My Rant...

Hello, I dont think I am alone but I am seriously getting sick of all the topics about Will and Skandar.

As a guy I am sick of seeing everything about "how cute" or "how hot" William and Skandar are.

The world is NOT all about movie stars and hot guys.

Honestly, what chance do any of you guys have with a movie star? It isnt because you guys arent great people or arent good enough it is just that we all (movie stars included) only know a limited amount of people in their life.
In my whole life I will probably only meet about maybe 1-2 thousand people. This is out of over 6 billion people. That is meeting only 1/3,000,000 of the worlds population. This isnt even accounting for people who die and people who are born (adding to the amount of people who have lived during my lifespan).

My point is not to break hearts it is just to bring some of you guys back to reality. There are hot girls and guys everywhere in just about every school if that is what you care about. Honestly does it even matter if someone is hot or not? THere is so much more to life than hot guys or hot girls. I like girls for personality. Sure good looks are nice but they arent the most important thing.

My wish is just for people to stop obsessing about people that they more than likely will not ever meet in their life.

Note: I am 14 so I understand like thinking teenage actors are hot but seriously be realistic and look at it in a realistic point of view.

I just think that people like me who actually came to forums like this to talk about the books, movies and other relevent things shouldnt have to wade through seeing things about skandar and william in every other thread.

If you agree please post or if you just want to kill me for this...

Just because you're a boy. Seriously, if you are a girl I bet you'll be slobbering all over him!!
No, it is because I have gone through that stage with teenage actors and now I think it is dumb.

There are equally hot girls at my school. Why should i drool over an actor when I have girls at my school who actually know me?

I am glad you made such an intelligent post....

My sister thinks he is really cute too....*sigh* women...
Don't worry dear, I'm a girl and I don't care for the numerous posts either. Just know that those who are truly interested in Narnia will stick around for a while. The people who just need to hear agreement on the attractiveness of the actors will fade away. If you look at postings, some already have. And as a girl I know that sometimes it is easier to daydream about celebrities since you can't get your heart broken, then risk it on a guy you know. (I know too many celebrities so I don't bother) Give it time and the true Narnians will be revealed.
I am not a woman, in fact, I am almost 2 years younger than you! Plus, What would you Know, you're not a girl! Or are you??
Dear? lol. I suppose you are right though... I just hate how everywhere i look i see crap about the attactiveness of the actors. I mean this is supossed to be a forum for talk about Chronicles of Narnia...not good looking guys.
Even though I think the actors are hot doesn't mean that I'm not interested!
I read the books about narnia before I even knew about the actors!
I think Skandar and Will are cute. :D *cough* Skandar is the better actor too...*cough* but honestly, you've got a point. There's waaaaaaaaaaaay too many threads, some even in the wrong sections, just talking about their hotness...or their acting ability. Seriously...they don't belong in the book yeah, I can totally agree Iamnotjustdreaming. No, you are not just dreaming that either.

Yeah, talk about Narnia...leave the cute guys in their own thread...
Sorry, Dora. I didn't mean specifically you. I just meant that in general, most people who are only here to comment on someone's attractiveness will be gone soon. There are plenty of people who can comment on all aspects of Narnia and thats a good thing.
I'm a grown man and I say to the girls it is ok to dream and have fun. But a man will never make you happy. Be happy about yourself and stay sweet. As Jesus said it is better to be a servant than be served. Making other happy brings joy and that is what you need to know in marriage. :)
do you actually think the only reason I joined this this thingy is to comment about guys?!?!? I don't think so! I loved the book before I even Knew the movie was coming out
not what I'm saying at all. But if yo look at a lot of thread titles, some girls do seem to be here for that. Those girls are the annoying ones.
onlymystory, take it from a guy who has been burnied by the so called gentlier sex. Your not going to win with this rant of yours.
rants, rants, rants, just let them do what they want, that's it, :)
or create a thread that says Susan so pretty and Georgie is so Cute, :D