicably, they wanted to give him a chance to do what he said. When they were about to go in, Petra was brought out and they left. Now, I believe that Obi-Wan was held captive for several days; so I had to find a way to postpone his rescue. Not to mention, if the Jedi postponed a rescue, it would cause Asajj to lower her guard and not expect the Jedi, so she might not want as many battle droids with her.

In the original version, Siri was killed immediately following Obi-Wan's rescue, in a scene that was poorly written by me. I didn't know how she died, and the scene came across as being kind of corny. So I cut it, and just left it that Siri had been shot by the bounty hunter and had basically died in Obi-WAn's arms. The complication of not ever reading the book that that actually happened is fairly evident, since the SW Wikipedia doesn't give a whole lot of description on the event. I never could figure out why Padme went along as well; it seemed a little odd even to me, but I wanted to put it in. I think I could have written the last half of part 4 better had I read the books covering that time period, but I haven't so I will just have to be happy with what I've written.

I gathered from my sister (I have the book but I've never read it :rolleyes:) that Siri died in a ship that blew up or something
It must be pretty difficult writing based on SW Wikipedia, without knowing all the details and everything. But you do a very good job on it. And now I know what happens between movies! :D
Obi-Wan and Anakin were here on the ship; and I was powerless to stop Grievous.

A few minutes later, the doors to the bridge opened and out walked Anakin, Obi-Wan, Chancellor Palpatine and R2D2. “Ah, the Negotiator. General Kenobi; we’ve been waiting for you.”

“Excuse me” a droid said.

“That wasn’t much of a rescue; for the Chancellor or your wife.” Grievous said as he snatched the lightsabers away from the droid. The smile that came over Palpatine unnerved me, and for a moment, I forgot about our situation. Great, now the leader of the Senate and Republic knew about our marriage; would he report it to the Council? As of late, he’d been interfering with the council’s decisions and affairs. I could only hope he wouldn’t tell them.

“And…Anakin Skywalker. I was expecting someone with your reputation to be a little older.” He coughed and wheezed.

“General Grievous; you’re shorter than I expected.” Anakin replied smugly.

Grievous straightened and coughed. “Jedi scum.” He then walked off.

“We have a job to do Anakin, try not to upset him.” Obi-Wan said calmly, with a bit of humor in his voice. After not seeing him for nearly a year, hearing his voice again and seeing him, even in this circumstance made my heart feel warm. He looked at me and smiled. I heard his voice in my mind, asking me if I was all right. I answered that I was and for a moment, I could sense his desire through our bond. He turned back to the situation.

“Your lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection” He said, placing Obi-Wan’s and Anakin’s sabers in his cloak along with mine.

“Not this time; and this time you won’t escape.” Obi-Wan said.

“Artoo!” Anakin said and R2 started to go haywire…it seemed anyway. It provided a distraction as Anakin turned and called his lightsaber to him and cut his bonds, destroying the droids in front of him. Obi-wan grabbed his lightsaber and mine, tossing my lightsaber to me. Carefully yet quickly, we both cut our own bonds and started to get rid of some of the droids on the bridge. This obviously angered Grievous.

“Crush them! Make them suffer” he said as droids with electric staffs, who I later found out were called IG-100 MagnaGuards started approaching us. I managed to keep myself from fighting those things, but Obi-Wan and Anakin didn’t. They quickly dispatched them however and moved in on Grievous. He picked up a staff and ignited it. “You lose, General Kenobi” he said as he thrust the staff into the window of the bridge, shattering it. He was sucked out into space as we clung to the seats and consoles. The emergency windows activated and enclosed the bridge, sealing it off. Since there is no oxygen in space, it was hard to breathe during those few seconds so we made the most of it. Anakin and Obi-Wan finished off the rest of the droids and Neimodians, at least those that didn’t run off. Grievous had made his way into an escape pod and launched all of them, preventing us from escaping ourselves. We knew this by all the alarms going off on the bridge.

“All the escape pods have been launched” Anakin said with some regret.

“Grievous” Obi-Wan said sighing. He used the moment to turn to me. “How are you?”

“I’m fine, Kenobi, really.” I replied, giving him a smile. By the look on his face I knew he wasn’t convinced but he was pre-occupied at the moment. He turned to Anakin.

“Can you fly a cruiser like this?” He asked.

Anakin sat down in the pilot’s seat. “You mean do I know how to land what’s left of this thing.”

Obi-Wan sat behind him. “Well?”
I really have to watch this movie again (imagining Petra being in there of course... ;))
I really have to watch this movie again (imagining Petra being in there of course... ;))

Everytime I watch the prequels (which isn't often), I always think, "Where's Petra?! She's not in there! What's wrong with them? Oops, never mind I created her." :p

“Well under the circumstances I’d say the ability to pilot this thing is irrelevant. Strap yourselves in” Anakin said, looking back at me. I took that to mean that I should help him ‘land the cruiser” as he put it. So I sat beside Obi-Wan as Palpatine strapped in behind us.
“Open all hatches; extend all flaps and drag fins” Anakin ordered and I flipped a few switches. We felt a huge jolt as part of the ship split and went floating off into space. “We lost something” he said.

Obi-Wan looked up. “Not to worry, we are still flying half a ship.”

“Now we’re really picking up speed” Anakin said as he adjusted his position.

“Eight plus sixty…we’re in the atmosphere.” Obi-Wan observed.

Anakin turned back to me. “Grab that, keep us level.” So I grabbed the stick and held on, fighting to keep the ship level as we hurtled towards Coruscant. Artoo was beeping excitedly…or more correctly, hysterically; if that’s possible for a droid.

“Five thousand; fire ships on the left and the right” obi-Wan said.

Anakin shook his head as he fought to slow the ship down. “We’re coming in too hot.”

Fireships flanked us as we basically fell to Coruscant. It wasn’t making much of a difference though. Anakin and I both fought to slow the ship down but it wasn’t working. We were thrown forward as we hit the landing strip. Several feet and we finally slowed to a stop. “Another happy landing” Obi-Wan said, smiling and running his hand through his hair. There was a moment’s pause before we unstrapped from our seats and made our way out. Obi-Wan and I were the last ones to go. He waited until Anakin and Palpatine were out of sight before pulling me to him and kissing me. “I love you, Skywalker” he sighed as he held me for a moment.

“I love you too, Kenobi; it’s been almost a year.” I replied, resting my cheek on his chest.

We heard footsteps as Anakin and Palpatine walked back. “Are you two coming or not?” Anakin said. Obi-Wan quickly pulled away from me and joined Anakin, knowing that Palpatine had seen us embracing; was it possible he also heard our conversation? Obi-Wan turned and walked off the ship; I was behind him, Anakin and Palpatine behind me. We had to pick our exit carefully because there was so much debris, and when there was a large step that left the ship, Obi-wan wrapped his hands around my waist and lifted me down, our eyes locking for a few seconds. There was a Jedi shuttle waiting for us and we boarded. It headed for the Senate building but I really wished it was heading back to the Temple. I stifled a yawn as we landed and Palpatine, Anakin and R2 headed off. Obi-Wan got up as well but only went to the doorway.

“You coming, Master?” Anakin queried.

“Oh no; I’m not brave enough for politics. I have to report to the Council…besides someone needs to be the poster boy.” Obi-Wan replied.

“Hold on, this whole operation was your idea.” Anakin said.

“Let us not forget Anakin, that you rescued me from the buzz droids. And you killed Count Dooku, and you rescued the Chancellor carrying me unconscious on your back.” Obi-Wan said.

“All because of your training” Anakin quipped.

“Anakin, let’s be fair; today you were the hero, and you deserve your glorious day with the politicians.” Obi-Wan said, smiling.

“All right, but you owe me one, and not for saving your skin for the tenth time.” Anakin said.

“Ninth time; that business on Cato Neimodia doesn’t-doesn’t count. I’ll see you at the briefing.”
Obi-Wan turned back inside the shuttle and shut the door. He sat beside me and involuntarily, I leaned against him. He pulled me closer to him as we left the landing pad and headed back to the Temple.

“Now, how did you manage to get yourself captured again?” Obi-Wan asked.

I sighed. “I got a message from the Senate asking for me; when I got there, I found myself in a trap. I didn’t even realize Grievous or Palpatine were involved. I just somehow manage to always get myself into scrapes. But I have a cute rescuer.” I smiled, looking up at him. He smiled back but it was a tired smile, one that didn’t contain much energy. We landed at the Jedi Temple and Obi-Wan escorted me to the healing rooms, then went to the Council to make his report.

“How did Obi-Wan react to your news about the baby?” Malee asked as she healed me.

“I…I haven’t told him yet” I confessed. I didn’t even think about it amidst my own happiness being with him after such a long time.

“Petra Skywalker Kenobi, you have to tell him as soon as you see him again.” She said.

“You’re right but I didn’t think the Jedi shuttle was the right place to tell him that bit of information.” I replied, sitting up.

“Petra, promise me the minute you see him you will find some way to tell him.” She insisted.

“Okay, when he gets home tonight I’ll talk to him. How is she anyway?” I asked.

“I’ve kept her hidden for fear the other healers would insist I enroll her. She’s fine though.” She said, motioning to the closed door of her office. I sighed and lay back down. “Sleep Petra; you need your rest.”

“Petra, the Council would like to talk to you” Barriss said as she walked into the healing rooms. I sat back up and looked at her.

“Why?” I asked. I suddenly grew worried; what if Palpatine had told the Council about what he saw on the cruiser? This could ruin Obi-Wan’s future with the Jedi!
Her face hardened, something I rarely saw of her. “The Council will inform you. You have ten minutes.” And with that, she walked out. I looked over at Malee. She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head.

“You better do as she says.” Malee said.

I swung my legs off the bed and stood up, picking up my robe and lightsaber which had been placed on a chair next to the bed. As I walked to the council chambers I pulled on my robe and clipped the lightsaber on my belt. Barriss was waiting for me outside the door and escorted me into the center then sat down in her chair. Obi-Wan stood up and joined me. “Petra Skywalker, we have requested your presence because of some news delivered to us by Chancellor Palpatine.” Mace Windu said. I knew what the news was and I shuddered inwardly.

“Was he telling the truth about your relationship with Master Kenobi?” Ki-Adi asked.

I kept silent; I didn’t know what to say. I looked at Obi-Wan for help. “No Master, he was not.”

“But it was said that you and Obi-Wan were seen embracing and kissing.” Mace said.

“Master, I assure you, what the Chancellor saw was nothing more than very deep appreciation for Obi-Wan rescuing me. I apologize for how it looked.” I said as humbly as possibly.

Mace and Yoda looked at each other then back at Obi-Wan. “Obi-Wan, concur with her do you?” Yoda asked.

“Yes Master, I concur with what she has said. We are no more than friends.” Obi-Wan replied.

“Very well; you are dismissed.” Mace said, directing it to me. I nodded and walked out, remembering that I had held my breath the entire time and now I was gasping for air. From what Obi-Wan told me later, the rest of the meeting went smoothly, with no more mention of the Chancellor’s report.

“I think they still have suspicions though. The Chancellor must have had some sort of ulterior motive for telling the council.” Obi-Wan said as we sat down to dinner. I heard the baby’s crying from our bedroom and a puzzled expression crossed Obi-Wan’s face.

“Oh, I almost forgot!” I jumped up from the table and ran to the bedroom. I picked up the girl and brought her back. Obi-Wan’s eyes widened when he saw her.

“But, you never mentioned you were pregnant in your last transmission.” He said slowly.

I laughed. “I didn’t want to do it over open channels; besides, I wanted it to be a surprise.”
I handed the baby to him and he held her close against him. She laughed and waved her hands in the air; obi-wan caught one of them and her hand closed around his finger. “What’s her name?” He asked.

“I haven’t named her yet; I wanted to wait until you could help me name her.” I replied, sitting down beside them.

He was silent for a minute. “I came across a couple of names once that would suit her: Mara Jade. I wonder where she got her red hair though.”

“Probably from you; you have reddish-colored hair.” I said, ruffling his hair. Mara giggled and then started to cry. “She’s probably hungry; I’ll get her a bottle.” I got up from the table and went to the refrigerator and warmed up a bottle for her and handed it to Obi-Wan. He fed her the bottle and she quieted down as we ate our own dinner.

“I have a council meeting early tomorrow.” He said as we finished up.

“Why?” I asked, looking over at Mara, who by this time was sleeping.

“War strategies probably. Anakin didn’t make it to the briefing today.” Obi-Wan said.

“Oh? Did he say why?” Knowing Anakin he was probably wrapped up in reuniting with Padme.

“He just said he was held up. The Chancellor wanted to see him, but neither one has said why.” Obi-Wan said thoughtfully. He shifted Mara to his other arm.

I got up from the table, taking my plate with me to the sink. “Personally I don’t like the Chancellor.”