My Rant...

I know the chance of me ever meeting him is like 1 in a billion! I know its hard for boys to understand the obsessions that girls have, they don't understand there boys!
I mean its better to like a movie star than date people when your a Teenage girl because teenage dating ends up in heartbreak! Girls like me are what you call regular old fans!
Iamnotjustdreaming said:
No, it is because I have gone through that stage with teenage actors and now I think it is dumb.

There are equally hot girls at my school. Why should i drool over an actor when I have girls at my school who actually know me?

My sister thinks he is really cute too....*sigh* women...

Well isn't William in Narnia?
Its just the way girl r ok
If there r other girls good 4 u
but this is our way of thinking about others (guys)
So not to b mean but u r kinda mean saying its dumb
every preteen (like me) goes through that stage
I used to like a guy in my class but when I saw William *grinning & giggling*
I got over the other guy b/c I found out he didn't like me any way
You sister is cool (she thinks William is HOT) *sigh*... why can't guy understand
Being almost 22 I have grown-out of the "OMG! ___ is so hot! We're going to get married I swear!" stage ;)
This is something that, pretty much, every girl goes through. It's healthy and nothing to be ashamed about.

But I also can understand your point that you came here to discuss and read about Narnia and not actor fandom. I commend the mods for keeping the actor discussions in the cast section, where they belong.
There are plenty of sites and blogs created for the sole purpose of William/Skandar fandom so it's not like they have no place to go.

btw, I'd like to mention that all four children/young adults did a great job in Narnia, not just the guys. Girls always tend to leave our fellow ladies in the shadows for a cute guy! :D
For some of us, part of the charm of the movie is in pretending these folks really ARE Susan, Lucy, Peter and Edmund.

I don't want to think about some guy shouting, "That's a wrap! Save the light!" I don't want to think about them taking off the crowns and saying things like, "Dude those lights make me sweat like a pig! I'm hitting the showers."

Oh, and the fact that I'm 46 also has something to do with it. I want to have a nice cuppa tea with Mrs. Beaver and talk about our favorite episodes of "I Love Lucy."

What is that look for? I'm entitled to MY fantasy like you're entitled to YOURS! :D
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Chakal said:
What is that look for? I'm entitled to MY fantasy like you're entitled to YOURS!
LOL! You're a fan-boy, Chakal!

I think it's sweet all the teens and pre-teens who come here and act goofy. As long as they stay over in the cast area, they don't bother anybody. I agree with Christine Marie.
I do not want people to think that i like the movies because of William.....I love Narnia and have been a fan for as long as i can remember.......I wish I would have thought about my name b4 i made it abbyluvswilliam does make me sound like a very obsessed girl who thinks she is gonna meet him....i know i am never gonna meet him and i am ok w/ that I am way more obsessed w/ Narnia than I am w/ William, hes just a crush I'll eventually forget about him, never will I forget about Narnia!
Iamnotjustdreaming said:
Hello, I dont think I am alone but I am seriously getting sick of all the topics about Will and Skandar.

As a guy I am sick of seeing everything about "how cute" or "how hot" William and Skandar are.

The world is NOT all about movie stars and hot guys.

Honestly, what chance do any of you guys have with a movie star? It isnt because you guys arent great people or arent good enough it is just that we all (movie stars included) only know a limited amount of people in their life.
In my whole life I will probably only meet about maybe 1-2 thousand people. This is out of over 6 billion people. That is meeting only 1/3,000,000 of the worlds population. This isnt even accounting for people who die and people who are born (adding to the amount of people who have lived during my lifespan).

My point is not to break hearts it is just to bring some of you guys back to reality. There are hot girls and guys everywhere in just about every school if that is what you care about. Honestly does it even matter if someone is hot or not? THere is so much more to life than hot guys or hot girls. I like girls for personality. Sure good looks are nice but they arent the most important thing.

My wish is just for people to stop obsessing about people that they more than likely will not ever meet in their life.

Note: I am 14 so I understand like thinking teenage actors are hot but seriously be realistic and look at it in a realistic point of view.

I just think that people like me who actually came to forums like this to talk about the books, movies and other relevent things shouldnt have to wade through seeing things about skandar and william in every other thread.

If you agree please post or if you just want to kill me for this...


You’re absolutely, utterly, entirely, exceptionally, completely, and totally right.
Get a life, everyone ;)

I think you need to remember that words can be hurtful.......everyone is opinionated....if everyone thought the same thing this would not be a forum, a forum is to talk about other peoples opinions!
well, as a forum for other people's opinions, this is someone's opinion in regard to fan obsessions. if people have the right to post why they like will, skandar, james, or anyone else, than these guys have the right to post why they're sick of reading them. and just so everyone knows, iamnotjustdreaming posted this thread quite a while ago, when things were getting out of control. they aren't perfect now, but with the "ite" threads, its calmed down a little. when he started this there was a new i luv skandie thread every single hour it seemed. so let people state their opinions and take them with a grain of salt.
And I thought Skandarite was a light gray crumbly ore of Selenium found in northern Wisconsin. Shows what I know....

Do you know the worth of Narnian Nitrate? The tickets after 6:00 PM are cheaper than the Matinee.... :D
oh, you're absolutely right about skandarite. however, skandarnites are a type of soil sediment. its one that contains a variety of particles that separately have no intrinsic value but when placed together create an image that has an appeal to a select group of people. surprisingly, after numerous tests, it has been found that this particular soil sediment appeals most to female homosapiens between the age of 10 and 15. ;-)
Dora_the_explora said:
Just because you're a boy. Seriously, if you are a girl I bet you'll be slobbering all over him!!

Girls always complain about how sexist boys are!
I'm a teenage boy and I don't drool over Anna Popplewell!
Can't we have some nice threads about how sweet Georgie Henley is for a change??? :eek:
there is one danny, its in the cast and crew section.

oh and chakal, have you heard of the new cleaning product of willite? it apparently is all the rage. it has incredible cleaning power, and is great for polishing those faded silver surfaces. rubs them so sparkly.
I was glad to see somebody finally make a thread about this! I haven't even been here that long, but I have defintely noticed how many "wow, they're so hot" threads about William and Skandar. I'm a teenage girl, and I know how ya'll feel. I went through that whole thing a few years ago, except with Orlando Bloom. *rolls eyes*

I know that every good-looking guy that comes out in a movie is going to be the obsession of teen chicks for quite a while. But sometimes I get tired of all the threads. =)
thank you thank you thank you!!!!! **kisses feet** it was about time someone brought it up... nothing against them but sometimes i have second thoguhts on posting on this forum. it sometimes feel like a skandar/will forum instead of a narnia forum.
I find all the posts annoying and the names that are like "Williamsgurl" or whatever. But what is even more annoying is that most topics that have some real merit and call for some sort of a debate get a small bit of attention. Yet any thread about William or Skander gets pages upon pages within the first hour of opening up. I think that's pretty sad. There's nothing wrong with liking the actors and drooling over them, but there is a point to draw the line.
Three things once sent forth can never be recalled...the spilled wine, the sped arrow and the spoken word. -- Ancient Greek Axiom.

Once you hit "New Thread" you lose control of your newborn baby. He or she may grow into a nose-ring wearing goth with colored hair spikes and a taste for black leather. And you're not allowed to shoot them. :D
Chakal said:
Three things once sent forth can never be recalled...the spilled wine, the sped arrow and the spoken word. -- Ancient Greek Axiom.

Once you hit "New Thread" you lose control of your newborn baby. He or she may grow into a nose-ring wearing goth with colored hair spikes and a taste for black leather. And you're not allowed to shoot them. :D
uhh... i don't get it? :confused:
In other words once you start a thread you lose control of it. Period. Unless you're a mod. In which case you feel righteous indignation and look for sinners to smite. :D