My Front Porch Looking In (Star Wars Prequel Re-write)

haha, that is the best way to refer to him :D

and I love that she gets to go along with him! Great update Obi!

The original version didn't have her going along with him, and I felt like he needed an assistant. :p

Is it just me or does this phrase sound familiar? :rolleyes:

I had to incorporate it somewhere!

The alien started off down the hallway to our right, so we followed her. At least I assumed it was a she. I leaned closer to obi-Wan and spoke in a whisper. “I didn’t know we were expected.”

“I don’t think we specifically were expected…just keep your mouth shut and let me do the talking.” He responded.

I started to respond to his somewhat rude comment but realized he was right; he had much more experience in dealing with things of this nature than I had and I was there to learn from him. I really didn’t like this…

A door opened and we were shown into a room where yet another one of those aliens was sitting. It stood up as we walked in. “May I present Lama Su? Prime Minster of Kamino…and this is Master Jedi…” the female alien said.

Obi-Wan bowed. “Obi-Wan Kenobi, with Petra Skywalker.”

Two chairs seemed to appear out of nowhere and we sat down as Lama Su directed. The female alien remained standing. “I trust you both are going to enjoy your stay. We are most happy you have arrived at the best part of the season.” Lama Su said.

“You make us feel most welcome.” Obi-Wan replied.

“You will be delighted to hear we are on schedule. Two hundred thousand units are ready, with another million well on the way.” Lama Su continued.

Obi-Wan looked at me then back at the Prime Minister. “That’s…good news.”

Lama Su nodded. “Please tell Master Sifo-Dyas that we have every confidence his order will be met on time and in full.”

Obi-Wan’s expression turned to confusion. “I’m sorry, Master?”

Lama Su appeared taken aback. “Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas is still a leading member of the Jedi Council, is he not?”

I had heard things about Sifo-Dyas but didn’t know hardly anything about him. This sounded very fishy.

“Master Sifo-Dyas was killed almost ten years ago.” Obi-Wan stated. His expression turned back to normal…if you know what I mean.

“Oh I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m sure he would have been proud of the army we’ve built for him.” Lama Su said.

“An army?” Obi-Wan asked.

“Yes, a clone army. One of the finest we’ve ever created.” Lama Su said proudly.

“Tell me, Prime Minister, when my Master first contacted you about the army, did he say who it was for?” Obi-Wan asked again.

Lama Su nodded. “Of course he did. This army is for the Republic.”
May 31st

Obi-Wan and I exchanged glances of disbelief as Lama Su continued. “You must be anxious to inspect the units for yourself.”

“That’s why we’re here.” Lama Su stood up and we did the same as he walked out the door, Obi-Wan beside him, me and the other alien behind them. We soon walked out onto a balcony that was above a huge parading ground, where several ships were standing nearby. Thousands of clone troops, their faces covered in helmets, marched in formations of several hundred. They were marching into the ships.

“Magnificent, aren’t they?” Lama Su said proudly.

Obi-Wan nodded slowly. After a few more minutes, we left the balcony and walked through a transparent tunnel where on either side, there were clones at different stages: one room was filled with clones as “babies”, others were filled with clones being given helmets and armor, another filled with young boys in a classroom, and yet another with clones eating.

“We take great pride in our combat education and training programs. This group was created about five years ago.” Lama Su said, indicating the young boys in the classroom.

Obi-Wan was still beside him. “You mentioned growth acceleration.”

“Oh yes, it’s essential, otherwise a mature clone would take a lifetime to grow. Now we can do it in half the time; those items you saw on the parade ground were started ten years ago, when Sifo-Dyas first placed the order and they’re already mature. You’ll find they are totally obedient, taking any order without question. We modified the genetic to make them more independents than the original host.” Lama Su continued. What a terrible life; I’d hate to be a clone.

“Who was the original host?” Obi-Wan asked.

“A bounty hunter called Jango Fett. We felt a Jedi would have been the perfect choice but Sifo-Dyas hand-picked Jango himself.” Lama Su replied.

Obi-Wan looked back at me briefly. “Where is this bounty hunter now?”

“Oh, we keep him here…apart from his pay which is considerable, Fett demanded only one thing: an unaltered clone for himself. Curious, isn’t it?” Lama Su said.

“Unaltered?” Obi-Wan asked.

The alien nodded. “Pure genetic replication. No tampering with the structure to make it more docile and no growth acceleration.”

“I would very much like to meet this Jango Fett.”

“I would be most happy to arrange it for you.” The female alien said.

About thirty minutes later we were standing at a door in a hallway with the alien. She rang the doorbell and the door opened, revealing a ten year old boy, identical to the clone children we saw.

“Boba, is your father here?” She asked.

The boy eyed Obi-Wan and me suspiciously. “Yep.”

“May we see him?”

The boy nodded curtly. “Sure.” He went further into the apartment, followed by the alien, then Obi-Wan, and lastly myself. “Dad, Taun We’s here!”

The man called Jango Fett came out of the bedroom, unshaven and a mean look on his face. He eyed Obi-Wan, then me. While his inspection of Obi-wan had been brief, his gaze lingered on me. His eyes met mine and he seemed to recognize me. Something that I had never told Obi-Wan or my mom was that a man, whoever he was, had nearly beaten me to death because I had gotten in his way. I was only 11 at the time but the incident suddenly surfaced. The night that happened I went to my friend’s house and made her swear to keep it secret. I spent several days there until I healed. Now, I recognized my assailant: Jango Fett. I suppressed a shudder and drew back behind obi-wan.

“Jango, welcome back. Was your trip productive?” Taun We asked, clearly unaware of what was going on.

Obi-Wan moved more in front of me and held Jango’s gaze; he could sense my fear. “Fairly” the bounty hunter replied.

“This is Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Petra Skywalker. They’ve come to check on our progress.” Taun we continued.

“Skywalker, huh?”
“Your clones are very impressive; you must be very proud.” Obi-wan said, hoping to divert Jango’s attention away from me.

Jango crossed his arms. “I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.”

“Aren’t we all?” Obi-Wan mused. He eyed the half-open bedroom door, through which he saw a couple of pieces of body armor on the floor. “Ever made your way as far into the interior as Coruscant?”

“Once or twice” Jango said, obviously becoming a bit peeved at Obi-Wan’s asking.

“Recently?” Obi-Wan asked, never flinching.

Jango hesitated a moment before answering. “Possibly…”

“Then you must know Master Sifo-Dyas.” Obi-Wan said.

Jango moved to Obi-Wan’s right and said in Huttese, Boba, close the door. His son closed the door. “Master who?”

“Sifo-Dyas; is he not the Jedi who hired you for this job?”

“Never heard of him…” Jango replied.

“Really…” Obi-Wan said, clearly wary of this bounty hunter.

“I was recruited by a man called Tyranus on one of the moons of Bogden.” Jango said.

“Curious…” was all Obi-Wan had to say in reply.

“Do you like your army?” Jango asked.

Obi-Wan nodded slightly. “I look forward to seeing them in action.”

“They’ll do their job well, I’ll guarantee that.” The bounty hunter said.

Obi-Wan bowed slightly. “Thank you for your time, Jango.”

“Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi…or two.” Jango’s gaze shifted back to me. Thankfully we made our way out but I could feel his gaze on me. I cringed inwardly and quickened my pace to walk in front of Obi-Wan.
We made our way back to where we had started. “Tell your council the first battalions are ready. And remind them that if they need more troops, we will need more time to grow them.” Taun we said.

“I won’t forget, and thank you.” Obi-Wan replied, bowing.

“Thank you.” Taun we said and she walked off as we walked out. As we got to the fighter, Obi-Wan grabbed my arm and had to shout through the storm.

“Once we get inside the fighter I want you to tell me of what went on between you two in there. I want the truth, Skywalker. Now get inside.”

I nodded numbly and climbed inside the fighter, the glass ‘hood’ closing over me as I sat down. Obi-Wan glanced back at the doors to make sure nobody was watching us. “Arfour, relay scramble code five care of the old folks’ home.”

Arfour beeped and a small satellite dish appeared out of the top of the wing. Yoda was sitting with Mace Windu in a meditation chamber as a holographic image of Obi-Wan appeared in front of them. “We’ve successfully made contact with the Prime Minister of Kamino. They are using a bounty hunter named Jango Fett to create a clone army. I have a strong feeling this bounty hunter is the assassin we’re looking for, and he seems to know Petra.”

“Do you think these clones are involved in the plot to assassinate Senator Amidala?” Mace asked.

Obi-Wan shook his head. “No master, there appears to be no motive.”

“Do not assume anything, Obi-Wan. Clear, your mind must be if you are to discover the real villains behind this plot.” Yoda said.

“Yes Master. They say Master Sifo-Dyas placed the order for a clone army at the request of the Senate almost ten years ago. I was under the impression he was killed before that. Did the Council ever authorize the creation of a clone army?”

“No; whoever placed that order did not have the authorization of the Jedi Council.” Mace said.

“Into custody, take this Jango Fett. Bring him here; question him, we will.” Yoda said.

Obi-Wan nodded. “Yes Master; I will report back when I have him.”

The hologram of Obi-Wan fades. “Blind we are if creation of this clone army we could not see.” Yoda said.

Mace sighed. “I think it is time to inform the senate that our ability to use the Force has diminished.”

Yoda shook his head. “Only the Dark Lords of the Sith know of our weakness. If informed the senate is, multiply our adversaries will. And, there is the matter of this bounty hunter having something to do with Petra Skywalker; dangerous, that could prove to be.”
Obi-wan rushed away and he ran to the landing platform where Jango’s ship, the Slave I was sitting. “Dad, look!” Boba shouted as Obi-Wan charged through the door. Jango was now in his full armor and rocket pack. “Boba, get on board”

Obi-Wan ignited his lightsaber and deflected the blaster bolts that Jango fired at him. Jango fired his rocket pack and flew up to a tower. Jango sent an explosive towards Obi-Wan which knocked him on his feet and his lightsaber several feet away. Obi-Wan stood up to grab his lightsaber but Boba fired on him from the ship, sending him onto his back and even farther away from his lightsaber. Jango came down from the tower and wrestled with Obi-Wan, but Obi-Wan wasn’t easy to take down. They grappled and fought, punching, kicking, and throwing each other around. Obi-Wan slid to the ground then stood up, extending his hands to retrieve his lightsaber but Jango fired a thin wire around both his wrists and drug him across the platform. Obi-Wan managed to stand up and leveraged the wire around a pillar and pulled Jango back down. Jango crashed to the ground, which sent his rocket pack flying and exploding into another tower. Jango moved to fire at Obi-Wan but Obi-Wan charged at him and kicked him in the chest sending him over the platform.

“Oh, not good” Obi-Wan said as he realized he was still secured to Jango; he too slid over the edge and dangled over the end of the building as Jango struggled to hang onto the slick surface. Jango reaches with his right hand to his left and releases the wire from his device, sending Obi-Wan off the building and freeing himself to climb back up. Obi-Wan used the freefall to free himself from the wire and wrap it around a pole; he used the force to help him jump and landed on a balcony below. Jango reached his ship and went inside, hitting his head on the door as it shut. The ship lifted off the platform as Obi-Wan emerged from the doors again, calling his lightsaber to him and igniting it; Obi-Wan pulled a homing device out of his robe and threw it onto the hull of the ship as the ship left the platform. Obi-Wan returned to the fighter and climbed in.

“Guess it didn’t work.” I said as he sat down and started the engines. His silence made me feel guilty; now he’d have to chase the bounty hunter who knows where. We followed the signal of the homing device. Obi-Wan guided the ship into the hyperspace ring and we leapt into hyperspace. When we disengaged from the ring, we were facing the planet of Geonosis, which had a large asteroid field surrounding it. This would be fun to pilot through.

As we followed behind them into the field, it seemed that they were slowing up. “They’ve discovered the homing device” Obi-Wan said without emotion.

“Obi-Wan, do you want to know why I seemed to know him?”

“Later; I have to concentrate.” He said shortly. The computer beeped rapidly in warning. “Sonic charges…stand by.”

The charge detonated but Obi-Wan kept the fighter ahead of the shockwave that sprayed rocks and debris everywhere. Another sonic charge came towards us but Obi-Wan again maneuvered away from it and its shockwave. We followed Jango into a narrow tunnel of an asteroid but he disappeared when we emerged; he was above the asteroid and fired at us as we emerged. Thankfully he wasn’t hitting us. “Oh blast this is why I hate flying.”

The fighter rocked violently and I saw a laser blast hit us. “It wasn’t too serious; we can still make it to the planet.” I said. “As long as he doesn’t shoot our wing off.” I muttered under my breath.

The computer beeped again. A torpedo was headed straight for us. Obi-Wan tried to out-maneuver the torpedo but it was no use. “Prepare to jettison the spare parts canisters. Fire them now!” I heard the nervousness in Kenobi’s voice and did as he said. He landed on the far side of an asteroid as there was a huge explosion behind us. The Slave I flew past us and landed on the planet as we waited on the asteroid. We both took the time to collect our breaths. “That was too close.” I said.

“Maybe I should have let you pilot” Obi-Wan said with a hint of humor in his voice. “Well, I think we’ve waited long enough. Arfour, follow his last known trajectory.” We lifted off the asteroid and again set our course for Geonosis. As we descended onto the planet, we were greeted by the sight of numerous Trade Federation ships. “There’s an unusual concentration of Federation ships over there. “

“That’s very unusual; maybe Geonosis is one of their bases.” I said. He shrugged his shoulders.

Obi-Wan guided the ship to an open clearing amidst rocks and landed. We got out of the fighter and looked around. This place gave me the creeps; occasionally, we heard weird cries that echoed through the canyon. Obi-Wan checked where we were then headed off for a narrow trail. I followed him closely, looking back over my shoulder constantly as if something was watching us. The trail we climbed was steep and narrow…very narrow. A loud and bloodcurdling cry pierced the air and scared me so much I nearly fell off the side of the trail but Obi-Wan caught me in time and steadied me. Silence surrounded us again but it was a heavy silence; almost as if the ground around us and everything else were holding its collective breath. Obi-Wan pulled out his lightsaber but didn’t ignite it. We rounded the corner and were attacked by a Massiff, a dog-sized lizard. This was no ordinary lizard; it had cruel fangs and sharp claws; it lunged at Obi-Wan but obi-wan killed it. A second Massiff came from behind but I ignited my lightsaber and stabbed it in the neck then kicked it over the cliff, sending it to its death hundreds of feet below. Obi-Wan kicked the dead Massiff off the cliff and continued up the trail disengaging his lightsaber; I followed behind. I had the strange feeling we were heading more and more into a trap.
he charge detonated but Obi-Wan kept the fighter ahead of the shockwave that sprayed rocks and debris everywhere. Another sonic charge came towards us but Obi-Wan again maneuvered away from it and its shockwave.

I loved watching that part in theaters, that sound was really cool :D

Great entry, I really don't remember much of the movie past the battle with Jango
Good update. Nice action scenes, and the last paragraph sure built up the atmoshpere...

But when do we find out what went on between Petra and Jango Fett?

Oh, never mind me. I'm just an impatient reader. ;)
I loved watching that part in theaters, that sound was really cool :D

Great entry, I really don't remember much of the movie past the battle with Jango

I always blank out the Anakin\Padme stuff. ;)

Good update. Nice action scenes, and the last paragraph sure built up the atmoshpere...

But when do we find out what went on between Petra and Jango Fett?

Oh, never mind me. I'm just an impatient reader. ;)

You know, and this is a spoiler, I realized I didnt' put in an explanation in part 3. As I was editing and writing part 4, I realized that, and stuck it in. But part 3 is nearly over, so you won't have to wait too terribly long to find out. And I hate writing action scenes; it's difficult to do in story form. In script form it's simple. Lol.

“You okay?” Obi-Wan asked as he stopped on a wide flat portion of the trail.

“I’m fine” I answered shakily. That was the first time I had killed anything with a lightsaber.

He placed his hand on my arm and calmed my racing heart with the Force. It was getting darker so Obi-Wan pulled out his electronic binoculars from his belt and put them to his eyes. He focused and saw between fifty and a hundred Federation starships in neat rows. He turned them off and put them back on his belt. “What was it?” I asked.

“Not something good, I promise you.” He replied and continued on up the trail. We soon came to a small window-like opening. Obi-Wan went in first then motioned for me to follow; what we soon saw were immense pillars, gothic arches, and vaulted roofs. It seemed deserted and completely empty as we started to cross the square but suddenly we heard voices. Obi-Wan pulled me behind a pillar just as I said something out loud but he clamped his hand over my mouth and held me to him. Soon we saw the faces of the voices: Poggle the Lesser, archduke of Geonosis, his aid, Count Dooku and Nute Gunray walked past slowly. I had never heard nor seen Count Dooku but I couldn’t move either, Obi-Wan held me so tightly against him.

“Now we must persuade the Commerce Guild and the Corporate Alliance to sign the treaty.” Dooku said as he passed us.

“What about the Senator from Naboo? Is she dead yet? I’m not signing your treaty until I have her head on my desk.” Nute said viciously.

“I am a man of my word Viceroy.” Dooku said flatly.

I felt Obi-Wan’s grip tighten on my arm and mouth. So Dooku was behind the assassination attempts.

“With these new battle droids we’ve built for you, Viceroy, you’ll have the finest army in the galaxy” Poggle said as they moved out of view. The group soon moved out of earshot and obi-Wan released me. He waited a couple of minutes then followed them. He walked quietly and listened; he heard voices and made his way up the stairs with me behind him. He held up his hand to me when he saw a shaft of light coming up through the floor. We bent down and looked down through the crack, barely breathing.

“As I explained to you earlier, I’m quite convinced that ten thousand more systems will rally to our cause with your support gentlemen. Our friends in the Trade Federation have pledged their support; when their battle droids are combined with yours, we shall have an army greater than anything in the galaxy. The Jedi will be overwhelmed and the Republic will agree to any demands we make.” Dooku said as they sat around a conference table. I looked at obi-Wan; it sounded like there would soon be a full-scale war on the Republic’s hands.

“The Banking Clan will sign your treaty” San Hill said.

“The Techno Union army….is at your disposal, Count.” Wat Tambor said.

“Good…” Dooku said. Obi-Wan shook his head and left down the stairs quickly. I followed him down the stairs, only fully breathing when we reached the bottom of the stairs. He quickly walked across the square back down the trail to the fighter with me fighting to keep up. Obi-Wan activated the transmitter dish.

“The transmitter is working, but we’re not receiving a return signal; Coruscant’s too far. Arfour can you boost the power?” Obi-Wan asked.

Arfour beeped a no. “Then we’ll have to try something else.”